Message: #76306
Аннета Эссекс » 15 Feb 2017, 14:46

Safe Anabolics

Safe anabolics are mythical magic pills for those who want to get a lot without risking anything. There are no safe anabolics, but this should not upset you, since absolutely any business is fraught with risk. Every day you drive a car, eat store-bought products, regularly put a giant weight on your back and squat with it – all this is fraught with risk, especially the introduction of exogenous hormones into yourself. Everything is poison and everything is medicine! This famous statement of Paracelsus naturally applies to the use of androgenic anabolic steroids. Some become champions with the help of AAS, while others become disabled, so what’s the secret?
And the secret is that someone approaches the training process systematically, and someone recklessly! To understand what we are talking about, we will have to delve a little into the work of the endocrine system. It is important to remember that the body strives for homeostasis all the time, if you understand this, then much will become clearer to you. Homeostasis is a kind of balance due to the constancy of the internal environment of the body. The nervous system is responsible for the actual presence of homeostasis, since all systems that make up the internal environment of the body are vegetative, that is, you cannot control them by willpower. And the nervous system can influence the internal environment of the body with hormones, using the hypothalamus for this purpose.

Nervous and endocrine systems

Hypothalamus-pituitary-testicles – this “scheme” of the endocrine system is known to every bump who has sniffed AAS at least once. In this bundle, the hypothalamus plays the role of a link between the nervous and endocrine systems. It is the hypothalamus that produces releasing hormones, which, in turn, are divided into liberins and statins. Liberins have an activating effect on the pituitary gland, and statins have an inhibitory effect. The pituitary gland produces tropic hormones that act on other glands of the endocrine system. Hormones produced by the glands of the endocrine system enter the bloodstream, and based on the concentration of certain hormones in the blood, the nervous system gives orders to the hypothalamus whether or not to produce releasing hormones.

So, the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland have a direct and feedback relationship, which can be positive or negative. This is where the secret of safe anabolics lies, because when an athlete introduces exogenous hormones, then the hypothalamus “analyzes” their amount in the blood and, accordingly, produces either liberins or statins. Introduce kachata usually what? That’s right, testosterone life-giving! What is happening at this moment? The presence of testosterone makes it clear to the pituitary gland that it should slow down with the production of luteinizing hormone, the secretion of which is regulated by the hypothalamus with the help of GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone). In addition, GnRH regulates the production of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), so when you use the “test”, the testicles “fall asleep”.

What happens at this moment? And the same thing happens, which happens with any organ that is not used, it will atrophy. That is why, after long courses, athletes are forced to use hCG to stir up their endocrine system a little, but in fact, this is not a PCT, it is still a “course”, because the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes arc still does not work independently. What is the conclusion from all this? Firstly, the “courses” of steroids should not be long so that the atrophy of the glands of the endocrine system is not critical. Secondly, the “courses” should be as light as possible, and, most importantly, the concentration of exogenous hormones should be increased gradually. The last rule concerns both the “course” itself and the use of AAS in general.

In connection with all of the above, remember, there are no safe anabolics! There is always a risk of harming your endocrine system, moreover, each “course” harms it, the question is not whether you harm yourself or not by taking steroids, but how much harm you do and whether it is worth it. If you are no longer progressing “in kind”, have tried all progressive training methods and such unique ways to increase testosterone levels as eating into circadian rhythms, you already have an arm over 45cm, but you want more, then you should responsibly approach the issue of taking AAS. Start with minimal doses, make “courses” from one drug and never sit on a “course” for more than 8 weeks. You need to fully rest between the “courses”, and the duration of the rest should not be less than the duration of the “course” itself!

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