Message: #73803
Аннета Эссекс » 11 Feb 2017, 21:03

The “10 Sets of 10 Reps” Workout Method

This method has been used in bodybuilding for years to overcome plateaus and gain “clean” muscle mass. The method was used with great success by famous bodybuilders from the past, such as Vince Gironda, as well as Dave Draper and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Even today, many elite coaches such as Charles Poliquin are proponents of this method and use it on Olympic athletes when they are in need of a rapid increase in “lean” muscle mass. I myself have repeatedly convinced myself of the effectiveness of this method. He never stopped delivering great results.

The “10 Sets of 10 Reps” method has been tested by time and proven to be the best method in increasing muscle mass by wasting muscle fibers. To succeed in this technique, you need to choose the right exercises and weight. Rest between sets should last no more than a minute, otherwise the technique will be simply useless. The goal of the program is to use the same weight for all 10 sets, and do 10 reps on each set. You will notice that as fatigue sets in, the sets become more and more difficult. You may not be able to complete all 10 sets of 10 reps. If this is the case, then start dropping the weight as soon as you’ve done a set of less than ten reps. Once you’ve done all 10 sets and all 10 reps each, it’s time to increase the weight.

How many exercises should be used in the “10 Sets of 10 Reps” program?

Is it necessary to use other exercises if you did 1 exercise using the “10 Sets of 10 Reps” method? I have always liked to include a second exercise for large muscle groups, but it is more of an isolation exercise and I do it with 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

NOTE: When starting a superset, you perform 10 reps on the first exercise, then immediately, without rest, perform 10 reps on the second exercise. Now rest for 1 minute. This counts as 1 set.


Barbell Squats 10 sets of 10 reps (no rest)
Leg curls 10 sets of 10 reps (1 minute rest)

Leg extension 3 sets of 10-12 reps (no rest)
Deadlift on straight legs 3 sets of 10-12 reps (1 minute rest)

Standing calf raises 10 sets of 10 reps (1 minute recreation)


Жим штанги на наклонной скамье 10 сетов по 10 повторений (без recreation)
Подтягивания 10 сетов по 10 повторений (1 минута recreation)

Разведение гантелей лежа 3 сета по 10-12 повторений (без recreation)
Тяга нижнего блока 3 сета по 10-12 повторений (1 минута recreation)

Подъем ног в висе 10 сетов по 10 повторений (1 минута recreation)


Тяга штанги к подбородку 10 сетов по 10 повторений (1 минута recreation)

Разведение гантелей в наклоне 3 сета по 10-12 повторений (1 минута recreation)

Сгибание рук со штангой 10 сетов по 10 повторений (без recreation)
Отжимания на брусьях 10 сетов по 10 повторений (1 минута recreation)

Training Frequency

I recommend training each muscle group 2 times a week. Therefore, WORKOUT #1 should be done on Monday and Thursday, WORKOUT #2 on Tuesday and Friday, WORKOUT #3 on Wednesday and Saturday. However, this training frequency is best for endomorphs, people with slow metabolisms and faster recovery times.

Mesomorphs (people with naturally lean muscle and low body fat) should do this program as follows:

Day 1 – WORKOUT #1, day 2 – rest, Day 3 – WORKOUT #2, day 4 – rest, Day 5 – WORKOUT #3, day 6 – restart cycle with WORKOUT #1. In this sequence, each muscle group is pumped every 5 days. This program also provides a good recovery for those of you who work or study hard and cannot afford to be in the gym 6 days a week.

Ectomorphs, or Hardgainers (people with a fast metabolism who have difficulty gaining muscle mass) are best to train every other day. If weekends are not available, then WORKOUT #1 on Monday, WORKOUT #2 on Wednesday, PROGRAM #3 on Friday.

When to change

After you’ve gone through each workout 6 times, it’s time to make some changes to it. Namely: start using heavier weights and fewer sets. A good program is one that uses 5 sets of 5 reps with different basic exercises.

Nutrition Tips

Remember, to get the most out of this program, you must eat well! Training provides the spark for muscle growth, while food provides the raw materials we need to reap the benefits. For more information on the best diet to follow, please take a look at my article Building Muscle.

Rest and Recovery

Remember that muscle mass only grows when you are resting, not when you are in the gym. So make sure you get your 8 hours or at least 7 hours of sleep and make up for the lost hours by sleeping on the weekends. By ignoring your rest needs, you are setting yourself up for a permanently low energy level and fostering a hormonal environment that increases the hormone cortisol (breaks down muscle) and lowers testosterone (produces muscle).

For more information on how much sleep you need, what steps to take to ensure a good night’s sleep, and sleep related illnesses, take a look at my following articles:
Sleep Cycle
Find out what the 4 phases of the sleep cycle are and how much you should sleep on average each night for maximum results.

4 rules for ensuring a good night’s sleep
Learn about 4 principles you can follow to ensure good sleep.

8 Diseases Caused by Sleep Disorders
Learn about 8 diseases that are caused by sleep disorders.


If you are ready to change your training routine, give this program a chance and as long as your nutrition, supplements and rest are in order, it will not let you down and give you what you are looking for.

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