Message: #114561
Аннета Эссекс » 19 May 2017, 00:07

Effective exercises to reduce the waist

Someone smiled now. But there is a category of women who are not happy with this joke. And the thing is that they do not have a thin “aspen” waist, from which all the men in the district would lose their heads. Of course, not everyone is destined to be embossed like an hourglass. But sometimes you really want to tighten your belt tighter in the literal and not figurative sense. Dont be upset. It is still possible to do something to return the waist of harmony. We mean exercises to reduce the waist, which will polish your figure day after day, like the skillful hands of a sculptor.

Are you already mentally trying on a short skirt with a wide belt? Take your time. First, imagine yourself on a treadmill. Now put on the hula hoop. Complete the virtual picture with long press swings and you can consider that you are mentally prepared for the fight for harmony. Now it’s time to move on to practical exercises to reduce the waist.

Key to a successful workout

Before laying out a fitness mat on the floor, let’s talk about how to make waist reduction workouts more effective.

Classes will not have a result if they are not logged in. Did you promise yourself to study every day at 10 am? So, do it, and do not come up with excuses for skipping workouts. This is the hardest part to get right. It is difficult to maintain a rigid schedule and daily stress after so many years of inactivity. Of course, you can afford to replace the exercise mat with a soft and cozy sofa. This is your choice. But be prepared for the fact that at corporate parties colleagues will not see you in seductive tight-fitting dresses, and a slender waist will remain in your dreams.
Don’t overdo it. We understand that this condition slightly contradicts the previous one. But here we are not talking about the regularity of classes, but about the intensity of the loads. Do not train to exhaustion on the first day. Otherwise, in the morning you will not only not be able to repeat the exercises, but you will also have difficulty moving around.
You won’t be able to shrink your waist if you reward yourself with fried chicken or mashed potatoes after your workout. Moreover, extra centimeters appeared precisely thanks to tasty and not very healthy food. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, moderate your appetite. You don’t live at the North Pole, do you? Then why do you need such a solid fat reserve?
For To make training more effective, constantly take measurements of the waist and enter them in a separate notebook. You yourself will not notice how much benefit the so-called “weight loss diary” will bring. Open it whenever you don’t feel like studying, and the magic of numbers will take its toll.

Slim Waist Exercises

Tilts. The simplest and most effective exercise to reduce waist size. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and begin to lean from side to side without lifting your feet from the floor. For the first five minutes, the hands are not involved during the exercise. On the second cycle of classes, raise your hands up and continue moving from side to side. Do you feel how the oblique abdominal muscles tense up? The next day, you can speed up the slopes or make them deeper.
Twisting. Stay in the same position you were in before. Throw your hands behind your head. Close your palms “in the lock” on the back of your head. Now begin to turn the body from side to side as if the man of your dreams is standing behind you, and you definitely need to see him. Just don’t take your feet off your body.
We’re just evaluating a potential fiancé. Running after your dream will be in neighboring exercises.

Now let’s imagine that the man behind you was so stunning that you passed out at his feet. Let’s not show our weakness, and turn limp lying on the floor into an effective exercise. Bend your knees. The feet are still firmly planted on the floor. Hands are thrown behind the head. As if you are lying on a sunny lawn and listening to the trills of birds. Now imagine that a fly has landed on you. Your task is to group the body.
Raise the body (hands still behind the head), legs bent at the knees and pressed to the body as much as possible. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Your whole body should tense up. Tired? Return to starting position.

Do not rush to get up from the floor. You still have time to catch up with the man of your dreams. First you need to get a slender waist, and then storm the harsh male heart. So bend your knees. Stretch your arms along the body. Now lift your butt off the floor. The head remains on the mat. Hold your body upright for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise several times.
And keep lying down again. Only this time you will need to roll over on your stomach. Close your hands “in the lock” at the back of your head. Now lift your torso off the mat. Hard? It’s still flowers. Now turn the body first in one direction, then in the other direction. Don’t worry if this exercise seems overwhelming at first.
The first two weeks, you can simplify the task and just raise the torso (no twists). After regular exercise, your muscles will get stronger, and you can easily not only keep your body on weight, but also turn it from side to side.

Next on the list is the indispensable hula hoop. No need to get scared. The main mistake women make when using this hoop is that they immediately try to choose the heaviest model. Metal, with heavy spikes and sand inside. Such a combination even sounds fierce. And at the waist, such a hula hoop turns into a real instrument of torture. Do you need it?

Take the lightweight version of the plastic hula hoop from your daughter and start practicing. Just keep in mind that you need to twist the hoop for at least half an hour. Only then will he magically put your waist back in place. No need to say that you have no time, and an extra half an hour in the load for the main exercises is an unaffordable luxury. No one says that you need to twist the hula hoop immediately after the main classes. Give this part of the exercise the other half of your free time.

For example, the one where you watch the next series on local television. You don’t have to turn off the TV. Just stand up and spin the hoop while watching the entire movie. So you can quite combine business with pleasure.

Have you been exercising for a long time, but the waist has not manifested itself? Maybe this is really the machinations of nature, and not fried pies with potatoes? After all, not all women can boast of a relief body. Some are endowed with a wide bone from birth, and no amount of exercise helps to correct the situation. Don’t be upset if you are one of them. After all, happiness is not at all in a wasp waist. Look around. How many unfortunate women with gorgeous figures are around!

Therefore, stop fighting windmills and pay attention to the dignity of your body. Maybe you should emphasize the harmony of the legs? Or the exciting chest of the fourth size, which men so often stare at? Dare!

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