Message: #80184
admin » 24 Feb 2017, 20:41

Power Yoga Workout

A set of power yoga exercises for weight loss.

Power yoga for weight loss allows you to burn fat and form high-quality muscle mass. We offer a set of yoga asanas for weight loss and working out of all muscle groups.
To achieve the effect, each pose must be held until a burning sensation in the muscles (but not less than 70 seconds) and another 10 seconds after that.

How does power yoga for weight loss work?
Working in power mode, we form high-quality muscle mass. The muscles in the body perform not only a motor function, they are also involved in thermoregulation and help the heart push blood. The more you train the muscles, the better they cope with these functions.
Also, muscle loads contribute to the formation of the required amount of carbon dioxide in the body – its lack leads to vasoconstriction and, according to some experts, hypertension. Hypocapnia (a condition caused by a lack of CO2) affects people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and move little.
In addition, strength training contributes to the production of somatropin and testosterone, hormones that promote the breakdown of fat. Thus, having formed high-quality muscle tissue, we will quickly get rid of body fat and gain a slender figure.

This is a set of asanas for working out all muscle groups. Hold each pose until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles (but not less than 70 seconds) and another 10 seconds to achieve the desired effect.

yoga exercises for weight loss

Rudrasana (sumo pose)
What we train: leg muscles.
How to do it: put your feet wider than your shoulders (70-90 cm), turn your feet to the sides, join your palms in namaste (oriental greeting) in front of your chest. Lower yourself down, bending your knees almost to a right angle and turning your hips outward. Make sure your knees don’t roll forward.

Virabhadrasana 1 (warrior pose)
What we train: the muscles of the legs and back.
How to do it: step forward, bend your front leg to a right angle and straighten your back leg without lifting your heel off the floor (you can turn the toe a little to the side). Clench your palms into fists, bend your arms and point your elbows back. Evenly distribute the weight of the body, without falling on the front leg, keep the torso perpendicular to the floor. Run to the other side.

Ashtanga Namaskar Asana (Eight Point Pose)
What we train: triceps.
How Perform: Lie on your stomach. Raise your pelvis slightly up, leaning on your knees. Bend your elbows, point your elbows along your body and place your palms under your shoulders. Raise the body body 5-10 cm from the floor so that only the palms, knees and socks are on the floor.

Vasishthasana (sage posture)
What we train: the muscles of the hands and the deltoid muscle.
How выполнять: сделайте широкий выпад правой ногой вперед. Lean forward and place your left hand on the floor so that the palm is directly under your shoulder. Turn the body to the right, pointing the right foot to the right, and place the left foot on the outer edge. Stretch your right hand up. Tighten your abdominal muscles and push your pelvis forward. Imagine that you are surrounded by walls on both sides. Run to the other side. The second option: from the previous position, straighten the right leg and press it to the left. The hip of the supporting leg should not sag down. Repeat on the other side. Third option: from the previous position, stretch your right leg up and grab the foot with your right hand.

Forearm Plank
What we train: the muscles of the arms and abdomen.
How выполнять: лягте на живот, согните руки в локтях и поставьте локти ровно под плечи. Raise your torso, pelvis, and legs off the floor using your elbows and toes. Draw in your stomach and tighten your buttocks. The body and legs should form a straight line.

Navasana (boat pose)
What we train: abdominal muscles.
How выполнять: лягте на спину, поднимите прямые ноги и корпус тела примерно на 10 см, не отрывая от пола поясницу. Stretch your arms towards your legs, tighten your abdominal muscles. The second option: from the previous position, lift the body higher, tearing the lower back off the floor and transferring the weight to the sitting bones. Raise your legs higher and bend at the knees. Stretch your hands towards your feet, but don’t touch your feet. The third option: from the previous position, straighten your legs and hold them as high as possible above the floor.

Shalabhasana (Grasshopper Pose)
What we train: back muscles.
How выполнять: лягте на живот, поднимите ноги и корпус над полом. The neck should continue the line of the spine. Stretch your arms back and up, keeping your legs together.
The whole complex takes 10-15 minutes. You can do it daily or alternate with other programs.

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