Message: #92020
Аннета Эссекс » 24 Mar 2017, 22:28

Perfect buttocks: a complex for those who have little time

Do not waste time buying and testing various products that will magically give your buttocks firmness and get rid of cellulite. Miracles do not happen, only an integrated approach to the problem can make you irresistible. Performing simple exercises, combined with proper anti-cellulite nutrition, can give your “fifth point” elasticity and make women envy you, and men turn around after you.
The exercises below do not require a lot of time, they can be performed between tasks, in pauses between household tasks, and some even on the street, in crowded places!
1. Fast walking. Instead of calmly and imposingly strolling through the supermarket, take your “legs in hand” and exercise your gluteal muscles with vigorous walking, straining them in the corresponding leg with each strong step.
2. Keep tension. At a desk in the office, on the couch at home, doing makeup in front of a mirror or in the car, you can do isometric exercise without any problems: just sit up straight or stand up and squeeze your buttocks tightly, hold tight for a few seconds and release. Repeat 5-10 times.
3. Perfection. This exercise is perfect for a little morning exercise. On the floor, while lying on your stomach, raise your right arm and left leg at the same time. Then left arm and right leg. Make sure that the back does not bend too much, and the abdominal muscles remain tense. Repeat 3 times.
4. Up and down. An excellent exercise, and not only for the buttocks, but also for the back and especially the press, have been and will be classic “twisting”. This exercise is best done with the help of a partner. But if there is suddenly no one in your area of ​​​​action, improvise with the help of a sofa or a battery. Your legs should be tightly clamped or under support. Put your hands behind your head and tighten your buttocks. Raise your upper body almost to your knees 10 times and lower it to the floor, but not completely.
5. Strong soft spot. The easiest and at the same time the most effective strength exercise is ordinary squats. The so-called “door squat” is a slight variation on the classic exercise: you hold onto the doorknob with both hands and slowly arch back as if you want to sit on a chair. The upper body remains straight at all times. Due to the fact that at the same time exercise, we can bend back very much and with the help of door handles we still stand firmly on our feet, the gluteal muscles train much better than with ordinary squats. Just make sure that the door is securely closed, otherwise you risk falling if the door opens or accidentally someone curious decides to open it a little.
6. Express lifting. In this exercise, you should lie on your back with your knees bent and, while lifting your pelvis and chest, try to get your hips, buttocks, back and knees to form one line. Just lie down in this position for 5 minutes, while the chest should not fall! As an addition, you can also extend one of the legs forward. Repeat 10-20 times on each side.
7. Running in the water. Perhaps in summer this exercise is pleasant, but at other times of the year it is quite feasible and very useful: in the pool for beginners, enter the water about chest deep and … run! You will be able to notice how your butt will pull up before your eyes! Also, this type of running is useful after injuries, because it does not burden the joints.

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