Message: #289135
Аннета Эссекс » 16 Jan 2018, 13:10

Vitamin teas

Tell me, do many take multivitamin complexes? In addition, natural multivitamin complexes are not cheap. They may well be replaced by herbal vitamin tea. With the help of vitamin herbal tea, you can increase and strengthen the immune system and replenish your body with useful substances.
Herbal vitamin teas can be prepared from herbs collected in the forest, meadow, field or grown in your own garden. For the preparation of herbal vitamin teas, you can use herbs, fruits of berries, fruits and medicinal plants. Herbal tea can be considered a natural food product, which contains a lot of useful nutrients, including vitamins, macro and microelements.

All these biologically active substances have a beneficial effect on human health. With the help of natural herbal teas, you can strengthen the immune system, cure a cold. Herbal teas can be consumed by all people, including pregnant and lactating women, children. You just need to choose the right composition for a specific situation.

The main benefit of medicinal herbal teas is that such tea does not contain caffeine and other stimulants that can be dangerous for people with certain diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the nervous system.

Today, many people have switched to drinking herbal teas. Vitamin herbal tea in the spring will be doubly useful. Indeed, in the spring, as you know, the supply of vitamins in the body is depleted, and you still have to wait until the new harvest of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.

The best herbal tea is tea made from herbs that you have prepared yourself.

How to brew herbal tea
Vitamin herbal tea is best brewed in a porcelain teapot. But if there is no such kettle, you can brew it in a thermos or in any other kettle, except for a metal one.

Before brewing, large leaves, stems, flowers need to be crushed. Berries and fruits, if fresh, mash with a spoon or cut into small pieces. Dried – crush.

The crushed herbal collection is poured with boiling water in a teapot and infused for five to ten minutes. Herbal tea from the stems and roots of the plant is infused for 10 to 15 minutes.

If larger stems, roots and leaves are used to prepare herbal tea, then they are first poured with cold purified water in enameled or glass saucepan and put on the stove. Bringing to a boil, boil over low heat for about 10 minutes.

Properly prepared vitamin tea retains all the healing properties of the herbs from which it is prepared, has a pronounced taste and aroma.

In the prepared vitamin tea, you can squeeze lemon juice and add honey. This will bring even more benefits.

What herbs to use for vitamin herbal tea
The best herbs for vitamin teas are the berries and leaves of raspberries, wild strawberries, blackberries, black currants, oregano, nettles, mint, lemon balm, sea buckthorn berries, lemongrass, Ivan tea or fireweed and many other herbs. Many herbs can be grown in your garden or on your windowsill in a pot.

You can brew as one herb, and make a collection of herbs. Collections of vitamin teas can be very diverse. It all depends on the presence of herbs and your own taste and preferences.

When preparing a vitamin collection, it is desirable to include herbs with a bright aroma, such as oregano, mint, lemon balm, thyme, raspberry leaves and berries, currants and others.

It is still not recommended to use several of these aromatic herbs in a collection at once, so that they do not “clog” each other.

You also need to consider the time when you will consume vitamin tea. For the morning, it is better to make a collection that will tone up. It is good to include such herbs as berries and leaves of wild strawberries, angelica, chamomile, berries and leaves of lemongrass, lavender flowers, red clover and other tonic herbs in such a collection.

For evening use, accordingly, you need to choose a collection that will calm and relieve nervous tension and stress. Mint, lemon balm, St. John’s wort, chamomile, primrose, cherry leaves, raspberries and others are suitable for such a collection.

In winter and early spring, it is advisable to make a collection, in which, in addition to herbs, you need to include berries and fruits, herbs rich in vitamins and minerals. For such teas, it is good to take the fruits of barberry, black currant, raspberry, blackberry, sea buckthorn, dog rose, elderberry and many others.

In the summer, for herbal vitamin tea, use fresh fruits, berries and herbs. This will give you the maximum health benefits.

How to collect and dry herbs
When collecting herbs for making vitamin tea, and indeed any other medicinal herbal tea, take only 1-2 leaves from a bush. No need to cut off the whole bush, because the plant still needs to grow and leaves it needs to feed.

From flowering bushes such as wild raspberries, blackberries and others, leave a few branches with flowers when picking flowers. This also applies to flowering plants, such as St. John’s wort, oregano and others. Do not uproot, and especially with the root, the entire meadow with flowers. Next year, you will have nowhere to harvest herbs for your healing herbal tea.

For harvesting flowers of wild rose, linden, currant and others, you need to take only fully bloomed flowers.

Berries and fruits are used only fully ripened.

Harvesting herbs should be done in dry weather after the dew has gone. All flowering herbs are best harvested at the beginning or during flowering.

Dry the collected herbs in a well-ventilated, dry area away from the sun. For drying, the grass is hung in bunches or laid out in a thin layer so that it dries well.

You can dry the grass in electric dryers.

Herbs containing essential oils, such as oregano, thyme, lemon balm and others, are dried at temperatures above 30 degrees.

Herbs that contain a large amount of glycosides, such as primrose, mother and stepmother, mint, are dried at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees.

Berries and fruits are dried at a temperature not exceeding 80 degrees.

Dried herbs are stored separately in paper or cloth bags. Aromatic herbs are best stored in glass jars with a lid. It is advisable for each to attach a tag or sign with the name of the herb and the year of collection. After all, the shelf life of some herbs is only one or two years. Dried berries and fruits can be stored for up to three or four years.

Vitamin Tea Recipes
Vitamin tea can be prepared from one type of herb or by mixing several herbs. There are no special requirements for making tea. Still, this is not a medicinal tea, where you need to follow the dosage. According to your taste, you can increase the amount of one herb and reduce the other. After all, it is tea and can be diluted with water.

Usually, two or three tablespoons of herbs or collection are taken on a standard teapot and poured with boiling water.

Lingonberry vitamin tea
Lingonberry leaves – 12 grams

Water – 1 glass

Add sugar or honey to taste.

Tea with strawberry leaves, St. John’s wort and mint
Strawberry leaf – 10 grams

St. John’s wort and mint – one pinch each

Pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 7-10 minutes.

Tea with red rowan fruits, raspberries
Red rowan (fruits) – 30 grams

Raspberries (dried) – 5 grams

Blackcurrant leaves – 2 grams

Залить кипятком и настоять 10 minutes.

Vitamin tea with thyme, St. John’s wort and cranberries
Thyme leaves – 20 grams

St. John’s wort – 20 grams

Lingonberry leaves – 4 grams

Vitamin tea with primrose and St. John’s wort
Primrose leaves – 5 grams

St. John’s wort – 5 grams

Rosehip tea
According to the first recipe for vitamin tea, only rose hips are brewed. To taste, natural honey and lemon juice are added to the finished tea.

Rosehip fruit – 20 grams

Grind the fruits and pour boiling water. Поставить на плиту и проварить на медленном огне около 10 minutes. Снять и дать настояться еще 10 minutes. Drink tea with honey and lemon.

Rosehip tea и чабрецом
Rosehip fruit – 10 grams

Thyme – 5 grams

Залить кипятком и проварить на слабом огне 5 minutes. Дать настояться около 10 minutes. Add honey and lemon to taste.

Vitamin tea with rose hips and red rowan
Rosehip fruit – 20 grams

Red rowan fruits – 10 grams

Oregano – 5 grams

Залить кипятком и варить на слабом огне 5 minutes. Затем настоять 10 minutes.

Fortifying vitamin teas
Tea with strawberry and blackberry leaves
Dried strawberry leaves – 3 grams

Dried blackberry leaves – 3 grams

Dried blackcurrant leaves – 3 grams

St. John’s wort – 10 grams

Thyme herb – 10 grams

Сбор трав заливают кипятком и настаивают 10 minutes. If desired, drink tea with honey.

Rosehip tea и облепихой
Rosehip fruit – 6 grams

Sea buckthorn fruits – 6 grams

Centaury – 2 grams

Licorice root – 2 grams

Dandelion root 3 grams

После заваривания кипятком чай кипятят на медленном огне 10 minutes. Then insist one hour. You can take tea with honey.

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