Message: #76191
Аннета Эссекс » 15 Feb 2017, 11:08

Powerlifting Workouts

Powerlifting workouts are strength training designed to develop fast muscle fibers and strength performance. Strength indicators mean the ability of an athlete to perform basic exercises in one approach for one repetition. The basic exercises are: deadlift, squat and bench press. Once upon a time, the military press was included in the competitive movements, but due to the large number of injuries during the performance of this exercise, it was removed from the competitive powerlifting program. Nevertheless, the exercise develops strength indicators well, so this should be taken into account when drawing up a training program.

During powerlifting training, the athlete purposefully develops energy supply due to the breakdown of creatine phosphate, as well as fast muscle fibers. This method of energy supply is very costly in terms of energy efficiency, so the body uses it only in extreme cases, when other methods of energy supply do not cope with the task. In general, there are three methods of energy supply, two of which are anaerobic and one aerobic. Anaerobic include glycolysis, that is, energy supply due to glycogen, which is used in bodybuilding, since it best contributes to the hypertrophy of muscle fibers, and energy supply due to the breakdown of creatine phosphate, which allows you to release a lot of energy in the shortest possible time. Aerobic methods of energy supply are designed to perform not very heavy monotonous work, during such energy supply lactic acid is formed in the muscles, therefore, this method is not suitable for increasing strength indicators or increasing muscle mass.

The supply of creatine phosphate is depleted very quickly, literally in 10-15 seconds of intense exercise, after which energy supply occurs due to glycolysis for about 20-30 seconds, and then energy reserves are depleted, and energy supply occurs due to the formation of lactic acid. In this regard, powerlifting training involves low-volume training schemes, during which the athlete is under load for 10-15 seconds per approach, and in order for the supply of creatine phosphate to recover for the next approach, the powerlifter is forced to rest between approaches for 2-3 minutes, and during such heavy exercises as deadlifts and squats with a barbell up to 5 minutes. As a result, during training, the athlete performs a large number of approaches in a small range of repetitions – from one to six.

It goes without saying that powerlifter training does not consist only of competitive exercises, which, nevertheless, always remain the basis of the training program. A powerlifter must include in the training program a “utility”, that is, formative exercises and basic exercises designed for the purposeful development of some muscle groups. For example, such exercises include the Romanian traction, which purposefully works out the hamstrings. The biceps femoris does not affect the strength indicators of an athlete very much, since larger and stronger muscle groups develop better during squats and deadlifts, but the biceps femoris is attached to the knee joint, so this muscle helps to avoid injury.

Powerlifting Workouts: Recovery

Perhaps you have a question why the opinions of athletes differ on the effectiveness of the use of other exercises, except for the “basic”. Some say that you only need to do bench press, squats and deadlift, others argue that it is necessary to use the “utility room”. What is the argument, because you can do both! But the fact is that powerlifting training is very hard, and the possibilities for restoring creatine phosphate are not endless, and the athlete is training strength, not endurance! In addition, after an hour of training in the gym, testosterone levels drop, so training becomes pointless. In this regard, it turns out that doing squats with a barbell in 5 working sets and doing another utility job may simply not be enough time!

Professionals solve this issue easier, they train six times a week. Three workouts are “basic”, during which the athlete performs exclusively competitive movements, and three more workouts the athlete works out the muscles in the “utility”. As you understand, recovery opportunities for professionals are much higher, here both fitness and the absence of other activities, the need to go to work, as well as the use of anabolic steroids. But on the other hand, professionals use many specific tricks during their powerlifting training. The professional program necessarily includes “boosts”, squats with ropes, bench press with chains and much more, while such exercises do not replace the basis of training, but only complement it.

Amateurs, and, especially, amateurs who do not use anabolic steroids, can be recommended a three-day split, during which each workout an amateur will perform 3-4 exercises, 1-2 of which will be basic, and 2-3 more auxiliary. If you overdo it, then just drive yourself into overtraining, progress will stop, and you will stagnate, or there will be a rollback. But in powerlifting, the progression of loads is not just the only way to build muscle mass, but, in general, the goal of all powerlifting training! Therefore, do not overestimate your recovery capabilities, try to progress gradually. The quieter you go, the further you’ll get!
Powerlifter nutrition should also be specific. One way or another, but the progression of loads occurs due to the growth of organic tissues, namely the strengthening of myofibrils. During training, a powerlifter does not pump slow muscle fibers, does not train the body’s ability to accumulate glycogen, but it injures the fibers of fast muscle tissues, so an excess of calories is needed to restore them. In this case, protein is not as important as for a bodybuilder, but it is also necessary to satisfy the daily need for it. However, carbohydrates are the basis of nutrition, so cereals, potatoes, legumes and other complex complex carbohydrates should be present in your daily diet.

The specific amount of products should be selected empirically, since the energy consumption of each person is individual. On average, the daily calorie intake is about 3500 calories, so the countdown should be done from this figure. In the future, the amount of carbohydrates can be changed up or down. If you have time to recover, your strength indicators are growing, then the amount of carbohydrates can be slightly reduced so that the level of subcutaneous fat remains unchanged. If you do not have time to recover, then you need to add one meal to your diet. It is very important to eat systematically, that is, every day. stick to the same menu, which will make it easy to manipulate the calorie intake.

Powerlifter Diet Menu

Before breakfast – a glass of chilled boiled water with honey
Breakfast – oatmeal porridge in milk with walnuts and two cheese sandwiches
Second breakfast – 5 boiled chicken eggs and buckwheat porridge with pork and tomato juice
Lunch – lean borsch with sour cream and durum pasta with cheese or feta cheese along with veal
Snack – steamed sea fish with rice and seaweed
Dinner – cottage cheese with honey, prunes and walnuts

Walking in powerlifting

Powerlifting training involves drawing up a program in which the athlete calculates the percentage of his maximum weight for one repetition in each main exercise. As a rule, light and heavy workouts are then compiled, a gradual increase in weights during the training program, which allows you to develop various muscle qualities. The fact is that different muscle fibers have different recovery rates, therefore, in order for an athlete to show the best result when performing exercises with 100% weights, he prepares in such a way that absolutely all muscles at this moment have time to achieve supercompensation, that is a moment when the muscle became a little stronger.

Powerlifting can be done on all muscle groups on the same day. So you do barbell squats, bench presses, and deadlifts. Sometimes deadlifts are done separately, but then you should warm up very well beforehand. The sinking must be done with a partner who can properly feed the barbell and help you pull it out, since the goal of the sinking is to find the maximum weight, that is, the weight in the last approach should be such that you cannot “pull”. You should start sinking with your usual weights, performing the exercise for 2-3 repetitions, with a long rest between sets. Therefore, during a workout, it is better to eat something sweet so that you have the strength to finish it. The step between sets ranges from 5-10kg at the beginning to 2.5kg in the last sets.

Powerlifter training

Day one – chest
Barbell Squats – 5 sets of 5 reps at 60%
Bench press – 5 sets of 5 reps at 75-105%
Military bench press – 5 sets of 10 reps

Second day – back
Deadlift – 5 sets of 5 reps at 75-105%
Shrugs – 5 sets of 20 reps
Close Grip Press – 5 sets of 10 reps

Day three – legs
Barbell Squats – 5 sets of 5 reps at 75-105%
Calf raises – 3 sets of 20 reps
Barbell row to the chin – 5 sets of 10 reps

The duration of this training program is 3 months. The first week you do basic exercises with 75% of the maximum weight that you were able to “take” during the run. The next week you are doing the exercises already at 80%, and then every week you make a step of 2.5% no more, no less. At the end of the program, it must be changed, or start over. Such gradual progress will provide you with an increase in strength indicators and help avoid overtraining. The road will be mastered by the walking one!

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