Message: #77543
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 03:02

Kundalini Yoga. Sri Swami Sivananda

branch of the brain - the medulla oblongata, and then the third and fifth, and finally reaches the Sahasrara.

Sushumna Nadi. Sushumna is located in the center of the spinal cord; it begins in Kanda, approximately at the level of the navel, and joins with the Brahmachakra, or the Thousand Petal Lotus. It goes from Muladhara Chakra (pertaining to the second vertebra of the coccygeal part) to Bramarandra (a cavity in the brain). Sushumna is immersed in the central part of the spinal canal and has thin sections. It is red in color, like Agni (Fire). This Nadi rises, reaches the level of the Kantha (region of the larynx) and is divided into anterior and posterior parts. The front part goes to the Ajna Chak-ra (between the eyebrows) and then connects to the Bramarandra. The posterior part runs behind the skull, also joining with Brahmarandra. It is this which must be developed by the Yogi. Within the Sushumna there is a Nadi Vaira, resplendent like Surya (the Sun) and full of rajasic qualities. Within this Vaira is the Chitra Nadi. It is sattvic in nature and pale in color. Surya, Agni and Chandra are the 3 aspects of this system. Within Chitra Nadi there is a central channel or Brahma Nadi through which Kundalini rises from Muladhara to Sahasrara on awakening.
In the Brahma Nadi are the centers of all six Chakras. The lower end of the Chitra Nadi is called Brahmadwar or the door of Brahman. When Kundalini passes through this door to Brahmarandra, in the Macrocosm (on the physical plane) it corresponds to passing through Haridwar, or the gate of Hari Badrinarayan. Chitra ends in the medulla oblongata. In general, the Sushumna Nadi is called the Brahma Nadi, since the latter is located inside the Sushumna. The channel within Chitra is also sometimes called the Sushumna. Ida and Pingala are to the right and left of the spinal column. Chitra is the highest and most beloved Nadi of Yogis. It is like the thin veins of a lotus. The diamond of five colors is in the center of Sushumna. It is the most vital part of the body. This is the Divine Path that gives Immortality. Созерцая Чакры, существующие в этой Нади, Йог разрушает страдание и привлекает Youсочайшее Блаженство, достигает Освобождения. When the breath passes through the Sushumna, the mind becomes permanent. Это постоянство называется Унмани Авастха — Youсочайшее состояние Йога. If you meditate when the Sushumna is active, you will achieve amazing results. When the Nadis are full of impurities, the breath cannot pass through the Sushumna. Pranayama should be practiced to purify the Nadis. Through Sushumna, one can stop time and delay the normal wear and tear of the body, prolonging life.
Parasympathetic and sympathetic systems. The spinal cord has sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, a double chain of ganglia. A ganglion is a chain of nerve fibers. They are an autonomous system connected to certain organs: the heart, liver, etc., and controlling them. Nerves that play an important role leave this system. The sympathetic nervous system is the stimulator and accelerator of life processes, while the parasympathetic system slows them down. These nerve endings travel along arteries that carry pure, enriched blood to various parts of the body. The left and right branches are interconnected. However, the exact locations of the connections are unknown.

Ida and Pingala. Ida and Pingala are not sympathetic chains on the physical plane. These are the subtle Nadis that carry the Sukoma Prana. In the physical body they really correspond to the right and left sympathetic branches. Ida starts from the right testicle and Pingala from the left. They meet in Sushumna, at the Muladhara Chakra. This compound is known as Mukta Triveni. Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati reside in Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. Their meeting place is called Brama Granthi (Brahma's point). Again they meet in Anahata and Agni Chakras. In the Macrocosm we also have Triveni at Prayag where the same three rivers meet. Ida goes through the left nostril and Pingala goes through the right. Ida is also called Chandra Nadi (Moon) and Pingala is also called Surya (Sun). Ida cools and Pingala raises body temperature. Pingala controls the absorption of food. Ida has a pale color (Shakti Rupa). She is a great spender. Pingala - bright red (Rudra Rupa). Ida and Pingala discover time dependencies, while Sushumna absorbs time. The Yogi knows the time of his death and places the Prana in the Sushumna, keeps it there in the Bramarandra and thus conquers the Kala (time of death). Thus, the famous Yogi Shri Chand Dev from Maharashtra postponed his death several times by placing Prana in Sushumna. He was a contemporary of Shri Jnana Dev Alandi and Puuna. He possessed the Bhuta Siddhis and, thanks to them, control over wild animals. One day he came on the back of a tiger to see Sri Jnana Dev.

Swara Sadhana. Swara Sadhana is the practice of breathing, which gives supreme Bliss and happiness. Youполняйте спокойные действия в течение потока Иды и резкие интенсивные — в течение потока Пингалы, и вы сможете достигнуть определенных психических сил. If the breath goes through Ida (Moon) at dawn and through Pingala (Sun) at sunset, it will give excellent results. Let Ida work all day and Pingala all night.

How to change flow in Nadi. The following exercises reverse the currents of Ida and Pingala. Youберите один устраивающий вас поток. When changing the flow from Pingala to Ida, do the same, but in the other direction.
1) Close the left nostril and breathe through the right.
2) Lie on your left side for 10 minutes.
3) Sit up straight. Place your left foot at the buttocks. With your left hand, grasp the popliteal cavity. In a few seconds the stream will go through Pingala.
4} Keep two knees together near the right buttock. Right knee over left. Lower your left hand to the ground and transfer your body weight to it. Don't get down on your elbow; also turn your head to the left. Right hand on knees.
5) The flow can also be changed with Nauli Kriya.
6) Some can change the flow by will power.
7) Lie on your side at an angle to the horizontal.
8) The most effective change in flow is achieved with Khechari Mudra.
These 8 exercises are good for clearing the Nadis and awakening the Kundalini; they will be described in the next chapter. There is no knowledge more secret and no friend more truthful than the science of breathing. Health is gained by comfort, and reputation by the power of the breath. Knowledge of the past, present and future, as well as other Siddhis, is achieved by the power of the breath. Practice Swara Sadhana systematically and regularly. The flow through Ida should go all day, and through Pingala all night. Proper Swara Sadhana gives long life.

Other Nadis. Gandhari, Hasthajiva and others (listed above) are quite important Nadis. All of them originate in Kanda. They are located on the edges of Sushumna, Ida and Pingala and refer to different parts of the body. These are subtle Nadis. There is also a huge number of small Nadis emanating from them.

Padmas or chakras. There are 6 of them. Each Chakra has a Shakti that controls its activity. There is a universal Shakti that controls all others. She slumbers in a person. This is Kundalini, or Manipura Chakra (more precisely, they almost coincide). The chakras exist in the Linga Sharira (astral body), which consists of 17 Tattvas. 5 Jnana Indris - ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose; 5 Karma Indriya - speech, hands, feet, genitals, anus; 5 Prana - Prana, Alana, Vyana, Boa constrictor, Samana; Mind - Manas and Buddhi - intellect. All of them have corresponding centers in the spinal cord and nerve centers in the physical body. Each Chakra has a specific area of ​​control in the body on the physical plane. It cannot be seen with the eyes. There are no Chakras in a dead body. Sukoma Prana moves in the nervous system of the Linga Sharira (astral body) and Sthula Prana moves in the nervous system of the physical body. These two movements are closely related and act on each other.
The chakras remain in the astral body even after the disintegration of the physical body after death. According to the doctrine of one of the schools, Chakras are formed during concentration and meditation. But this is impossible - Chakras must always exist in subtle matter, the result of which is physical matter. Without subtle matter, the physical body is impossible. The views of this school should be understood in the sense that one can feel or comprehend the Sukoma Chakra only during concentration and meditation.
Sukoma Prana centers exist in Sushumna. All mechanisms of the body, nerves, etc. are under the control of these centers. For example, Anahata Chakra, present in the body on the physical plane, corresponds to the cardinal plexus. The subtle centers in Sushumna are known as the Lotuses or Chakras. Each Chakra is dominated by its own Tattva and there are certain Deities and Beasts corresponding to them. This means that the Chakra has certain qualities, the Tattvas or Gunas of certain animals. There are 6 major Chakras in the body and the 7th, the most important, Sahasrara, is located in the brain. Seven Chakras correspond to Loki (Worlds):
Sahasrara Satya
With the passage of Kundalini through the Chakras in each of them, a certain form of Ananda (Bliss) and Siddhi (supra-universal psychic forces), as well as Knowledge, is achieved. The Yogi enjoys Supreme

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