Message: #55651
Аннета Эссекс » 13 Jan 2017, 19:33

Causes of pain in the calf muscles

Pain in the calf muscles of the legs periodically manifests itself in athletes who are engaged in a sport that involves an increased load on the legs. On the anterior surface of the lower leg are gastrocnemius and soleus.

Both end in the Achilles tendon, which is attached to the heel tubercle. The calf muscle helps lift the heel when walking and support the body in an upright position. This is the function of the calf muscle.

Pain in the calf muscle is often the cause of displaced discs in the spine. there is pain that is transmitted to the legs, but the spine itself does not hurt.

The muscle can also tear. This happens either during heavy lifting or during a sudden fall. Intramuscular rupture of the gastrocnemius muscle occurs as follows:

The athlete hears a strong click, there is an unbearable sharp pain in the calf area. In such cases, it is advised to apply cold. The first day after the injury, it is advisable to apply ice every 2-3 hours. The limb must be immobilized. For the next three days, cold is also needed, but it should not be applied so often.

Only after a few days you can apply special warming ointments and dressings.

It all depends on the extent of the gap. If it is large and the process is fresh, then you can sew the muscle. This is necessary if your sport involves serious stress on the lower body (walking, running, etc.). Functionality will not be reduced, this is a simple operation, and you will not be able to sit on sick leave for a long time.

A hematoma does not always manifest itself as a change in color on the skin and does not fester, it still exists.

It is easy to remove it with antibiotics, then the injury, if the rules of treatment are not followed, can become chronic, which means: meteosensitivity, pain during exertion. If the injury is not serious, that is, without a tendon rupture, you will still have to contact a traumatologist. Keep your leg still and apply ice.

While you are on sick leave, you can swing your arms, do those exercises where the legs are “not needed”. Sometimes surgery is required – depending on the gap, but this rarely happens. Then you have to gradually develop the leg. With a small gap, if 2-3 days later the pain is still bothering, it makes sense to see a doctor and check the veins for duplex scanning, because thrombophlebitis of the deep vein of the leg may develop.
If the pain goes away returns and is combined with other symptoms,

You need to go straight to the doctor. You may need to take tests. Quite often, doctors associate the first manifestations of aching pain with vascular disease. This can be triggered by high pressure due to violations of the outflow of venous blood – stagnation is formed, irritating the nerve endings, and pain occurs.

Stagnation of blood is caused by a lack of oxygen, accumulation of toxins in the vessels and muscles.

Each disease has its own characteristics and treatment must be strictly observed. Prevention against pain in the calf muscles includes the following recommendations:

Move more often. Walking is an important stage of pain in the calves (if the doctor has not forbidden). You need to force yourself to move through force. Every day, try to increase the distance. Then the pain will gradually recede.

Quit smoking.

Wear special medical socks. It is desirable that the materials are natural: cotton, linen, wool and silk.

For prevention, sometimes you need to do exercises for calves.

How to pump up the calf muscles?

Try to follow safety precautions while exercising. Calf muscles should be trained no more than twice a week (you can do it once). squats with a barbell, give an excellent load on the calf muscles. If you have calf exercises in your routine, you can reduce the load in other exercises.

But you need to slightly change the routine of working on cardio machines. Many bodybuilders switch to them after their main workout, this is not entirely correct. By overloading your muscles with exercise, you deplete them of cardio. However, if you move your cardio machines to the beginning of your workout, calf exercises will give you the best results.

A variety of simulators is not needed here. Remember the patterns of weight growth, yours and with whom you work. But one exercise is not enough. Remember that there are two muscles, and the exercise must also be performed for the internal soleus. best in sitting position. Bring your socks together, and put your heels apart, and rise on your toes. It is recommended to do three sets of 10 times. So you pump the volume and reduce the risk of sprains.

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