Message: #80315
admin » 25 Feb 2017, 02:37

How to make muscles stronger, what you need for this

7 principles to make muscles stronger

Not everyone wants to be strong, but no one wants to be weak. Any weightlifter or bodybuilder who claims that strength is not the main thing for him is disingenuous. Yes, you can train for the beauty of the body, but hardly anyone cares about strength at all, because being strong is cool. You can easily withstand physical activities that are usually beyond the power of mere mortals, you are not afraid of anyone, you can be a superman who is looked at with adoration by children and fans – what can you not like here?

Read the following 7 principles to help you become stronger. They are not revolutionary, but effective!

1 Include exercises in your training program that require you to know the technique of execution and decent effort.
You need to start with exercises with free weights (barbell, dumbbells). Assistance and bodyweight exercises are also helpful, but don’t spend your entire workout around them. The key to any successful strength program is the compound (multi-joint) exercises. If you still have strength and desire for isolated exercises, then you have not completed the basic exercises in the previous approaches! fellow

2 Your training should be based on good exercise technique.
You must know how to properly perform squats, presses and deadlifts. And don’t just be one of the Internet forum theorists who sit at home and criticize everyone – go to the gym and apply your knowledge!

Note that it was said – a good technique, that is, it does not have to be perfect. It is rare for someone to have an ideal exercise technique, especially for someone who first encounters basic exercises. Even in the technique of experienced weightlifters, you can see flaws, especially when they take on a new weight.

The definition of “perfect” should not become the enemy of the definition of “good”. Use good (safe and effective) technique and you’ll be fine! In pursuit of ideals, you can forget about the real goals of training, but you don’t need it. smile

3 Refer to progressive loads.
This type of exercise prevents your body from getting used to the stress that is strength training. On this principle, one way or another, every really competent training program is based.

Beginning athletes usually move quickly to progressive loads and change weights every week or even every training day. More advanced – once every 1-2 weeks. Experienced weightlifters increase the load every 2 weeks or after a month.

The general meaning is this: training in April should be more intense than in January, in May – more intense than in April. If you succeed, great, if not, change the program. Progressive loading is an integral part of all effective training programs.

4 Rest longer between sets.
Perhaps you will be teased “You are lazy, you do not get the benefits of exercise, etc.”. But after 2-3 years, when your warm-up weight on the bar will be more than the working weight of many visitors to the rocking chair, all the jokes will end.

You don’t need to rest for long after a warm-up set with an empty bar, but with more serious loads, a 5-minute break is simply necessary.

Rest time is priceless, it allows your body to recharge: 3-5 minutes for ATP, 5-8 minutes for creatine phosphate, and 5-15 minutes for the nervous system.

The main difference between a good strength program and a good volume program is the rest time between sets: long rest for strength, medium rest for volume.

5 Systematic
Strength takes time and consistency. Only a few people are able to bench press 150 kg or squat with 200 kg without many years of training. But if you’re willing to put in your time, and not just a measly 60 days, but 3, 5, even 10 years of constant hard training, you’ll be strong! Maybe not as strong as you dreamed, but much stronger than now, and stronger than most of the guys on the street.

6 Spare no effort in training.
This is why we love training. Every exercise is hard work! The fact that you are able to do this kind of work is what sets you apart from all the other losers, dreamers and theorists.

You can watch videos or read articles, download a great program, buy an expensive shirt or sneakers, but if you don’t put your ass on the bench and start sweating, you won’t get far.

Any workout is 25% sweat and 75% determination. You will not achieve results if you do not work hard in the gym. Keep this in mind every time a barbell comes down on your back.

One advantage of principle #3 (progressive loading) is that workouts automatically become hard. 5 extra pounds of weight here or a few extra reps there will be a good test of your character!

7 Train with people who share your views.
If you have at least one training partner, that’s great! Training in the company of like-minded people will be the best experience in your sports life. During joint training, the release of hormones increases. And even if it’s just self-belief, it’s still a great thing to work in a team and be part of something bigger than yourself!

Find someone who is weaker than you, but wants to work no less, and take patronage over him. Or find someone who will take patronage over you. Or equal to yourself and see who will achieve results faster.

Seeing another person sweating and suffering next to you will keep you motivated and help you grow. On the other hand, it may happen that the partner will bring you more trouble than good, then it is better to get rid of him. Trust your intuition, it will not let you down.

The very place where you train is very important. If 90% of the visitors are “glamorous bastards” laughing and go to this gym because it’s a trendy place, and in training they only create the appearance of exertion, it is better to find another gym. Such an unsportsmanlike society will act depressingly on you, you will feel like a stranger. A good gym should have an atmosphere of hard work, screaming, growling, rattling iron, etc.


That’s all you need. 7 simple principles. Of course, all these tips are not new, but they are really time-tested and many athletes. It’s funny that everyone wants to learn some new tricks and techniques that will help them become stronger “under the accelerated program.” But believe me, they simply do not exist.

After all, chefs rarely look for new magical ingredients to help make their dishes divine. Instead, they strive to find the optimal ratio of ingredients known to them.

Think of it like a ready-made recipe for strength. If you want to become strong, use these 7 ingredients, refer to them regularly, and see what happens. We are sure that you will like the result!

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