Message: #279300
Ольга Княгиня » 15 Dec 2017, 20:57

My life in advertising. Claude Hopkins

что он счёл его достойным самой широкой рекламы. At нас нет статистики на этот счёт. We не знаем точное количество людей, страдающих от астмы. INозможно, это один человек из ста. If so, then there are 99 useless ad readers per useful reader. The price of an advertising appeal is twenty times higher than that of an appeal that may be of interest to one in five. Such dispersion (1 in 100) of course means a complete disaster. Byэтому, прежде чем начинать что-то подобное, каждому производителю нужна консультация опытного рекламиста. No person who considers advertising his vocation would approve of such an advertising risk.

Some advertising language never comes to the fore, but is still relevant enough to think about using them. These formulations have an impact on a certain group - say, a quarter of potential buyers. Such phrases can be placed in the headlines, not in all, but in some part, in order to use all the chances. Most often, it is worth including these phrases in all advertising texts. This вовсе не означает блуждания вслепую. The decision must be made on specific data, usually response statistics.

This chapter, like any other, points out why it is important to know the exact results of advertising. Реклама, если она хочет быть наукой, не может обойтись без this. Especially if you want your advertising to be safe and profitable.

The amounts spent on unverified advertising campaigns may well be enough to cover the entire public debt. The result of such campaigns is a whole cemetery of failed advertising. They послужили причиной разочарования многих и многих пытавшихся работать в advertising. Accurate knowledge is the dawn that heralds the dawn of a new day to the advertising world.

Chapter 11 Information

To hope for success in their business, the creator of advertising texts must have a maximum of information on the subject. IN библиотеке рекламного агентства должны быть книги обо всём, что это агентство рекламирует или собирается рекламировать. A diligent advertiser spends weeks reading information about a product and its features.

Somewhere deep thick volumes, you can find new information that will be useful for advertising. And some single fact will generally form the basis of a successful campaign.

This advertiser has just sifted through mountains of medical and other literature in search of materials about coffee. He работает над рекламой кофе без кофеина. IN одном научном сообщении из тысяч пересмотренных он нашёл ту основу, на которой выстроит всю кампанию. This — тот факт, что кофеин начинает действовать через два часа после попадания в организм. This означает, что бодрящее воздействие кофе не связано с кофеином, как думают многие. Caffeine does not invigorate, coffee itself invigorates. In addition, the removal of caffeine does not affect the taste of the drink in any way - caffeine is tasteless and odorless.

Decaffeinated coffee has been advertised for years. The townsfolk treated it in much the same way as non-alcoholic beer. Only after we studied the issue for weeks did we think of a new way to illuminate the problem.

To advertise toothpaste, this advertiser had to read a lot of books written in dry, academic language. But in one of them, he read something that allowed him to write an advertisement that subsequently brought millions to pasta manufacturers. And, of course, made this pure water campaign a sensation.

Genius is the art of diligence. A lazy advertiser who does not treat his job with diligence will not go far.

Before advertising a new food product, 130 people were hired for weeks just to interview all segments of potential consumers.

By другой теме врачам было разослано 12 000 писем. Such questionnaires are often sent to tens of thousands of people to get their opinion on a product.

A man who makes $25,000 a year used to personally tour farms for several weeks before selling carbide lamps. Another did the same in connection with tractor parts.

Before the start of the advertising campaign dedicated to shaving cream, a thousand people were interviewed. INопрос был такой: что вам больше всего нравится в креме для бритья?

For advertising beans with pork, a preliminary survey was made, the opinion of a thousand housewives was clarified. До того девиз звучал так: «Byкупайте нашу торговую марку!» The survey results showed that only 4% consume canned pork with beans. 96% cook their own beans. The problem was not just to sell this particular product of this brand. Any appeal to the buyers of this product would affect only 4%. The correct approach was to wean people from cooking beans at home. The advertising campaign, which could have failed without knowing these features, was a great success.

Surveys are conducted not only among end users, but also among wholesalers. Use the competition wisely. INыясняется, какими источниками и формулировками пользовались рекламисты, уже работающие с похожими товарами. Byэтому изучение точной информации по теме можно начать с чтения материалов собственных конкурентов.

Advertising agencies run information bureaus that collect newspaper clippings and analyze them. Thus, everything that is printed on the desired subject somehow reaches the copywriter.

Any opinion about the product, expressed by the consumer or wholesaler, also ends up on the advertiser's table. You need to have as complete a picture as possible. We должны знать, сколько ежегодно тратит привлекаемый нами потребитель, чтобы понять, стоит ли овчинка выделки.

We должны знать всё о потреблении, чтобы не допустить перерасходов.

We должны выявить процент читателей, на которых нацелена наша advertising. Often we also need to generalize information across different population groups. The percentage can vary significantly for large cities and provinces. The cost of advertising itself to a large extent depends on which part of it will not hit the target, will be incorrectly oriented.

Byэтому-то каждая рекламная кампания предваряется изучением большого количества информации. Sometimes a test campaign is conducted first, because if it is successful, there is no need to spend time and effort on further study of the material.

In order to refute or, conversely, confirm some controversial statement about a certain material, chemists are often hired. The advertiser often randomly invents some kind of sensational statement. If it turns out to be true, then it will reflect well on advertising and the return on it. If it turns out to be wrong, it will hit the manufacturer like a boomerang. Heо воздвигнет преграду между товаром и конечным потребителем. It's funny how often the information that a manufacturer has been reporting about their product for years turns out to be incorrect.

INесомые statements are even more powerful when they are accurate. Byэтому мы проводим длительные эксперименты, чтобы получить точные цифры. For example, it is known that such and such a drink is satisfying. This простенькое заявление недостаточно убедительно. Byэтому надо отправить напиток в лабораторию и установить, что в одной пинте ровно 425 калорий. IN одной пинте столько же калорий, сколько в шести яйцах. INоздействие этого утверждения грандиозно.

But in any matter, if you rely on scientific information, censorship is also necessary. A copywriter who has an arbitrarily large amount of useful facts on hand can still draw the wrong conclusions. Byэтому любое объявление должен рассмотреть специалист. An uninformed person will be simply shocked to learn how much work goes behind an advertisement. Sometimes it's weeks of work... on a couple of lines. INпрочем, текст и должен быть предельно простым, раз он обращён к простым людям. But the underwater part of the iceberg is often dozens of books and months of research.

Byэтому реклама — это не поприще для лентяев.

Chapter 12 Strategy

Advertising is like war, if you can imagine war without hatred. Or, if you prefer, it is like a game of chess. Our task is to knock the enemy out of his fortress, to gain control over his sales.

To solve the problem, you need to know and be able to do a lot. You need training, you need experience, you need ammunition. Don't underestimate the enemy. As mentioned in the previous chapter, our intelligence should also be on top. As stated in another chapter, we need dealer alliances. And most importantly, we must have the most effective strategy to win not by numbers, but by skill.

Sometimes the choice of name or title plays an important role in the beginning of a campaign. This очень существенный момент. Often a correctly chosen name is an advertisement in itself and carries all the necessary information. Читаем: «Пшеничная соломка», «Чудо-пшеница», «Рисовые хлопья», «Мятная жевательная резинка», «Пальмовое мыло» («Палмолив» — игра слов: «Weло, которое создано для ладони», оно же: «Weло from a palm tree"), etc.

The correct name, which clearly orients the buyer, can serve as an additional trump card. And how many times a skillfully chosen name has generally become a decisive success factor! Other names, on the contrary, became the cause of failure - to примеру: «Byджаренные кукурузные хлопья». Many tried to cling to successful names.

Some newly invented brand names that have no special meaning have been successful. Iркие примеры — «Кодак», «Каро» и многие другие. But these are exceptions. The manufacturer who has chosen them for his products is completely protected from imitation. And yet, a well-chosen title that helps emphasize the main message of advertising is a good help. The cost of some store names rises to millions of dollars. Byэтому выбор имени предваряют глубокие и основательные исследования.

Sometimes you need to set the right price. INысокая цена отпугивает. Heа сужает поле бизнеса. The cost of making additional profit may exceed the amount of the profit itself.

It is a widely known fact that the biggest profits are made on large quantities of sales at low markups. Campbell soups, Palmolive soap, Karo syrup, Ford cars are examples of this. If the quoted price is only available to 10% of the population, this will greatly increase the cost of sales.

But for других видов бизнеса цена может и


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