Message: #139080
Аннета Эссекс » 23 Jul 2017, 12:25

Health benefits of cycling

one-unit increase in body mass index (BMI) corresponded to an 800-pound or 8% decrease in income levels. So grab a couple of BMIs on your bike and start making money.

18 Avoid pollution

It may seem that in the city a cyclist inhales significantly more dirt than drivers and passengers in cars emitting poisonous gases. This is not the case, according to a study conducted at Imperial College London. The researchers found that passengers in buses, taxis and cars inhale significantly more pollution than cyclists and pedestrians.
On average, taxi passengers breathe air containing more than 100,000 ultrafine particles per cubic centimeter - particles that can settle in the lungs and damage cells. Bus passengers breathe air containing slightly less than 100,000 of these particles, people in cars breathe about 40,000. A cyclist breathes air containing about 8,000 ultrafine particles. particles per 1 cm3. It is believed that cyclists inhale less smoke because they ride on the edge of the roadway, as opposed to drivers who are directly in the exhaust line.
19 Healthy communication with family

The whole family can ride bicycles. The smallest can be seated in a special chair or towed on a trailer. Nothing prevents the older generation from joining, since the load on the joints is low.
In addition, your cycling habit can sow the seeds of future Bradley Wiggins or Nicole Cooke (British sports stars). Research shows, not surprisingly, that parents' choices of physical activity affect children. If your child sees that you ride regularly, he will know that this is normal and will want to follow your example.

20 Eating Without Guilt

It is unlikely that your doctor will advise you to increase the amount of salt in your food, but this is what you need to do a few days before a big trip or sporting event. You will have a great excuse to eat chips and salty foods that you usually avoid. The sodium they contain will protect your body from hyponatremia, a condition caused by drinking too much fluid without enough sodium, which can lead to disorientation, illness, or even worse.

21 Improve performance in any sport

Whether you want to stay in top shape, or just improve your tennis game once a week, spinning in the saddle is a good place to start. A recent study from Norway was titled "Aerobic Endurance Training Increases Football Performance", ie. it is clear that the bicycle provides a huge boost and advantage in other sports and physical activities.

22 Make a Creative Breakthrough

Writers, musicians, artists, company managers, professionals of all types use physical activity to clear mental blocks and make the right decisions, including Jeremy Paxman, Sir Alan Sugar and the Spandau Ballet. A study has shown that just 25 minutes of aerobic exercise enhances at least one type of creative thinking. This is explained by the flow of oxygen to the brain at a time when it is very important, the excitation of nerve cells and the space in which you can breathe, away from the turmoil and pressure of "real life".

23 Opportunity to help others

Many cyclists use their health, fitness and determination to raise donations for those less fortunate. The London-Brighton Marathon has raised over £40m for the British Heart Foundation since they've been linked; many other cycling events raise money for worthy causes.

24 Get in shape without a lot of effort

Regular daily cycling has huge benefits that justify forgoing an expensive fitness center membership. According to the National Forum of the Coronary Heart Foundation (USA), regularly exercising cyclists have the physical form of people 10 years younger.

25 Strengthen the lungs

It is known that the lungs work much more when a person rides a bicycle. An adult on a bicycle uses about 10 times more oxygen than if he sat in front of the TV for the same amount of time. Even better, regular cycling strengthens the cardiovascular system, teaches the heart and lungs to work more efficiently and deliver more oxygen when it's needed, and faster. This means you can do more with less effort. How do you like this?

26 Burn Fat

Sports physiologists have found that metabolic rate - the efficiency with which the body burns calories and fat - not only increases during cycling, but also remains high for several hours afterward. "Even after cycling for 30 minutes, you'll be burning more calories for hours after you stop," says sports physiologist Mark Simpson of Lugborough University.
As your fitness improves, the benefits will become deeper. Recent studies have shown that cyclists who include fast intervals in their workouts burn fat 3.5 times faster than those who ride at a constant low speed.

27 Useful Bad Habit

Replace harmful addictions - smoking, alcohol, excessive consumption of chocolate - with a positive addiction, says William Glasser, author of Positive Addiction. Result? You will become a happier and healthier person, improve your life and enhance its good sides.

28 Legal high

The famous "runner's high", once thought to be a myth, proven by German scientists without any doubt. And despite the name, this effect happens to all endurance athletes. Neuroscientists at the University of Bonn imaged endorphins in the brains of 10 volunteers before and after a two-hour cardio workout using a technique called positive emission tomography (PET). Comparing pre- and post-workout scans, they found evidence of elevated levels of narcotic happiness hormones in the frontal and limbic areas of the brain - i.e. in those areas that are associated with emotions and the experience of stress.
"There is a direct relationship between feelings of well-being and exercise, and for the first time this study shows that there is a physiological mechanism behind this effect," explains study coordinator Prof. Henning Boeker.

29 Make friends and be healthy

The social side of skating can be just as beneficial as the exercise itself. Researchers at the University of California found that socializing releases the hormone oxytacin, which moderates the fight-or-flight response.
Another study conducted by Harvard Medical School, which lasted 9 years, showed that people who have many friends have a 60% lower risk of early death, lower blood pressure and a stronger immune system. The results were so significant that the researchers concluded that the absence of friends or close trusted people is just as unhealthy as smoking or being overweight. Throw in the element of cycling fitness and you're on your way to victory.

30 Be Happy

Even if you are in a bad mood when you get on your bike, it will improve after a few kilometers. "Light to moderate physical activity of any kind releases natural endorphins that make you feel better, help you cope with stress, and make you feel happy," explains Andrew McCulloch, CEO of the Mental Health Foundation. This is why community physicians are four times more likely to recommend exercise therapy for depression today than they were 3 years ago. "Just three sessions a week for 30 minutes can be enough to give a person a lift."

31 Tired? go for a ride

Doesn't sound intuitive, but if you are too tired to ride, the best thing you can do is go for a ride. Physical activity, even for a few minutes, will surprisingly return you to vigor. A review of 12 studies looking at links between fatigue and exercise conducted between 1945 and 2005 found that exercise directly reduces fatigue.

32 Have quality time with your partner

It doesn't matter if your theme is different - drive slower and enjoy each other's company. Many couples go on one or two date trips a week. And it makes sense, the movement releases feel-good hormones, after the trip you will experience warm feelings for each other, even if he does not lower the toilet seat or her hair clogs the sink again. A joint trip is also a good opportunity to talk. It's better than watching Strictly Come Dancing on TV, isn't it?

33 It doesn't depend on the weather

Rain, sun, wind - forget the forecasts, you can ride in almost any weather. Just remove or add an extra layer of sportswear and look at the weather as an obstacle that can and should be overcome.

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