Message: #35610
Варюша » 08 Nov 2016, 13:16

Delicious dishes with suluguni cheese

Suluguni is a pickled cheese from Georgia, white or yellow, dense, uniform and slightly layered. It is difficult to imagine a Georgian feast without delicious dishes with suluguni cheese – it is served with red wine, added to salads, meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, fried in butter and smoked, and with recipes for cooking some cheese delicacies at home. Anyone who used to buy cheese exclusively for sandwiches will finally find out what can be cooked with suluguni cheese – we have a lot of recipes for all tastes and preferences. Like all cheeses, suluguni contains protein, amino acids, calcium and other trace elements, but pregnant women and hypertensive patients should not abuse salty cheese, in extreme cases, it can be soaked in hot water for a short time. Include simple and aristocratic dishes with suluguni cheese in your diet, experiment with products and do not be afraid of cooking difficulties – we have compiled a collection of the best recipes with photos for you. Try eggplants stuffed with suluguni with tomatoes and capers, compare them with fried cheese with dried cranberries and agree that it is difficult to make a choice when each dish becomes a delicacy. Suluguni with almond-crusted jam and layered cheese pie with pears are real finds for a gourmet who knows a lot about cheese desserts!

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