Message: #86624
Okki » 10 Mar 2017, 09:15

Ectomorph, Who is an ectomorph. Get Muscle Lean

Ectomorph, gain muscle thin

Who is an ectomorph

Ectomorph is one of the three most common body types (somatotypes), characterized by thinness and difficulty gaining weight (both muscle and fat). People of this type are distinguished by a high rate of metabolism and metabolism.

With constant malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle, ectomorphs still gain weight – in this case, they have a tummy, while the rest of the body (especially arms and legs) continues to be extremely thin.

Differences in the body of an ectomorph

Studies show that during strength training, the body of an ectomorph produces the least myogenin (myogenin), which is responsible for the processes of converting proteins from food into muscle tissue, and, as a result, for the growth of muscle mass (1).

In addition, with a low level of myogenin, the body does not create sufficient energy reserves in the muscles, which does not allow for effective strength training, and, accordingly, does not allow giving the muscles the necessary stimulus for growth.

Pros of an ectomorphic physique

Most stars and professional models are ectomorphs – the fact that weight gain is difficult for them helps them gain only muscle, not adipose tissue. A toned and athletic body with good relief is an easy task for an ectomorph.

The issue of creating a press is usually not important for ectomorphs – most often they do not have problems with belly fat anyway, so even with minimal effort and the simplest exercises, they have distinguishable cubes and a noticeable relief.

Ectomorph Training Mistakes

First of all, you need to forget about the treadmill and exhausting cardio – the ectomorph is already quite “dry”, and long workouts are definitely not for him. Even strength training is needed 2-3 times a week, and no more than 45 minutes.

As we mentioned, the body of an ectomorph is not able to accumulate a lot of glycogen, which is necessary for strength training and for subsequent muscle recovery. If you exercise too often, you won’t give your body time to build muscle.

How to gain weight the thinnest

The bulk of your workout should be the basic exercises: squat, bench press, bench press, and deadlift. Do not overload yourself with isolation exercises – they use up strength, but do not trigger muscle growth processes.

Remember that it is the basic exercises, performed with heavy weights and in 5-7 repetitions, that involve large muscle groups, which causes the body to produce testosterone and other hormones that are critical for the growth of all the muscles of the body.

Nutrition for an ectomorph

It is not so important for an ectomorph to count calories, and most often it is necessary to eat as much as possible. Of course, it is important to adhere to proper nutrition and not to abuse sweets. Remember that brown rice should be your favorite side dish.

The amount of protein consumed per day should be in the range of 1.5-2.5 grams per kg of body weight. With less consumption, the muscles will not receive material for growth, with more, you accelerate an already fast metabolism, which also interferes with growth.

Sports Supplements for Muscle Growth

On the one hand, sports supplements are just an addition to a balanced diet, but not a replacement. On the other hand, a protein shake is the easiest way to replenish your body’s need for protein after a workout.

Take BCAAs during training, protein blends an hour before and immediately after training, and slow protein before bed. In addition, creatine will help you, which not only makes muscles more voluminous, but also improves energy processes.

Basic training rules for skinny ectomorphs: short but intense workouts a maximum of three times a week, an emphasis on basic exercises, good nutrition and at least 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

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