Message: #72619
Лена Калининград » 09 Feb 2017, 19:22

Beautiful legs: how to pump up the inner thighs

Beautiful and slender legs can be made regardless of height and physique, all you need is to be able to work out certain muscle groups correctly and well.

Of course, it is better to do this in the gym and assign separate workouts to work out the legs (experts advise working out different muscle groups on separate days, doing the maximum number of approaches with the required number of repetitions), which will give the most visible result in a short period of time.

But the muscles of the legs, unlike all other muscle groups on our body, can be perfectly worked out at home – there are a huge number of exercises for this (running, squats, etc.). However, many people know very few exercises for the legs and do not know how to perform them correctly. When working with the legs, you need to get rid of the fat layer, otherwise even tough workouts will not give the desired result.

For burning excess weight in the gym, the so-called cardio simulators are excellent – orbitreks, treadmills, steppers, etc. Regular or interval running at the stadium, the street will also help you burn extra calories and lose weight. If there is no excess weight and you just want to get slender legs with a beautiful, moderately developed relief, then you can not get hung up on such simulators.

You can use cardio equipment before, during and after your workout. Even if you run more than you planned, this will not take you away from success. In order to pump the inside of the thigh as quickly and well as possible, you need to squat a lot with your legs wide apart. But everything is not so simple, there are a lot of options for squats in the gym or at home. Consider the most popular and effective ones. In the gym, you can pump the inner part of the thigh in the Smith simulator. To do this, you need to take a working weight or an empty bar, if you are just starting to practice, stand under it so that it is at the level of the back and the buttocks do not go beyond the structure. In this case, the bar must be carefully brought on the trapezium of the shoulders so that it lies comfortably.

Feet should be placed wider than shoulder levels, or you can put them close to the edges of the structure. Socks are spread apart so that the foot is parallel to the bar. We begin to perform smooth squats.

The amplitude should be good, you need to squat down as much as possible, while working with the muscles of the inner surface hips.

If you squat low enough, there will be almost no effect. Squats in this technique can be performed without simulators at all, using other sports equipment.

Спина при приседаниях должна быть идеально ровной, иначе нагрузка ляжет на поясницу, спину и на что угодно, только не на внутреннюю поверхность hips.

We considered one option for working in the gym above the inner surface of the thigh, now let’s talk about how we can work out the muscles we need at home.

Дома можно очень быстро привести мышцы в тонус, если регулярно выполнять описанные далее упражнения.Проведя качественную разминку, мы начинаем разогревать мышцы ног и внутренней стороны hips. We perform squats in place, legs wide apart. Do 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions (look at your strength, you should not be lazy, otherwise everything will be in vain, but if these are the very first workouts, do not overdo it, otherwise everything will hurt very much the next day).

When you achieve the desired result (and this will certainly happen if efforts are made), then you will feel not only a surge of physical energy, but also self-satisfaction, self-esteem will increase and there will be a desire to develop, as well as play sports.

Having warmed up the muscles well, we move on to a very interesting and original exercise:

Our position remains the same as in the first variant of squats, but now, having crouched to the maximum possible amplitude, we do not stand on two legs, as we did before, but begin to alternately raise one leg, then returning to the lower point.
This exercise is similar in execution to how sumo wrestlers squat and works very effectively. You not only work the inner thighs, but also do a little stretching for the legs, and the muscles need to be kneaded and stretched both before and after the exercise.

Work to the maximum, as much as you can, but without fanaticism.
Then we do the hardest squats. If you are not comfortable doing them, then it is better to warm up again.
Занимаем нашу прежнюю позицию, присев с широко расставленными ногами и развернутыми носками, плавно опускаемся до максимума и слегка подпрыгиваем, немного распрямляя ноги, затем плавно приседаем и опять выталкиваем себя внутренними мышцами hips. At the same time, in order to maximize performance effective, we carefully monitor breathing, which is of great importance in working on muscles. When we squat, we take a deep breath, and when pushing out, we exhale all the air from the lungs.
Our final exercise is jumping from one foot to another with a wide stance and crossing.
We get into a position in which we squatted all the time, but you can put your legs a little narrower, otherwise you can lose balance or dislocate your leg when jumping. Then we take the right leg to the side and start it behind the left. We swing our right foot in the opposite direction, making a jump at the same time. Then we immediately start the left for the right and repeat everything in the same way only in the opposite direction. You should feel the right muscles of the inner thigh and try to work with them.

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