Message: #77543
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 03:02

Kundalini Yoga. Sri Swami Sivananda

ago at the age of 280. He did Tapas in Manasarravar (Tibet). Once Ramakrishna Paramahamsa saw him in Benares, at the time when he was approaching the beginning of Tapas. He slept in the temple of Kashi Viswanath with his feet on a stone Linga. One day he snatched the sword from the governor and threw it into the Ganges. When the governor demanded the sword back, he dived in and brought out two swords, and the governor was unable to recognize his. One day the troublemakers began to pour lime water into his mouth, and he immediately poured it back with the help of Sang Pichar Kriya.

Goraknat. He lived in the village of Chandragiri on the banks of the Godavari Brahmin Suraj. His wife's name was Saraswati. They didn't have children. One day Yogi Matsyendranath came to visit them. Saraswati received him very hospitably and complained that she did not have a child. The yogi gave her a pinch of ashes and blessed the unborn child. After a while, her son was born. When the boy was 12 years old, Matsyendrayat sent him to study with Badri Narayan. Gorakhnat started making his Tapas there. Apsaras and other Devatas came to molest him. He was strict and rejected all their attempts. He achieved amazing Siddhis. Matsyendranath also informed him of his powers and Vidyas. Goraknat spent 12 years in Tapas, eating only air.
He had great power in Yoga. When his teacher entered the body of the dead Raja (Parakadi Pravesh) to carry out the order of Shri Hanuman and produce a child for Rani, Goraknath assumed the form of Rani and entered the inner chambers of the palace (Kamarupa Siddhi). Another time he made a boy out of clay, revived him and gave him to the children as a playmate. He also turned part of the mountain into a swamp, and then returned it to its original form. Once at Kumbhamela on the banks of the Godavari, he distributed leaves to those present, and then turned them into food according to everyone's taste. After that, he slowly reduced himself in volume and took the form of a mosquito (Anima Siddhi). Through the power of Yoga, he burned himself to the bone and returned to his normal form. He performed Akasadamanam (walking in the sky). In this way he achieved many Siddhis. Raja Brahruhari was his student.

Swami Krishna Ashram. Born in the village of Darali, 14 miles from Gangotri, the source of the Ganges in the Himalayas. For the last 8 years he has lived in the field of ice completely naked. He was Shiva Bhakti. Leaving all his vessels for Puja, he went to Benares, became a Sannyasin. Then he went to Hardwar, rejected Danda and became an Avaduttha. He was also an Uttarkashi and possessed the incredible power of patience, Titiksha.

Yogi Bhusanda is one of the Chiranjivas among Yogis. He was a master in the science of Pranayama. He is said to have built a nest as big as a mountain on the southern branch of the Kalpa Vriksha, the northern peak of Mahameru mountain. Bhusanda lived there. He was Trikala Jnana (knower of the present, past and future). He could sit in Samadhi for an unlimited time. He got rid of desires and received the supreme Shakti and Jnana. He enjoyed his own Bliss and was also Chiranjiva. Had full knowledge of the five Darshans. Protected himself from the Five Primary Elements, practiced in the five types of concentration. If all 12 Adityas would burn the world with their rays, he would reach A kasha through Apas Dharana. If fierce storms had broken the rocks to pieces, he would have been in Akasha with the help of Agni Dharana. If the whole world were under water with Mahameru, he would swim across it thanks to Vayu Dharani.

Tirumular Nayanar. Tirumul was a great Yogi from Kailash. He possessed all eight great Siddhis, thanks to the favor of Naydi, Vahanu Shiva. Was a friend of Agastya Muni. He visited Benares, then Ghidambaram and Tiruveduthuren, where he was a priest of Shiva. One day he went to a garden on the banks of the Ganges. There he saw the dead body of a cowherd. The cows, surrounding the body, mooed plaintively. This touched Tirumular's heart. He left his body, entered the dead body of a shepherd and looked after the cows all day, and then drove the herd to the village. The shepherd's wife, who knew nothing about her husband's death, asked him to enter the house. Tirumular refused. He wanted to return to his own body. When he found his body, it was in the same place. He considered everything that happened to him to be the favor of Shiva. In the body of a shepherd, he went to Tiruvedhuthuren, sat under the Aswata tree on the western edge of the temple, and wrote the priceless book Thirumulartram in Tamil. It contains 3000 stanzas, which expound the essence of the Vedas.

Mansur. Mansoor was Sujet Brahma Jnani. He lived in Multan (Punjab) about 400 years ago. He always repeated: "Analhak! Analhak!" This corresponds to the "Soham" or "Aham Brahma Asmi" of the Vedantins. Badshah was informed that Mansour kept repeating: "Analhak." Badshah was furious. He ordered to cut Mansur to pieces. The order was carried out. However, even parts of the body repeated "Analhak". He did not feel pain and suffering, as he was a perfect Samadhi Jnan and completely identified himself with Brahman. He was above the existence of the body. The remains of the body were thrown into the fire and burned. Even the ashes repeated: "Analhak." Throughout his life he performed many miracles. Even the Jnanis can perform miracles if they wish and find it necessary. Remember constantly the lives of great people, and you will immediately make progress on the Spiritual Path.

Milarepa, He had a very deep perception of the surrounding world, and the misfortunes that he saw left a deep mark on him. Because of this, he was not able to feel even the Bliss of Brahma and Indra, and even less felt earthly joys. On the other hand, he was so captivated by the unstained purity and chaste beauty in the description of Nirvana that he did not even allow the thought that he could leave his new life, in search of which he set off, endowed with a penetrating intellect and a heart filled with all-pervading love and sympathy for all beings.
Having received transcendental knowledge in controlling the ethereal and Spiritual nature of the mind, he flew in the Sky, walked there, rested and slept in the air. Similarly, he was able to produce Fire and Water from his body and transform it into objects of desire, thus afflicting non-believers and returning them to the Spiritual path. He was perfect in the practice of the 4 states and, thanks to this, was able to project his subtle body so as to be present as the Chairman of Yogis at once in 24 Holy places where Gods and Angels gathered like clouds, for spiritual communication. He was capable of dominating the Gods and Elementals and made them constantly follow all orders according to their duties. He was a perfect adept with supernatural powers, able to visit and cross all the sacred places of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas ruling in their Heavens, due to his favor and in accordance with his orders regarding the Law of Dharma, so that he sanctified the Heavenly places by his visit and stayed there.

Teachings of Kabir, One day Kabir tied a fat pig to his rope, and an orthodox Brahmin Pandit came to him to discuss a philosophical problem. The Pandit was extremely annoyed and annoyed by this. Он спросил Ка-бира: "Дорогой, как вы можете столь отвратительное и грязное животное привязывать рядом со своим домом. You грязный человек, вы не знаете Шастр, вы их игнорируете". Kabir replied, "Oh Shastriji, you are dirtier than me. I tied the pig just in front of the house, while you tied the pig in front of the mind." If the mind is pure, then you will find the Ganges even in a cup. Clearing the mind plays a huge role. Without this, it is impossible to enter the Spiritual path.

Other yogas. Yogi with the help of Asanas establishes control over various functions of the body. It makes your body strong and resilient. For example, one Swami demonstrated cardiac arrest in London in front of the king. Many scientists were present at this and examined him, Desabandhu in 1926 stopped the radial and temporal pulses on both sides, and also, for a short time, the heart. He demonstrated this at the Bombay Medical Society. At the palace of Maharaja Ranjita in Lahore, Hatha Yog Hari Das buried himself underground for 40 days, tightly sealing his nose, mouth, ears and eyes with wax. Он очнулся в полном okay. The Muslim yogi Gunnangudi Mastham buried himself in Madras. Many Yogis are able to fly through the air thanks to the Kechari Mudra. Yogi Pratar during the execution of the Vi-parita Karani Mudra covered his head completely with clay and remained in this position for two whole hours. At the same time, Paul Dusen, a German traveler, was present. It was in Benares. Sri Swami Vishuddha Nanda of Benares revived a sparrow. Nothing is impossible for a Yogi.

Life on the astral plane. During the practice, one day you will feel that you have separated yourself from the body. You будете испытывать радость, смешанную со страданием. Joy from reaching a new Light and suffering from having entered a world


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