Message: #58158
Лена Калининград » 17 Jan 2017, 17:10

Strained calf muscles: causes, symptoms, treatment

Despite the fact that the calf muscle is able to withstand prolonged stress and heavy loads, and also has high elasticity and the ability to significantly and quickly stretch and then contract, it is very vulnerable and most often prone to such injury. cases, complete) rupture of the fibers of the muscle itself or denser connective tissue ligaments connecting it to the Achilles tendon. Causes of stretching of the gastrocnemius muscle. Simply put, the muscle ligament is damaged as a result of its excessive tension. For example, when falling, landing unsuccessfully after a jump or pushing from the ground, when performing stretching exercises without preliminary warming up the muscles (warm-up).2 Sharp physical exertion on a poorly warmed up calf muscle. In this case, the rupture of the fibers occurs as a result of a very strong muscle contraction. 3 Prolonged intense load on the muscle, leading to overwork and overstrain of the muscle fiber. 4 A strong blow to the lower leg, leading to open or closed damage to muscle tissue, ligaments, tendons. With a slight stretch muscles, the only symptom is aching pain, which is slightly aggravated by straining the lower leg and pushing the foot off the ground. Such sensations are often experienced by a beginner after the first workout. This pain is even considered useful, since the resulting micro-tears in small areas of the muscle fiber grow together quite quickly, and the muscle itself becomes more resilient and stronger. If the sprain on the leg (calf muscle) is more serious, then immediately after injury, acute pain occurs, resembling a direct blow to the shin and intensifying as damage to the muscle tissue spreads, for example, when repeating the exercise. It is difficult for a person who has received this injury to stand on tiptoe and bend (unbend) the foot. In case of more severe injuries (tendon rupture, complete rupture of ligaments or muscles), a characteristic crack or click can be heard, contractility completely disappears (it is impossible to stand on the leg, bring the foot).Often when sprained ligaments of the gastrocnemius muscle, due to internal damage to blood vessels, a hematoma, swelling (swelling) of the lower leg and ankle joint appears. The answer to the question of how to treat a sprained calf muscle depends on the severity of the injury. With “beginner stretching”, it is enough not to load the muscle until it is completely restored (until the pain disappears), which takes from 3 to 5 days. Then you can continue training, starting with minimal loads on the warmed up muscle. Sprains of the first degree (microtears in a small number of muscle fibers) and the second degree (partial rupture of muscle fibers) are treated conservatively for 2-3 weeks and 1-2 months. Stretching of the calf muscles of the third degree of severity (complete rupture of the muscle or tendon) is often treated by surgical intervention, and the full course of recovery takes from three months to six months. Immediately after injury to the calf muscle, that is, when you feel characteristic pain, you must stop movements associated with the load on the lower leg and ankle. To avoid internal hemorrhage and the development of hematomas, as well as an external analgesic, cold (ice, a bottle of cold water, frozen foods) should be applied to the site of pain for at least 20 minutes.
Ice should not be applied to the exposed area of ​​the skin in order to avoid damage to it (frostbite effect). Чтобы предотвратить отечность и опухание сустава, голень необходимо плотно перемотать эластичным бинтом.Сразу же после травмирования икроножной мышцы, то есть при ощущении характерной боли, необходимо прекратить какие-либо movements associated with the load on the lower leg and ankle. To avoid internal hemorrhage and the development of hematomas, as well as an external analgesic, cold (ice, a bottle of cold water, frozen foods) should be applied to the site of pain for at least 20 minutes.Ice should not be applied to the exposed area of ​​the skin in order to avoid damage to it (frostbite effect). To prevent swelling and swelling of the joint, the shin must be tightly rewound with an elastic bandage. Do not apply the bandage too tight, as this can lead to impaired blood circulation and hypoxia of the muscle tissue. in the knee joint, splint and immediately go to the emergency room, where after a series of studies (MRI, X-ray) the complexity of the injury will be established and qualified treatment will be prescribed. If a sprain occurs in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor who will professionally determine the symptoms. symptoms indicate an average severity of injury, then a rupture of the gastrocnemius muscle should be treated according to the following scheme: 1 Within two days after the injury, it is necessary to exclude any tension in the muscles of the lower leg (complete rest). To relieve pain, you can take analgesics (pain medications), but with severe swelling of the joint, aspirin and ibuprofen are contraindicated, as these drugs affect blood clotting. To reduce the development of swelling, the injured limb should be kept slightly above the level of the heart (for example, lying on the couch, put your foot on the past or on pillows). Every 4-6 hours apply cold for 15-20 minutes. Wear an elastic bandage throughout the day. Apply a cooling ointment or gel at night.2 Not earlier than 5-7 days after the complete disappearance of pain, in order to restore the elasticity and functionality of muscle fibers, it is necessary to do rubbing with warming ointments twice a day, which improve microcirculation in tissues. You should also knead the calf muscle with a light massage and simple warm-up exercises (for example, foot rotations).3 Physiotherapeutic procedures, such as diadynamic therapy, magnetotherapy, ultrasound treatment, significantly accelerate the recovery process.4 It is necessary to resume training and active rest after complete muscle recovery (no pain and discomfort during full-fledged movements of the knee and ankle joints). You should start with minimal loads on preheated muscles. If you experience discomfort or pain in the lower leg, you should immediately stop exercising, in order to avoid further injury.

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