Message: #87695
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 23:47

Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Medicine. I. I. Vetrova

Free radicals (superoxide radical, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical) formed as a result of redox reactions can damage the vascular endothelium, contributing to the development of atherosclerosis, and cause rapid aging of bone and cartilage tissue. joints and spine due to the appearance of cross-links of collagen protein molecules, disrupt the colloidal balance of bile, leading to the formation of stones. And the accumulation of urates and oxalates causes the development of urolithiasis.
Biological defects of body organs can be the result of prarabdha-karma (negative inclinations of past lives), genetic problems or acquired “breakdowns” due to the destructive effect of environmental factors (acute and chronic stress, malnutrition, infections, living in ecologically unfavorable areas). Karmic mechanism считается наиболее значимым, поскольку, с одной стороны, даже со смертью тела болезнь переносится в новое воплощение, а с другой — воздействиями только на физическое тело проблему полностью решить невозможно. You should know that certain vices weaken the tuning fork centers (chakras of the third circle) of the corresponding vital organs. Thus, pride weakens the liver, self-centeredness weakens the heart, and fear and hypocrisy weaken the kidneys. The accumulation of ama in the body causes general weakness, increased fatigue, irritability, discomfort, drowsiness, memory impairment, profuse tongue coating, halitosis, loss of appetite, increased gas formation, migratory pains in the abdomen, pustular rashes on the skin, etc.
Initially, only two or three symptoms may appear, but as the disease progresses, signs of endotoxicosis will increase.
Each organ has its own detoxification system. Ama usually accumulates in "weakened" parts of the body. It is enough to starve during the day to find out the degree of "slagging" of the body - during this period, the above symptoms will manifest themselves especially sharply.
The method of "five mirrors" allows you to accurately identify the places of accumulation of ama in the body. In the fourth stage of the disease, Ayurveda uses the methods of shodhana (getting rid of ama), by cleansing the stomach, intestines, liver, blood, kidneys, respiratory system and skin. For this, panchakarma is used - five cleansing procedures (netti-kriya, vamana-dhauti, virechana, basti and abhyanga), triphala-guggul (a phytocomplex that activates the antitoxic function of cells and accelerates the excretion of ama through the liver, intestines and kidneys) is prescribed. various enterosorbents and medicinal oils.
The fifth stage of the disease - vyakti-vikriti (clinical or manifest) - is associated with the activation of the body's self-regulation mechanisms, when organs or tissues try to get rid of ama. This stage is accompanied by specific symptoms such as kidney pain, fever, cough or nausea. Such manifestations are called "disease music". Any pathology of the body has its own individual rhythm, manifested by periods of exacerbations and remissions, its own “character” and its own “addictions”. Heа проявит себя не только различными симптомами, но и отразится в «пяти зеркалах» тела и малах (поте, моче и испражнениях), зазвучит на лучезапястной артерии, где принято определять пульс. The skin, mucous membranes and tongue will reflect the dynamics of the development of the disease, and the auricles and eyes - the depth of its penetration. The smells of sweat and breath will have features characteristic of each disease. However даже по жалобам пациента опытный врач сможет на этой стадии легко поставить диагноз.
Unfortunately, most people seek medical help only at the fifth stage, when the treatment process is quite complicated and requires great perseverance and patience from both the doctor and the patient. The whole range of complex treatment is used here: marmavidya, osteopathy, therapeutic and respiratory gymnastics, homeopathy, hirudo-, phyto-, balneo-, diet therapy, etc.
If a не удается преодолеть болезнь на предыдущих стадиях, она неизбежно переходит в терминальную — мритья-викрити, когда защитные механизмы органа утрачивают свою силу, а ткани претерпевают необратимые изменения. There is a gradual destruction and death of this body system. For example, with advanced urolithiasis, a huge staghorn stone is formed, which leads to hydronephrosis and death of the kidney, or heart failure develops due to numerous myocardial infarctions. Here, neither marmavidya, nor herbal medicine, nor homeopathy will be effective. Heи в лучшем случае лишь позволят облегчить страдания пациента и замедлить приближение финала. The only other thing that can help is trying to perform an organ transplant. By the way, such operations were quite successfully carried out both in the Ayurvedic ashrams of Sushruta and in the Dravidian centers of Agastya for many millennia. back.

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