Message: #40525
Настя Питер » 24 Nov 2016, 18:16

7 ways to remove stretch marks on the buttocks

Stretch marks, or striae, are an unpleasant phenomenon that most women face. Usually stretch marks are localized on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. They appear due to a sharp increase in body weight, including during pregnancy. Often there are striae that have arisen as a result of a serious hormonal failure or restructuring. At first, the stripes have a burgundy, brown or purple hue, and over time they lighten and acquire the texture of the scar. It is almost impossible to remove old stretch marks if you do not resort to modern technologies among cosmetology services. Therefore, it makes sense to start fighting stretch marks even at the moment when the skin has just “torn”, and the stretch marks themselves are dark and have a pronounced intense color. During pregnancy, it is better for women to use natural oils and vitamin oil solutions to avoid the appearance of stretch marks. 1.Coffee scrub. Coffee grounds or simple ground powder powerfully regenerates soft tissues and dermis. In addition, with such a massage, blood circulation and microcirculation are enhanced, which contributes to smoothing the skin, its rapid healing and prevention of scarring. Coffee scrub is perfect for those women who have just discovered stretch marks. However, during pregnancy, such a procedure is categorically not recommended! To carry it out, mix coffee pomace with 1 tbsp. oils (olive, wheat germ, almond). You can also add a few drops of citrus essential oil for additional healing and fat burning. While taking a shower, actively massage the problem areas with the resulting mass, devoting at least 5 minutes to each of them. To get rid of stretch marks on your bum, massage it especially hard using firm, circular motions. After taking a shower with a scrub, do not forget to apply moisturizing or softening milk to the body. 2 Mummy. One of the most effective ways to get rid of stretch marks is the use of mummy. Be careful: tableted mummy is definitely not suitable! The product must be chosen exclusively natural, with a characteristic rich color and smell. Usually such a tool is sold in small briquettes. It is necessary to separate a small part of it (about 1/4) and mix with 25 g of regular baby cream. Mix thoroughly until homogeneous substance. A mixture with mummy should be smeared on problem areas after a shower so that the skin is warm and steamed. Rub the cream with mummy with massage movements until absorbed. Course – 30 days. 3 grape oil. With stretch marks, concentrated grape seed oil is excellent. This tool can be purchased at any pharmacy. Lubricate their buttocks after shower procedures, try to do a light pinching and stroking massage. The combination with coffee scrub is especially effective. 4 wraps. This home procedure will help to cope not only with stretch marks formed on the buttocks, but also eliminate orange peel and excess fat. To prepare the mixture, combine red or white clay with water to make a porridge-like mass. Enter crushed walnut leaves, concentrated pure aloe juice and a little oil (preferably wheat germ, or grape seed). Mix the ingredients thoroughly, apply on the buttocks and wrap the area with cling film. Do not spare the material – the more layers of the film, the stronger the greenhouse effect, which brings the problem closer to complete elimination. On top of the film you need to put on warm pants, or wrap your hips with a woolen cloth. Such a wrap restricts movement, so it is better to cover yourself with a blanket and lie on your stomach during the procedure. With the mixture and film, you need to stand for 20-25 minutes, then rinse the body with warm water (do not use soap!) And grease with cream or oil. 5 baths. With stretch marks, special baths with sea salt are excellent. You can purchase flavored salt, dilute it in a proportion of 250 g per 60 liters of water. It is useful to add a few drops of essential oil, which has regenerating properties, to such a bath. Pay attention to the oil of patchouli, grapefruit, ylang-ylang, mint, cedar and eucalyptus. Take a therapeutic bath for at least 15-20 minutes. The course is 3 weeks, taking into account several baths in seven days. 6 Proper nutrition. To smooth out stretch marks, it is important to eat right. Pay special attention to vitamins that increase skin elasticity. These include “beauty vitamins” A and E, as well as B vitamins. If your body does not get enough of these substances from food sources, it is recommended to use ready-made multivitamin preparations. Among products, give preference to unrefined vegetable oils, seafood, meat and liver, vegetables and nuts. 7 Massage. Self-massage is an excellent remedy for various skin defects. In order to massage against stretch marks in the buttocks, use special mixtures and creams based on kelp and other algae. You can use natural liquid honey, if you do not have allergies and serious diseases. Massage the problem area for 15 minutes daily, and an amazing result will not keep you waiting long.

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