Message: #279300
Ольга Княгиня » 15 Dec 2017, 20:57

My life in advertising. Claude Hopkins

не быть решающим фактором. The main thing is a high profit from the sold. One sale can be enough for a long time. Byкупателю, в принципе, неважно, сколько он платит за пакетик хлопьев, потому что он покупает его не каждый день. But the manufacturer needs a large margin due to the fact that the level of consumption is low.

By некоторым видам товаров высокая цена может быть и стимулирующим фактором. These goods are judged solely on price. A product that costs much more than its own kind is considered just as the best in its field. Byэтому вопрос цены также является важным для рекламной стратегии.

Competition should also be taken into account.

Who is against you?

What about their price, product quality, or advertising slogans is more attractive than yours?

What do you need to do to win the trade war against them?

What should be done to maintain the level of sales you have achieved?

How deep have your competitors dug in?

There are positions that are simply impregnable. As a rule, these are manufacturers who have created a new type of product, a new demand, and now dictate their own laws to this part of the market. Manufacturers of such goods have seized the territory so thoroughly that it is almost impossible to recapture it. At них уже есть и опыт, и деньги, чтобы задать вам хорошую трёпку в ответ на любую попытку потеснить их.

And yet such markets can be captured. This происходит тогда, когда у какого-то производителя появился убедительный перевес или небывало эффективное рекламное изобретение.

It is not much easier to act in other areas, if it is easier. IN появлении на рынке нового крема для бритья, к примеру, нет ничего необычного. Almost every potential buyer is already using a competitive product. Most are quite satisfied with their brand. A lot of people just got used to it. Byэтому рекламная атака должна быть достаточно сильной, чтобы убедить потребителя отказаться от устоявшихся привычек.

No result is achieved by random actions. You can not focus on 100% of consumers and blindly probe them, in search of what affects them. It is necessary to introduce some typical representatives who buy the cream from our competitors. INот человек, взявший любимое мыло в дорогу.

How can you convince him to give preference to your soap?

Before winning the tastes of thousands, you must learn to convince one.

A manufacturer can say that there is no big difference between the products, the quality of his product is no better or worse than that of competitors. He занимает свою долю рынка, но ничего особенного для покупателя предложить не может. However, there will always be something that will be interesting to the buyer and has not yet been beaten by competitors. Our task is to find such a difference. We должны найти пусть кажущееся, но преимущество. People will never part with an acquired habit without a good reason.

There is the problem of substituting one brand for another, but there are ways to prevent substitution. Because of this, the market often moves from one manufacturer to another, so this factor must also be taken into account. We must anticipate possible dangers and take measures to protect ourselves from such intrigues.

Many newcomers immediately take on the increased obligations of a major player. Then, when failures of the most varied nature occur, they lose their achievements and profits are not counted. Although the gradual adoption in the market an ordinary, ordinary trademark could eventually make it exclusive.

An example is Vaseline. Byявление вазелина на рынке сформировало новый спрос, после чего его производство стало практически монопольным. This произошло благодаря тому, что создатели этого продукта с самого начала вели мудрую политику. If they called their product petrolatum or jelly, they would miss out on millions of dollars in profits.

«Джелл-О», «Byстум», «INиктола», «Кодак» и тd. создали имена, которые стали нарицательными. The most common of them are even included in dictionaries. They были придуманы для определённой торговой марки, а стали обозначать сами изделия.

IN то же время «Королевский порошок для выпечки» и «Жареные пшеничные хлопья» были первопроходцами в своей области, но их названия оставили широкие лазейки для конкурентов. Same касается и «Солодового молока Хорлика».

It is also necessary to correctly assess the attitude of dealers and stores to the product. They are characterized by a desire to limit the product range, avoiding the same type of brands, to make and take into account stocks. When it comes to your product, how will it get into stores? If they already have a similar product, how to push it?

The problems associated with the distribution of goods are significant and numerous. And to advertise a product that only ends up in one or two stores means wasting gunpowder. We will address these issues in one of the following chapters.

We описали некоторые типичные проблемы, которые призваны решать люди, работающие в advertising. We привели доказательства того, что для успешной рекламной activities необходим большой опыт. One slip can cost millions of customers over time. One wrong step in developing a strategy can cost the entire success of an enterprise. What is done in a certain way can be done in another way, twice as easy and four times cheaper.

Advertising without such preparations is like a waterfall without a windmill. His power is wasted. We должны сузить поток и направить его в нужное русло.

Advertising activity often looks very simple from the outside. Thousands of people claim that they can successfully practice it. From the outside, it may even seem that it is so. IN результате рекламные кампании проводятся без руля и без ветрил. But those who know the true state of affairs understand that advertising problems are as numerous and as serious as the problems that arise in the construction of skyscrapers. And many of them start from the very foundation.

Chapter 13 About the Usefulness of Samples

The product itself must also be a seller. He сам должен продавать себя. Not the product itself, of course, but the product plus a certain impression, the atmosphere that you create around it. And if so, samples are extremely important. No matter how much they cost you, this is the cheapest way to generate sales. Moreover, the seller himself can offer them no worse than the advertiser.

Samples are not only suitable for advertising some small goods - foodstuffs or a patented toothpick. With the help of samples, you can make an advertisement for anything. We успешно применяли этот способ для одежды. Now we use the samples to advertise phonograph records.

Patterns can be usefully applied in a variety of areas. They позволяют использовать в рекламных текстах слово «бесплатный». And this always increases the number of readers of advertising. People are interested in free gifts. Tests have shown that samples pay for themselves—sometimes several times over—by attracting more and more readers, for which you do not need to pay for additional advertising space.

The pattern involves moving towards you. The reader of the advertisement may not yet be sure whether he needs your product or not. But he is willing to learn more about the product on offer. Byсему он отрезает купон, откладывает его в сторонку, а позже посылает вам письмо, вложив в него купон, или приходит к вам и предъявляет его. Without a coupon in the ad, the customer will soon forget everything. And so you get the name and address of an interested potential buyer. INы можете повлиять на его выбор в пользу своего товара. You can provide additional information. IN общем, «не слезать» с него.

Thisт самый читатель, может быть, ещё полгода не увидит вашу advertising. INпечатление от неё сотрётся. But when he writes to you, you have the opportunity to get the most out of it. Byэтому трата на образец и окупает себя.

Byрой маленького образца недостаточно, чтобы понять качество товара. IN таком случае мы, как покупатели, заказываем у оптовика упаковки обычного размера. You can also make a coupon for packaging for stores. IN любом случае, такая проверка будет действовать дольше.

Like this everything is expensive, you say. However, remember how expensive it is to arouse the interest of potential buyers. INложив деньги в рекламу, вы уже потратили 50 центов на каждого читателя. Do not spare another 15 cents so that his interest does not go to waste.

Есть дополнительный способ, при котором образец окупает себя: так называемая кодовая advertising. Such advertising reveals the level of interest in the product. With it, you can compare the text of one advertisement with the text of another, one headline with another, compare different methods or plans of an advertising campaign.

INсё это означает огромную экономию. Even the wisest, most experienced advertiser cannot tell which line of which text will be the most attractive. With coded advertising, your ad responses will cost half as much as they could. And, as we remember, individual ads can pay off ten times compared to the rest. And a sample can return all the money spent on it several times - such is the price of accurate statistics on the impact of your advertising.

Samples will also allow you to find out in which areas your potential buyers live. This чрезвычайно важно сделать до развёртывания сети продаж.

Many of the advertisers, because of their stinginess, suffer losses that exceed the cost of samples. Either they are afraid to be intrusive, or they are trying to save a penny. Byэтому у них образец не бывает бесплатным — они или просят за него десять центов, или хотя бы оплату почтовых расходов. To get these ten cents from each future buyer, such a would-be seller must himself spend from 40 cents to a dollar. It is by this amount that the cost of responses can increase. Notice how many people go to these expenses instead of offering a sample for free to everyone.

The price tag


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