Message: #352826
Ольга Княгиня » 08 Jun 2018, 00:07

Separate meals. Right choice. Irina Ilyinichna Ulyanova

800 g, hop yeast - 400 g, raisins - 100 g, water - 10 l, dried lemon balm - 1 handful.


Cut the bread into slices and fry in a pan until it acquires a golden hue. Then transfer it to a capacious container for making kvass. Bring water to a boil and pour over slices of bread. Pour mint and leave for a day to infuse.

Onстой процедить, добавить дрожжи и сахар, все тщательно mix.

Remove the container to a warm place for fermentation. Remove foam regularly with a spoon.

When the kvass ferments, pour it into bottles, throw 3 raisins into each, close the bottles hermetically and put in the cold. In a day, kvass will be ready.

Cranberry kvass

Продукты: клюква – 1,5 кг, сахар – 800 г, дрожжи хмелевые – 400 г, вода – 10 l.


Sort the cranberries, wash and pour into a saucepan. Bring water to a boil and pour over the berries. Put the saucepan on fire. After 10 minutes, strain (save the broth). Grind the cranberries with a spoon and rinse 2-3 times with the available broth, then strain again. Put sugar, cool and add yeast. Mix and leave to ferment.

After fermentation, pour the kvass into bottles, cork them well and put them in the cold. Kvass will be ready after 3 days.

Kissel from cranberries

Продукты: клюква – 1 стакан, сахар – 150 г, вода – 1 л, крахмал картофельный – 0,5 стакана, гвоздика и корица – по желанию и taste.


Sort the cranberries, rinse in a colander, then grind into a pulp and squeeze out the juice. Transfer the marc into a saucepan with water, add sugar and spices, bring the water to a boil and hold a little over low heat. Then strain and boil again.

Dilute the starch with water and pour into the broth, bring it to a boil again and add the squeezed juice to it.

Kissel from cranberries очень вкусен и полезен. Его приятно пить как отдельный напиток, а можно подавать, например, к различным porridgeм. Besides, клюквенным киселем часто поливают вареные груши и печеные яблоки.

Kissel from oatmeal or hercules

Продукты: мука овсяная грубого помола или геркулес – 400 г, вода – 1,5 л, хлеб черствый (корка), немного древесного угля, соль – по taste.


Pour oatmeal or flour with warm water, mix well, put bread crust and a few pieces of charcoal. Close and leave for a day to brew at room temperature.

Onстой процедить, добавить столько воды, чтобы общий объем был равен 1 l. Stir and pour the flour again with the resulting liquid.

Next, pour the liquid into a saucepan, add salt if desired and taste, and, bringing to a boil, keep on fire for about 3 minutes until the liquid acquires the consistency of jelly. Serve hot oatmeal jelly. Separately serve bread and vegetable oil.

Kissel from oatmeal effectively and gently restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is especially recommended for intestinal atony and a tendency to constipation.

fruit compote

Продукты: сахар – 100 г, яблоки – 4 PC., груши – 2 PC., вода – 1 л, гвоздика – 2 бутона, корица – по taste.


Peel apples and pears, remove the core. Cut the pulp into small pieces, put in a capacious bowl and sprinkle with sugar.

Fill a saucepan with water, put on fire and bring the water to a boil. Put the peel removed from the fruit into boiling water, add the remaining sugar, put the spices and boil the syrup. Strain the hot syrup and pour over the chopped fruit pulp. Компот остудить, перелить в кувшин либо разлить по бокалам или стаканам и холодным подать к table.

Dried fruits compote

Продукты: сухофрукты (яблоки и груши, изюм, вишни и сливы) – 300 г, вода – 1,5 л, сахар – 100 г, гвоздика – 2 бутона, корица – по taste.


Sort dried fruits, wash and pour into a saucepan.

Pour in холодную воду, поставить кастрюлю на слабый огонь и сварить сухофрукты. Remove with a slotted spoon and transfer to a glass container.

Pour sugar into the remaining broth, put spices and bring the broth to a boil again. Then strain and pour them with ready-made dried fruits. Компот остудить и холодным подать к table.

Compote of fresh juicy berries

Products: raspberries or cherries - 1.5 cups (or red currants - 1 cup), water - 1 l, sugar - 150 g.


Sort the berries, pour into a colander and rinse under running water, then put in a saucepan. Dissolve sugar in water and boil syrup. Pour the berries with hot syrup, close the pan and put it in the cold. After 3-4 hours, the compote will be ready. It is recommended to serve it with cookies, buns, etc.

Compote can be prepared from one type of berries, or from several, add fruits if desired, as well as rhubarb.

Compote of berries and fruits

Продукты: ежевика, малина, красная и черная смородина – по 1 стакану груши, – 2 PC., яблоки – 2 PC., вода – 3 л, сахар – 350 г.


Carefully sort the berries, pour them into a colander and rinse under running water, then put them in a saucepan. Add washed and sliced ​​​​pears and apples to them. Dissolve sugar in water and boil syrup. Pour fruits and berries with hot syrup, close the pan and put it in the cold for 3-4 hours. Strain the finished compote and serve with cookies, buns, muffins, etc.

Ягоды и фрукты для такого компота можно выбирать по собственному taste. For acid, it is recommended to add a little lemon juice to it.

Each of us makes choices regarding our own health, lifestyle and, accordingly, nutrition. And this choice must be conscious and independent. But, as you have already seen, there are a great many theories, systems and prescriptions in the field of nutrition, and disputes among scientists and doctors continue to this day.

Which of them is right, whose opinion to listen to? Unfortunately (or fortunately), there is simply no single answer.

The human body, the nature around us and possible life situations are much more complex than any scheme or set of commandments. But each health system, having certain shortcomings, necessarily carries a rational grain that can and should be used.

A reasonable and unbiased attitude without faith in a miraculous panacea or deliberate skepticism will allow you to understand the essence of any nutrition system, see its positive aspects and decide what in it can be useful for you. Knowledge and a sense of proportion will help you avoid extremes - from the philistine "What gets into your mouth is good" to the belief that a sausage sandwich is a deadly poison for everyone who touches it.

We eat to live a fulfilling, active life, and we live to enjoy delicious, wholesome food, among other benefits. Onдеемся, что эта книга поможет вам сделать выбор в пользу полноценного, правильного питания и на долгие годы сохранить крепкое здоровье, радость жизни и отличное самочувствие.

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