Message: #71290
Аннета Эссекс » 07 Feb 2017, 23:28

Athletic diet: how to lose weight and build muscle?

We all know that sport is the most effective and best way to lose weight. Figure, sport, diet – this is an inseparable union, but not every person manages to overpower himself and exercise regularly, and even more so to follow a sports diet. Some are simply too lazy to play sports, others willingly start doing exercises, but they quickly get bored with sports, and the rest simply do not have enough time for additional physical activity. Today we will talk about the diet of sports nutrition, the features of a sports diet for men and girls, and we will draw up an indicative diet menu for sports.

Sports nutrition diet For the effectiveness and benefits of sports activities, first of all, it is necessary to think over a special diet that would help achieve harmony and lose unnecessary kilograms. In the diet of a diet when playing sports, there must be: carbohydrates for energy – the norm is set depending on the sport, age and gender of the athlete (from 5 to 10 g / kg of weight); proteins (proteins) – for tissue repair and muscle maintenance (from 0.8 to 2 g / kg). With an unreasonable increase in the amount of protein, the number of fat cells may increase, osteoporosis develops; fats are an important component of nutrition (30% of total calories). With an excess amount of fat, digestion slows down and well-being worsens. fluid – per hour of training, the body loses about 1.3 liters of fluid, an additional volume is excreted in the urine. Athletes compensate for fluid expenses by drinking plenty of water; vitamins and minerals – for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. With regular physical activity, it is necessary to additionally take vitamin and mineral complexes, it is impossible to obtain all the necessary components only from the diet. During exercise, food is poorly digested, and therefore the body receives an extra load. Therefore, it is advisable to eat at least two hours before sports training, but the portion should be large enough, and the food should be complete, with the necessary amount of proteins and carbohydrates. If you feel hungry just before training, you can have a snack with some product that contains the so-called fast carbohydrates (for example, chocolate). Two hours after class, you can eat again. Before training on a sports diet for weight loss is best Eat: 5 egg omelette (whites only); fish with vegetable salad or low-fat steak; boiled chicken breast with rice; potatoes baked with vegetables; dairy products. Features of a sports diet for girls and men Some people think that sports diets are developed only for girls. But men also follow a special diet if they want to get rid of extra pounds, build muscle and “build” an athletic body. If you follow a sports diet for girls, you can lose weight and still not build muscle. To do this, you must observe the following diet: five hours before the start of classes, do not eat protein foods; two hours before and after classes do not eat at all; after training, eat protein foods. A sports diet for men will help you lose weight and build muscle. Girls can also adhere to this diet if they want to give a beautiful shape to the muscles. So, for muscle growth during the time, the following nutritional rules must be observed: two hours before class, eat a large portion of soup or salad; an hour before training, eat any large fruit – peach, apple, pear; half an hour before training, drink a glass of green tea or strong coffee; After exercising, it is advisable to eat within twenty minutes. From food, potatoes, chicken breast, vegetables, rice, cottage cheese, fruits, yogurt and jam are recommended. The field of training exclude cocoa, tea, coffee and chocolate. It is best to drink grape or cranberry juice. It should be borne in mind that fat is lighter than inflated muscles, so weight may not change. But if you have become more spacious in your old clothes, then there is definitely a result. Indicative menu of a sports diet for weight loss

The right sports nutrition regimen helps restore muscle tissue, speeds up metabolism and the process of burning fat. Here is an indicative sports nutrition menu: breakfast – a glass of kefir (2.5%), two apples or a banana; second breakfast – 200 g of cabbage and carrot salad, 100 g of any lean meat, two boiled eggs, a slice of black bread, 5 g of butter, tea with lemon and honey; lunch – lean borsch, cabbage and bell pepper salad, boiled veal, black bread, 100 ml of freshly squeezed fruit juice; dinner – oatmeal on the water, vegetable salad, lean meat or steamed fish with herbs and broccoli. Between meals, you can have an apple, banana or drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice. If you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, you can lose at least two kilograms per week. A sports diet for weight loss will be especially useful if you spend fasting days before following it. Once a week, with sports nutrition, you can arrange fasting days on mineral water, apple, vegetable salads without oil with lemon juice. Nutritionists classify a sports diet as strict, so permission from the attending physician is required before it is followed.

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