Message: #352777
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 23:07

Express diets for slender goddesses. Fast, safe, comfortable. Anna Vladimirovna Vishnevskaya

to me not only because I am Larisa Dolina, but also because I have a beautiful body. В итоге я добилась своего, похудела на 26 килограммов, 50-й размер сменила на 42nd и теперь чувствую себя летящей ласточкой, помолодевшей на несколько лет».

So, the diet of Larisa Dolina.


• Must be 6 per day meals. All meals are held at a certain time: at 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 hours.

• After 7 days of the diet, eat for a week as usual, but with the restriction of sweet, fatty, spicy and starchy foods - this is necessary to fix the weight. Perhaps this week you will add 0.5–1 kg of weight, but this is not scary, because after 7 days of “fixing” you need to start the diet again. It is necessary to alternate the diet with the “fixing” week until you reach the desired weight.

• Before a diet it is necessary to spend a fasting day.

• Cleanse your bowels every day with an enema (you can use laxatives).

• Before each meal it is necessary to drink an infusion of St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula (1 sachet of each herb per 200 ml of boiling water).

• Drink about 0.5 liters of boiled water per day (liquid restriction is necessary for the body to use the accumulated water in body fat).


1st day: 400 г печеного картофеля без соли и 500 г кефира 1 %-ной жирности (на весь день);

2nd day: 400 г творога обезжиренного и 500 г кефира;

3rd day: 400 г фруктов (любых, кроме бананов и винограда) и 500 г кефира;

4th day: 400 г отварной куриной грудки без соли и 500 г кефира;

5th day: 400 г фруктов и 500 г кефира;

6th day: 1,5 л минеральной воды без газа;

7th day: 400 г фруктов и 500 г кефира.

Diet Laima Vaikule
“4 kilograms plus my normal weight is a lot for me,” the singer complains. - Then I begin to take active measures, because with a small weight it is much more difficult to lose 4 kg than with 100 kilograms. Sometimes I go hungry for a couple of days - I drink only water, tea and coffee and do not eat anything at all. If that doesn't help, I go on a 9-day diet."

1-3rd days: only rice, and empty, without salt, without oil, you can with soy sauce and low-calorie seasonings.

4-6th days: only white chicken meat. By no means a jerk!

7th-9th days: only apples.

Sophia Loren's slim figure secret
Sophia Loren is in her seventies, but she is still charming and slim. And this despite the fact that the actress loves pasta!

According to Sophia Loren, the main secret of her effective and healthy diet is not to consume too many calories in one sitting and control portion sizes. Instead of abusing cheese and sour cream sauces, it is better flavor the spaghetti with a low-fat sauce.

To keep the figure, the actress eats three times a day, and little by little. Do not snack during breaks. Every day he drinks a glass of yogurt with a spoonful of brewer's yeast, eats a pineapple every other day.

The actress arranges unloading with body cleansing every three months: she eats only fresh fruits and drinks natural juices without sugar. She does not smoke, does not drink alcohol.

Sophie usually goes to bed at 9 pm and wakes up at 6 am. He does exercises, then goes to the garden to breathe in the scent of flowers. Every day for 10 minutes she does gymnastics with dumbbells in front of an open window. Then she gets up under a cold shower - this maintains muscle tone and helps maintain the shape of the bust. Sophie walks a lot.

Three-day diet from Sophia Loren

1st day

Breakfast: 170 г апельсинового сока, сваренное вкрутую яйцо.

Dinner: салат из любых овощей с 60 г нарезанной ломтиками индейки и нежирным сыром, уложенным на листья салата.

Dinner: 115 г макарон с креветками по вкусу, салат из шпината с низкокалорийной заправкой.

Dessert: 1 apple.

2nd day

Breakfast: чашка злаковых грубого помола с обезжиренным молоком.

Dinner: салат из свежих фруктов и полчашки прессованного творога.

Dinner: 115 г спагетти с фрикадельками из постной индейки, листья салата, смешанные с постной заправкой.

Dessert: 1 pear.

3rd day

Breakfast: половина подсушенного бейгале (соленого бублика из муки грубого помола) с нежирным сыром.

Dinner: 115 г зеленого салата с вареной курицей.

Dinner: 170 г лазаньи из нежирного сыра, большой салат из различной зелени с постной заправкой.

Dessert: 2 peaches.

"Week" by Peta Wilson
Model and actress Peta Wilson can serve as a clear example of the perniciousness of rigid diets. Somehow, for no reason at all, the charming performer of the role of Nikita began to have a “fatty complex”, and she starved to anorexia (a painful desire to lose weight and almost complete refusal of food), which led to exhaustion of the body. But Peta managed to overcome her illness. Now she does not deny herself food, only once every two months she sits down on her favorite diet.

1st day: 5 вареных картофелин и 1,5 л кефира.

2nd day: 100 г вареной курицы и те же 1,5 л кефира.

3rd day: 100 г отварного мяса плюс 1,5 л кефира.

4th day: 100 г вареной рыбы с kefir.

5th day: фрукты и овощи (кроме бананов и винограда!) и 1,5 л кефира.

6th day: только кефир.

7th day: только минеральная вода.

Peta recommends that the weekly event be preceded by bowel cleansing, and all dishes should be prepared without sugar and salt.

Express diet from Margarita Koroleva
The diet consists of three stages lasting three days. Each of these stages is a mono-diet based on a single product. In principle, mono-diets (kefir, rice, cabbage, etc.) are considered very harmful, but in this case, due to the fact that they are short in duration and replace each other in a certain sequence, the negative health effects are much less.

Stage one - rice

В течение трех дней вы можете есть только рис (250 г в день), пить воду (как и положено, по 2,5 л) и немного добавлять в рацион мед (3 ч. spoons).

So, in the evening before the first day of the diet, soak the rice in cold water. In the morning, rinse it well (this allows you to remove the starch), pour hot water over it and cook for 15–20 minutes. Rice can be used any - polished, brown or a mixture. Ready rice is divided into 6 equal parts, which are eaten during the day (taking into account that the last meal should be no later than 19.00). Between rice meals, eat some honey and drink it with water.

Such rice detoxification (and rice is a very good enterosorbent) allows you to remove toxins from the body and cleanse the intestines.

Stage two

- chicken

If you do not like chicken, you can replace it with lean fish. The daily norm of meat is 800 grams in its pure form. The chicken is boiled without salt and spices, before cooking it is necessary to remove the skin and fat. As in the first stage, the daily allowance is eaten evenly so as not to experience hunger. Water and honey are also consumed throughout the day.

Fish and chicken days can be alternated, but not combining fish and chicken on the same day.

Stage three

– vegetable

At the final three-day stage of the diet, you will need to eat 1 kilogram of vegetables, which are divided into two equal parts - one is boiled or stewed (without salt, spices and oil), and a salad is made from the second (you can add a little bit of olive oil to it). From vegetables, stock up on carrots, beets, cabbage, onions, zucchini.

During the day alternate boiled and fresh vegetables. Water and honey - as in the previous two stages. This final phase of the diet allows you to saturate the body with trace elements and vitamins and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract.

For more noticeable results, take a walk in the fresh air every day or do light exercises. Heavy loading is contraindicated. As a relaxing procedure, do self-massage, take warm baths with aromatic oils.

Instead of a conclusion: how not to gain weight again after a diet?
The fact is that, as a rule, express diets are not able to provide sustainable weight loss. Sooner or later, the lost pounds come back. And often even more than they were. In nutritional practice, this phenomenon is called the pendulum or swing. After a few of these “jumps” back and forth, you can firmly settle in the category of “behemoths”.

The reason is very simple and has already been mentioned in the pages of this book. When you go on a low-calorie diet, your body "thinks" that this is forced malnutrition due to lack of food, and begins to earnestly save fat and save energy by lowering the metabolic rate: the body seeks to create internal reserves. And when you go off the diet, the metabolic rate remains low, although much more calories enter the body. And all these calories go straight to internal fat accumulation. That is why after stopping the diet, weight is gained very quickly.

An essential addition. If the diet is unbalanced or excessively rigid, then it usually leads to the loss of muscle and fat mass in approximately equal parts. And when you gain your lost weight back, you increase fat mass, and not muscle mass, which further reduces the metabolic rate. Now you are both more overweight and less attractive.

Therefore, if you decide to go on a diet, then sooner or later the question will be acute for you: how to increase the diet and not gain weight again?

Here are two possible behaviors developed by French nutritionists. You choose one of them and follow it for the rest of your life.

Model one
Every two weeks, increase your daily caloric intake through carbohydrates and / or fats (depending on what

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