Message: #352826
Ольга Княгиня » 08 Jun 2018, 00:07

Separate meals. Right choice. Irina Ilyinichna Ulyanova

watermelon or melon for an afternoon snack - they will be enough for you to satisfy a slight hunger. Shelton also offers melon or watermelon for breakfast (which, by the way, should be light).

Milk. Can adults drink milk? Shelton advises using it also separately from other products or abandoning it altogether. The fact is that milk - both in animals and in humans - is the food of the young, and for each species it has its own specific composition. Goat's milk is more useful for a newborn goat, cow's milk for a calf. To a human infant, his mother's milk.

As people age, the body of most people loses the ability to digest milk. Once in the stomach, milk, reacting with a sufficient amount of gastric juice, must first curdle. However, whole animal milk contains many fats that inhibit the secretion of digestive acids, and therefore it is not absorbed in the stomach. Digestion begins only in the duodenum. Often dairy products cause metabolic disorders. They can even contribute to the development of dysbacteriosis, gastritis, colitis, nephrolithiasis, polyarthritis and some other diseases.

If you tolerate milk well, you can drink it, of course. But do not forget Shelton's recommendation: milk should be consumed without combining with other products. If you drink a glass of milk with dinner, then the digestion of dinner in your stomach will simply slow down. With enveloping properties, milk will reliably protect your lunch from the effects of gastric juice. In the presence of milk, the stomach simply ceases to feel the presence of other food in it, and then you cannot avoid the unpleasant phenomena that accompany indigestion.

In general, fermented milk products are more useful for adults - kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, buttermilk, fermented baked milk, etc. The lactic acid bacteria contained in them are themselves involved in the processing of such products and help the absorption of others. Thanks to their activity, kefir, for example, is digested 2-3 times easier and faster than whole milk. Besides, kefir whey is much richer in B vitamins, and the lactic acid it contains prevents the growth of putrefactive microbes. However, we should not forget that bakery products should not be combined with lactic acid products.

So, remember that you should not use at the same time:

1) different types of proteins;

2) carbohydrates and proteins;

3) proteins and starches;

4) proteins and fats;

5) carbohydrates and fats;

6) sugars and starches;

7) proteins and acids;

8) various starchy foods;

9) acids and carbohydrates;

10) acids and starchy foods (or use acids before starches with an interval of at least half an hour).

Melons and watermelons, as well as milk, are not combined with any kind of food.

Various desserts are also poorly compatible with almost all products. Shelton believed that they did not bring any benefit and therefore it is better to avoid them.

When compiling your diet, it is imperative to take into account the compatibility of products, and also follow the postulate that Herbert Shelton came to during his many years of work in the school of health: "The less complex food mixtures, the simpler our dishes, the more efficient digestion can be expected." Shelton called for every meal to be made up of simple and well-combined foods. Moreover, the smaller number of products you absorb at one time (even if they belong to the same group or are perfectly combined), that is, the fewer substances you mix in the stomach, the easier, faster and more efficient digestion proceeds, since in this case the most optimal set of digestive juices and one food does not interfere with the absorption of another. As a result of proper nutrition, dysbacteriosis is eliminated and healthy microflora begins to predominate in the gastrointestinal tract, which also helps digestion.

The simpler the set of food that enters the stomach, the more it favors the health of the whole organism and longevity - this opinion is shared by representatives of many medical and philosophical teachings of the world, including yoga.

What happens with a mixed diet? Considering the conclusions made by Shelton and his followers, we can say that the traditional mixed diet greatly complicates the processing and assimilation of food, forcing the digestive organs to work under conditions of increased stress. Digestion of food slows down. The digestive organs try to provide all the products that have entered the stomach with the enzymes necessary for their processing, but this is simply impossible.

In the best case, the body produces such a combination of digestive juices that at least one type of food is processed and assimilated. Under less fortunate circumstances, a certain "arithmetic average" of all the enzymes required at the moment is obtained, which equally poorly digests all the products present. Inadequately processed food stale in the stomach and intestines. As a result, instead of assimilation, its fermentation and even decay begins, pathogenic microflora develops, toxins are deposited, and toxins begin to enter the bloodstream, causing self-poisoning of the body.

This situation occurs, for example, when eating an apple and meat together. Eaten separately, the apple will safely leave the stomach into the intestines in about 15–20 minutes. But together with meat, it will remain in the stomach for a long time, and both products will be digested poorly and with great difficulty. In an unprepared form, they will fall into the following sections of the gastrointestinal tract, and a disproportionately high load will fall on the liver with the pancreas. And food particles that are not digested at all will accumulate in the intestines, which will lead to intoxication, and eventually to illness.

Of course, our battered digestive organs for the time being cope with such a barbaric attitude towards them. Undigested food, after lying for some time, will nevertheless leave the body - without bringing it anything but harm. And a person will feel heaviness, discomfort in the stomach and ... hunger for a long time, because the food has not been digested and the necessary nutrients have not entered the bloodstream.

Shelton said: “We do not benefit from food that is not digestible. Eating and at the same time spoiling food in the digestive tract is a waste of food.”

But wasting food is not such a serious problem compared to the fact that as a result of poor digestion, the body is intoxicated and spends a lot of energy trying to somehow absorb stale food and cope with toxins. The disaster is eliminated, but at what cost! At the same time, the energy of the body burns out along with 25-50 years of life! ..

A person should not consider himself a trash can into which you can throw everything contract. Scientists have found that malnutrition and clogging of the body with toxins lead to the fact that almost half of the energy acquired by the body is spent on the digestion of food and the neutralization of toxins.

How is nutrition different when only compatible foods are combined in the diet and their number in one meal is minimal? Digestion of food, вопреки сложившемуся житейскому представлению, является серьезным биохимическим процессом, в котором принимают участие и ферменты, и желудочный сок, и гормоны. If the principles of separate nutrition are observed, digestion occurs in the gastrointestinal tract free from toxins, and the processing of a small number of compatible products proceeds easily, much faster, saving all the vital resources of the body. This releases a lot of energy that the body can use for other activities. A person gains strength, improves health and increases the chances of living a full life even in old age. People who eat compatible foods forget about heartburn, pain and heaviness in the stomach and intestines. According to Shelton, separate nutrition, along with the gradual cleansing of the body from internal pollution, is a return of a person to natural life, his rapprochement with nature, finding the lost harmony with it.

For most people, the prospects opened up by separate meals seem attractive, but not everyone has the time and patience to calculate their diet every day, independently select the best combinations of the products available in their home.

Therefore, there are many special schemes and tables that facilitate this task. Having such a table, a person no longer has to remember what type (proteins, fats, sour fruits, etc.) the products on his table belong to. He does not have to spend time thinking about all possible combinations of compatibility.

There are detailed (Table 2) and simplified (Table 1) tables. Detailed ones are more preferable, since the latter only approximately indicate those combinations of products that should not be used categorically.

Melon, watermelon and milk are not combined with any products.

Between meals of incompatible food should be at least 2 hours.

Tab. 1 is simplified. She will remind you that meat should not be eaten with bread, and beans should not be added to boiled potatoes. However, the table does not say anything about the relationship of products within its group (for example, it does not show that the combinations "protein - protein" or "starch - sugar" are also unacceptable). Besides, в данной схеме нет указания на запрет употребления в один прием белков и кислых фруктов, которые здесь отнесены к нейтральным, сочетаемым и с белками, и с углеводами продуктам. Looking more closely, one can discover other shortcomings of this table, which is typical for articles from glossy magazines.

Table 1

Separate power supply scheme

table 2

Food Compatibility Chart

It is much more convenient to use a detailed table (Table 2). With its help, you can quickly and easily determine how each particular product is combined with others.

This table is extremely easy to use. Here are the most commonly consumed foods. Each of them has its own number. So, for example, No. 4 belongs to

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