Message: #37337
Настя Питер » 13 Nov 2016, 18:55

15 rules for proper drying of the body

Drying the body for girls and drying the body for men differ significantly, but there are a number of basic rules that apply to everyone.
1. Don’t forget to have breakfast. Breakfast is a very important meal, and if you used to be content with a cup of coffee and a sandwich, you will have to accustom yourself and your body to a hearty breakfast. Some people do not want to eat in the morning, but you have to overcome yourself, and after a week the stomach will wake you up and ask you to feed it.
2. The last meal should be carbohydrate-free. Often in the evening, “zhor” attacks, the body asks for recharging with carbohydrates, and we succumb to its provocations. We need to be smarter, feed him what is beneficial to us. And at night, before going to bed, it is beneficial to eat foods containing casein protein, it is absorbed for a long time, providing our body with building material throughout the night.
3. There should not be long breaks between meals. Every 2 hours you should eat at least some protein food, even if it is a minimal snack.
4. Don’t allow zero fat in your diet. There is a risk of worsening metabolism, harming the skin, hair, spoiling health and vision. Products such as vegetable oil (flaxseed), some eggs and cheese products should always be present.
5. Sugar and starchy foods always turn into fat. Always always. These products have no place in the diet for drying the body.
6. Naturally, everyone knows that sauces, mayonnaises, ketchups, crackers, chips, snacks are rubbish that should not be stuffed into the body. If you didn’t know, take note.
7. If you don’t drink at all, great. If you occasionally allow yourself a glass of wine, then drink it before drying, and then forget about alcohol for at least 8 weeks.
8. Drink more water, each person has their own daily water intake, it is not necessary to drink 3 liters. For girls weighing 45-50 kg, 1.5-2 liters per day is enough. For men 90-100 kg – 3-3.5 liters.
9. The first weeks the body will intensively burn fat, metabolism will accelerate. However, the longer you cut, the more fat you lose, the stronger the resistance of the body will be. Over time, the metabolism will slow down, the fat burning process will almost stop. To avoid such a “plateau”, we need to give our smart system a shake-up.
10. Before training, we eat complex (slow) carbohydrates (oatmeal, durum wheat pasta) and fast-digesting protein (whey).
11. No need to choke on one chicken breast on drying, eat fish. The fats contained in most of the fish are very useful and essential for the body, especially on drying.
12. When increasing the amount of protein consumed, do not forget about fiber. Food rich in fiber significantly improves digestion and increases protein absorption.
13. Be sure to eat protein food after training. If your workout is longer than 60-80 minutes, take BCAAs with you. In no case do not let yourself starve after a workout, otherwise catabolism will destroy the muscles that you have been building for so long and hard.
14. Do not arrange days of “therapeutic starvation” and “colon cleansing”, do not starve!
15. Buy sports vitamins. An athlete needs more vitamins and minerals than a sedentary person. And sports vitamins just differ in their increased content.

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