Message: #76278
Аннета Эссекс » 15 Feb 2017, 13:55

Cecie Squats

Sisi squats are a specific exercise designed to develop the lower quadriceps of the thigh. It is very important to correctly evaluate the goals that can be pursued by including such squats in your training program. This is not just an isolation exercise, it is an exercise that is performed without additional weights, or with very little weight. Most likely you will use it during your workouts to adjust proportions, or as one of the exercises in a superset. In any case, this exercise is not intended to stimulate hypertrophy of muscle fibers, so there is no need to chase weights or give it excessive importance! Include this exercise only as an optional and, at the same time, only if you need to work out the lower part of the quadriceps.

Sisi squats are not recommended for athletes with knee injuries, as there is enough load on the knees. Yes, you are doing the exercise with your own weight, but when you weigh over 90kg, then this weight is enough for your knees to start to “creak”. In any case, squats should be performed slowly and under control in order to engage slow muscle fibers, as well as avoid injury to the knee joint. The exercise can be performed as a warm-up before heavy barbell squats. The exercise also develops coordination of movements and helps to increase flexibility, besides, it stretches the muscles well, so they can close the leg workout.

Work of muscles and joints

The main load during the performance of sisi squats is received by the quadriceps of the thigh, and mainly the lower part of the quadriceps, but the calf muscles are also involved. Unlike many other squats, during which the center of gravity is located in the heel and outer part of the foot, in this case the athlete rests his toes on the floor, while the knee goes far beyond the line of the toes. Actually, this alone is already enough to, from the point of view of biomechanics, load the knee joint, therefore, we emphasize once again, the exercise is performed without additional weights. The unusual form of doing these squats forces you to stick to a wall or some other object, because otherwise you simply won’t be able to save. equilibrium.

There are two joints: knee and ankle, which have pros and cons. The main disadvantage is the risk of injury and, as a result, the inability of sissy squats to use additional weights. The advantage is that it is possible to stretch the ankle very well, so the exercise is also performed in order to make it easier to keep the center of gravity in the heels while doing classic barbell squats. In this case, by the way, it is also allowed to use small pancakes in order to substitute them under the heel, as this will help to complete the exercise more easily. In any case, the priority is always the correct execution technique and the slow speed of flexion and extension of the knee joint.
1) Stand near a wall or Swedish wall so that you can comfortably hold on to a support during the exercise.
2) Put your feet already shoulder-length, you can even press your toes and heels to each other, but the knee and toe should always look in the same direction, and in this case forward.
3) Arch your back at the waist, push your chest forward and lift your head to maintain proper posture throughout the entire range of motion.
4) Lifting the heel off the floor and shifting the center of gravity to the socks, tilt your back back, and take your legs forward, bending them at the knee joint.
5) When the biceps femoris begins to come into contact with the calf muscles, begin the reverse movement to return to the starting position.

Sisi squats – notes

1) The exercise should be performed due to muscle effort, and not due to mechanical inertia, so the speed of squatting should be slow.
2) Breathing technique is usual: inhale in the negative phase, exhale with effort.
3) If sisi squats are the first exercise in a workout, then warm up the knee joints before doing them.
4) It is recommended to perform the exercise in a large number of repetitions, until a slight burning sensation.
5) If you feel discomfort in the knee joint, then it is better not to do such squats, since they are not at all a mandatory exercise in bodybuilding.


The quadriceps is one of the largest muscles in the human body and consists of as many as four heads, so you need to train it a lot and in a variety of ways. Sisi squats allow you to accentuate that part quadriceps, which is usually underutilized, in addition, the load that this exercise accumulates is unusual. Due to the fact that an unusual load creates unusual stress, then, despite the absence of additional weights, such specific squats can help break through stagnation in the growth of leg muscle mass, or help adjust the proportions of the quadriceps heads. At the same time, the exercise is not basic, so whether or not to use it in your workouts is up to you.

Summing up, we can say that sissy squats are designed to solve specific problems and are not suitable for all athletes, but under certain conditions they can be very effective. The exercise should be performed at a slow pace, without weights, qualitatively feeling the contraction of muscle fibers. The technique for performing the exercise is quite unusual, but it must be followed exactly, otherwise you can get injured in the knee joint. If your knees do not bother you, then you can perform such squats before a heavy leg workout to warm up your knees and, accordingly, prevent injury. We won’t recommend this exercise, but it’s worth a try!

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