Message: #280209
Аннета Эссекс » 17 Dec 2017, 19:07

How to pump up back muscles

Experienced gym goers do not forget to pump the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. And the back? Often the area above the waist is not given due attention. But in vain, because a strong back is the key to excellent posture, which allows you to look more slender and tall. Work on your back muscles to look perfect from behind – from head to toe.

Even those athletes who include back exercises in their workout neglect pull-ups. Meanwhile, this is an excellent exercise for the upper body. It allows you to simultaneously pump all the muscles of the back, arms and chest. And what a reason for pride will appear if you can pull yourself up more than once or twice!
It is difficult to start pulling up immediately on a high horizontal bar, especially if you have never played sports. Therefore, to begin with, place the bar at the level of the upper chest. Stand close to the horizontal bar and grab the bar wider than your shoulders, turning your palms away from you. Straighten your legs and stretch them forward. Hang on your hands, keep your body straight. Point your feet up. Pull yourself up to the bar, bending your elbows.

To make it easier for you to work, pull your elbows towards your body, not your chin towards the bar. It’s easier from a biomechanical point of view. The body should be tense throughout the entire lift. Touch the bar with your chest and slowly lower yourself to the starting position. The wider your palms are on the bar, the greater the load on your back.

Having mastered the rise to the low bar, begin to pull yourself up in a jump. Set the bar so that it is at the base of your palm when you raise your straight arm up. Stand up to the horizontal bar and grab the bar a little wider than your shoulders. Turn your palms away from you. Bend your knees slightly to fully extend your arms. Jump up and pull yourself up, lifting your chin over the bar. Lower yourself slowly and smoothly. Do 3 sets of 10-15 reps. Gradually increase the number of pull-ups.

To work out the middle section of the back in more detail, you will need dumbbells.

Take them in your hands, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows, turn your palms inward. Now bend over so that the body becomes parallel to the floor, tighten the press. Pull your shoulder blades back and spread your arms to shoulder level. Do not change the angle of bending at the elbows. At the end of the movement, the palms should look down. Slowly put your hands down.

Your movements should resemble the wings of a butterfly, this exercise is called “butterfly”. It further strengthens the back of the shoulders.

Hyperextensions will help to give your back a perfect look. This exercise helps to work out the long muscles that run along the spine and stabilize the lower back.

Lie down on a hyperextension bench so that the support is at the level of the upper thighs. The feet should be firmly on the stand, and the ankles should be fixed with a roller. You can hold your hands in front of your chest or press your hands to your temples. Tilt your body down. Then slowly, tensing your back muscles, rise so that the body forms a straight line from the heels to the back of the head. Repeat the exercise 12-15 times.

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