Message: #68854
Аннета Эссекс » 04 Feb 2017, 15:22

Darrem Charles Triceps Workout

No one can talk about triceps training better than Darrem Charles, an athlete who has reached great heights. And the reason for this is the fact that for a long time his triceps developed very slowly, so he had to pay a lot of attention to them. Through trial and error, Darrem Charles spent several years choosing those exercises that would be most effective for the triceps. This article lists five tips he can share after these long years.

His first piece of advice is to warm up well before exercising. Before starting an intense workout, Darrem does 2 sets of exercises to warm up the triceps. These exercises will help to avoid injury, as the elbow joints are most at risk when using heavy loads.

Tip number 2 – work out all areas of the triceps. If we take into account the fact that the triceps serves to extend the arms, then the conclusion suggests itself that it consists of one muscle group. In reality, the triceps are made up of three different muscle groups that respond differently to exercise. In order to engage all three muscle groups, you should perform exercises with a specialization in a particular bundle.
The third tip says that you should choose the right position when doing the exercise. The correct position is to keep the elbows, shoulders and wrists still, moving only the forearm, doing the work exclusively with the triceps.

Tip #4: “Make sure your arms are fully extended.” You should fix the position of the arms with their full extension for 1-2 seconds, since in this position the contraction of the triceps is maximum. The reverse fold should be done slowly without haste. During the performance of this or that exercise, it is worth monitoring not the flexion and extension of the arms, but their full straightening.

The fact that you should gradually change the exercise, says the fifth advice of Darrem Charles. He recommends alternating weekly exercises, using light and more complex exercises in your program. From time to time, you need to switch to completely new exercises, causing stress in the muscles. Thus, diversity is introduced into training and muscle growth is accelerated.

Darrem Charles, in addition to all this, advises to devote enough time to posing. Not so much for make sure as a result of training, how much in order to be more confident during the competition.

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