Message: #69201
Аннета Эссекс » 05 Feb 2017, 00:09

Types of Anabolic Steroids

The human body naturally produces testosterone. However, studies have shown that natural testosterone is a very unstable structure and by itself it does not have time to have any tangible effect on the body. In both males and females, testosterone is secreted into the blood via secretion from the pituitary gland. In men, the amount of testosterone necessary for normal functioning is secreted by the Leydig cells located in the testicles. Reaching the receptors, natural testosterone quickly works and breaks down under the influence of certain enzymes.

At the end of puberty, every man has a maximum concentration of testosterone in the blood, which remains at this level for 6 months, and then decreases slightly. Against the background of this phenomenon, processes occur that ensure the correct puberty of a man. At this time, increased male-type hair growth is observed, the timbre of the voice decreases, the epiphyseal zones of bone growth close, the increase and growth of the genital organs is completed. Against the background of the normal development of the male body, it was noted that in a certain number of men, the concentration of free testosterone in the blood remains quite low and correct and timely puberty does not occur.

Physicians tried to treat this group by prescribing additional testosterone, but due to their instability, no healing effect occurred. Having carried out the necessary additional research in the field of testosterone chemistry, doctors managed to synthesize testosterone in a form in which it could exist in the body for a long enough time to achieve a therapeutic effect. All newly manufactured drugs were called anabolic steroids. Testosterone preparations had different half-lives in the body, which ensured the necessary strength of exposure. Some types of steroids began to act 12 hours after injection into the blood, and were active in it up to 48 hours. Such drugs are called fast or short-acting anabolic steroids. Others could have an effect on the body for 3-4 weeks and were called long-acting drugs.
Kinds anabolic steroids

How do anabolic steroids differ from each other, and what types of these drugs are used in medical practice and not only? A little higher we talked about the so-called half-life of a substance. This is the time period during which the body manages to remove half of the total amount of the drug introduced into the blood. For free testosterone, this time is just under ten minutes. Therefore, already after eight, nine minutes, half the amount of testosterone will remain in the body, which, in turn, will decrease by another half after the same time. Within about two hours, nothing will remain from the presence of the substance, except for single metabolites.

Physicians, in connection with this phenomenon, have achieved the creation of a chemical substance that is not inferior to natural testosterone in its qualities, but acts long enough to produce a therapeutic effect. As a result of research work, substances such as 17-alpha-alkylate, 17-beta ester and testosterone substances with a methyl group in their chemical composition were obtained. Именно на основе этих химических препаратов созданы почти все виды и варианты anabolic steroids, которые и сегодня широко используются как в медицине, так и за ее пределами. In addition, anabolic steroids were originally divided into oral (tablets and capsules) and injectable (oils in ampoules). Oral drugs have a short half-life, and differ from their injectable counterparts in very strong hepatotoxicity. They pass their main stage of neutralization in the liver, which seriously affects its functional indicators.
Competitive level athletes resort to oral steroids due to their short duration of action and the absence of pronounced accumulation of water in the intercellular space. Thus, it is convenient to pass a doping test, which, as a rule, is negative, and the muscle definition is in maximum tone due to the positive nitrogen balance remaining in the cell for some time against the background of glycogen accumulation. Injectable drugs are injected into the bloodstream by injection. The injection can be both intramuscular and intravenous. The basis of the drug is oil, which very gradually enters the bloodstream and carries out a dosed delivery of the substance dissolved in it to muscle receptors. The assimilation of injectable steroids at the chemical level is much better compared to oral drugs.

Metabolites of injectable steroids remain in the blood for many weeks and even months. In this regard, the use of injectables has its own unique feature. Oil steroids, having once entered the bloodstream, will work out all the substance to the end, and therefore if the amount of the substance exceeds the normal level, the body, as a rule, will respond with functional disorders, which in medicine are called side effects. Some of the side effects are quite reversible, and some take an irreversible stage and can lead to serious disorders of the hormonal system, cardiovascular, genitourinary and others. As a result, surgery (gynecomastia) may be needed, or a thorough corrective medical assistance from a competent endocrinologist. On top of that, the injection procedure itself must be carefully prepared and carried out under sterile conditions with sterile instruments. Sometimes injections given in a non-sterile environment are sources of infection, abscesses, and even blood-borne diseases. Считается, что человек, привыкший к инъекциям anabolic steroids, более склонен к применению других инъекционных препаратов схожей или отличной направленности, так как на психическом уровне у него закрепляется принцип «ворот», применимый впоследствии к чему угодно.

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