Message: #77543
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 03:02

Kundalini Yoga. Sri Swami Sivananda

long as this sound, and with its disappearance, a state called Ghuriya arises. This is the supreme state of Unmani. The mind is absorbed along with Prana by constant concentration on this Nadi. The body becomes like a piece of wood and feels neither heat nor cold, neither joy nor pain.
1) Chini (sounds like it's written)
2) Chini Bhini (same)
3) Sound of bells
4) Noise in the sink
5) Lute melody
6) The sound of a cymbal
7) Flute melody
8} Drum crash (Bheri)
9) Mridanga Rumble
10) The sound of thunder.
You should not expect that as soon as you close your ears, you will immediately hear these sounds. Нужно контролировать разум и концентрировать его at one point. The sound you hear today may not be heard tomorrow, but you will hear any of the 10 sounds. Everything that has been described above is Laya Yoga through Nala (Anahat sound). Similarly, Laya can be achieved by concentrating on the tip of the nose (Nasikagra Drishti), between the eyebrows (Brumadhya Drishti), on the five Tattvas, on the Soham Mantras, Aham Brahma Asmi, Tat Tvam Asi Mahavakhyana, and in other ways.

Bhakti Yoga. Types and methods. On the lowest rung of Bhakti Yoga, the work of Bhaktas with Elementals and dead souls takes place - this is the lowest form of work. Then comes the work with the Rishis, Devas and Pitru. Everyone is trusted according to his own nature. Even a person with the necessary qualities, whom you believe, can serve as an object of Bhakti. The third class of Bhaktas includes those who work on Avatars such as Sri Rama, Krishna, Narashimha, Hanuman, etc. These four classes of meditation form Saguna, that is, meditation on form. The next class of Bhaktas who perform Nirguna Upasana over Brahman, avoids attributes of objects of veneration. It is the highest form of work, and is suitable for intellectuals who have a strong will and a happy understanding. This type of work is known as Ahamgra Upasana or Jnana Yoga Sadhana. There are 9 methods of worship in Bhakti: Bhakta, Sat Sang, Japa, Prayers, meditation, Sidhyan, Service to the Saints (Bhajan), Dana, Yantra, etc. Bhakti Yoga develops all this: Sravana - hearing the Lila of God; Smaran - constant thinking about God; Kirtana - collective singing of hymns with clapping to the beat of the palms; Vandana - Na-maskar to God; Archana - worship of God; Pada Sivan - serving God; Sakhya - friendship; Dasya - service; Atma Neividhan - Self-denial for the Guru or for God. Sri Ramanduka recommends the following methods for checking the development of the degree of advancement of a Bhakta: Viveku - recognition; Vimoku - freedom from anything from anything, except the worship of God; Abhyasu - continuous thinking about God; Kriya - doing good to others; Kalyana - the desire for good for everyone; Satyam - truthfulness; Aryavam - directness; Dayu - sympathy; Ahimsu - refusal to use violent methods; Danu is charity.
Worldly people have to put in a lot of effort and do a special Sadhana to achieve and develop Bhakti. Через постоянное поклонение, Джапу, Киртану, службу Бхактам, отказ от насильственных методов, Тапас, Дхьяну и Самадхи Бхакта должен развить сознание и стать Пара Бхакти, с Youсочайшим Знанием и Верховным Миром. For the yoga advanced in meditation, the concentrating and the object of concentration become one (Upasak and Upasaya). Хатха Йог достигает Youсочайшего Знания практикой различных Мудр, Бандх, Асан и других упражнений. Jnana attains Knowledge by Sravan (hearing Sruga), Manan (reflection or concentration) and Nididhyasana (deep, continuous and prolonged meditation), dispassion and renunciation. The Karma Yogi achieves the same by giving up work (Nishkamya Swa). They are waiting for the results of their work, studying the rituals. Upasana is the main thing in this system, that is, work with worship and receiving fruits through the mind. Bhakta - the development of Bhakti and self-denial. Raja - deep concentration and manipulation of the mind. The goal of all branches of Yoga is one, but the methods are different. To achieve quick success, the various methods of Sadhaya should be combined. Mantras are numerous and your Guru must choose the right one for you and breathe life and holiness into it.

Eight great Siddhis. При завершенности (Пурна Йога) на пути Kundalini Yoga возникает 8 Сиддхи (сверхъестественных психических способностей): Анима, Махима, Лагима, Гхарима, Пранти, Пракамья, Васитвам и Ишатвам.
1) Anima - the ability to become infinitely small.
2) Mahima - the ability to become infinitely large, even to fill the entire universe. He can become Virat Swarup.
3) Lagima. Vayusthamban is done through this Siddhi. In Dayasthamban this power also awakens, but to a lesser extent. The body becomes Light due to the Plavini Mudra and the Yogi reduces his weight by exhaling a large amount of air. With this Siddhi he can travel thousands of miles per minute.
4) Gharima is the opposite of Lagima. The yogi inhales a large amount of air and thereby increases the weight of his body.
5) Pranthi. The yogi, standing on the ground, can touch distant objects - even the moon and the sun. Thanks to this, the Siddhi Yogi attracts objects of desire and acquires supernatural powers, such as the ability to predict future events, clairvoyance, telepathy, mind reading, etc. He can understand the language of animals and birds and unknown languages. Can heal all diseases.
6) Prakamya. The yogi can dive in and out of the water whenever he wants. Tilinga Swami of Benares even lived sometimes in the Ganges. This is the process by which Yogis sometimes make themselves invisible. This is defined by some as the power of entering the body of another person - Prakamya Pravey. Shri Shankara entered the body of Raja Amara of Benares. Tirumular from South India entered the body of a shepherd. Raja Vidkramaditya also did this.
7) Vasitvam. It is the power to subjugate wild beasts and bring them under control. Thanks to this power, individuals with magnetism can force others to do their orders and desires. This power stops passions and emotions, and also gives the opportunity to bring under control a man, a woman and the Elementals.
8) Ishatvam. Attracting hidden forces. Yogi becomes the master of the Universe, Immortal. Kabir, Tulsi Das, Akalkot Swami and many others had the ability to prolong life.

Lesser Siddhis. I) Freedom from thirst and hunger; 2) Freedom from heat and cold; 3) Freedom from Raga Dvesha - rejection of attachments; 4) Dara Darshan, or Dara Drishti - prediction; 5) Dara Sravan - clairvoyance; 6) Mana Jaya - control over the mind; 7) Kama Rupa - the ability of the Yogi can take any desired form; 8) Parakya Pravesh. The yogi can enter another body, even a dead one, reviving it and transforming its soul; 9) Devanam Saha, Kriida and Darshan. The Yogi may play with the Devas when he sees them; 10) Yata Sankalpa - the ability to get, to acquire whatever you want; 11) Trikala Jnana - Knowledge of the present, past and future; 12) Advaidva - the ability is above the pairs of opposites; 13) Vach Siddhi: where the Yogi is supposed to be, he comes by the practice of Sathya, prophecy; 14) The ability to turn metals into gold; 15) Kaya Vyuha. By taking as many bodies as he wishes, the Yogi can exhaust all their Karmas in one lifetime; 16) Darduri Siddhi. Jumping power, like a frog; 17) Pa-tala: Yogi becomes the master of desires, destroys suffering and disease; 18) Achieve Knowledge of the Constellations and Planets; 19) The power of super-understanding with the help of Siddhi; 20) Lord over the Elementals (Bhuta Jaya) and over the Right Shrana Jaya); 21) Kamacari. The Yogi can be transported to any place he wishes; 22) Achieves Omnipotence and Omniscience; 23) Vayu Siddhi (Yogi takes off into the Sky and leaves the Earth); 26) Can indicate the place where hidden treasures lie.

Siddha Instructions.
1) Hatha Yoga achieves the perfection of the physical body (Rupalavanya Bala). It lies in the beauty, grace, strength and ability to endure very cold or heat (Titiksha), to live without water, lies in the beauty, grace, strength and ability to endure very extreme cold or heat (Titiksha), to live without water, food, etc..d. All this refers to Kaya Sampatu (Perfect body).
2) The mind is firm and directed towards one point. Практикой Дхараны и Дхьяны достигается Youсочайшая ступень на лестнице Йоги и привлекается Бессмертие через Самадхи. Йог, достигший Youсочайшего состояния, обладает 8 великими и всеми малыми Сиддхами.
3) The attraction of supernatural powers depends on the degree of concentration on the various Chakras and Tattvas and the awakening of the Kundalini. By the practice of Mudras, Bandhas, Asanas and Pranayama, one can also achieve any Siddhas.
4) Many of the 8 Siddhas cannot be obtained at the present time - the era of Kali Yuga, when the body and mind of most people are not sufficiently prepared. Even now, there are separate Yogas that have power and perform certain Siddhis, but when people come to them to learn how to do it, then they hide themselves and most often say: I don’t know. These yogis do not pay attention to Siddhis. By ignoring them, they achieve more. These are the True Yogis. Many are potentially capable of using some power, but do not know how to do it.
5) You can read the minds of others. A person, being, for example, in London, hears the spiritual message of the Sage from India. We have seen many people flee from cobras by reciting a few Mantras or by simply touching them. It is possible, by taking certain herbs, to be saved from incurable diseases. Some can tell you your past, present and future very accurately


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