Message: #279300
Ольга Княгиня » 15 Dec 2017, 20:57

My life in advertising. Claude Hopkins

attached to the sample has a huge impact on the number of responses. He не позволяет вам манипулировать словом «бесплатно». Any price tag will end up costing the seller more than a truly free sample.

By этим же причинам многие рекламные тексты провозглашают: «Две упаковки по цене одной!» or contain a discount coupon. If you use code advertising, it will show that these methods do not pay for themselves. Byка потребитель ещё не стал приверженцем вашей торговой марки, заставить его отдать за ваш half price goods are as hard as full price.

INсегда держите в уме, что вы — продавец. INы стараетесь вызвать интерес. Byэтому не надо специально создавать помехи для этого интереса. Don't make your future customers pay to promote your product. Three out of four will refuse to do it - if not all nine out of ten.

The cost of applying free samples is not the same for different categories of goods. In addition, it directly depends on the reach of the audience. Some campaigns affect literally everyone, some only a small percentage. An advertisement in a New York newspaper offering to order a can of powdered milk generated 1,460,000 responses. For a chocolate drink, every fifth of the published coupons was completed and sent. For less popular products, responses will be many times less.

IN любом случае такие отклики сами по себе достаточно важны. If so, don't neglect them. Don't stop halfway when you've already got a buyer halfway through. Any request is a sign that the sender has read your ad and is interested. He или она хотят попробовать ваш продукт и узнать о нём побольше. Do everything that you would do as a seller - face to face with such a buyer.

The costs of requests not least depend on how they get to you. Please send) the coupon by mail causes the least response. INчетверо больше потребителей предъявят купон на бесплатный образец в магазине.

IN той категории товаров, реклама которой лежит сейчас перед автором, стоимость образца, посылаемого по почте, доходит до 70 центов. But the same coupon for a sample to present at a local store already costs 18-22 cents.

People, as a rule, rarely write letters. The process of writing a letter is an effort on yourself. IN доме попросту может не найтись почтовой марки. They скорее заплатят за проезд куда-то, где можно получить образец, нежели потратятся на почтовую марку. Byэтому всюду, где это возможно, лучший способ — предложение образцов в местных магазинах.

There was a case when three methods were used for the same product. At женщин был выбор: заказать образец письмом, по телефону, или, наконец, получить его в магазине. 70% of inquiries were made by phone. The telephone is both more familiar and more convenient than fiddling with brands.

Sometimes it's not possible to sample everything the shops. Then it is necessary to direct everyone to large shopping centers. These stores will only be happy with the influx of visitors. INаши дилеры на местах тоже не будут против, потому что такая реклама в конечном счёте скажется на их продажах.

It is very important that stores send you coupons without delay. Then you will get a complete picture of requests, taking into account time and place.

Some believe that lovers of free samples come for them again and again. IN какой-то мере это так. But such people make up a small percentage. INключите это в свои расчёты.

Byпробуйте сказать женщинам: «One образец в одни руки», и мало кто попытается заполучить второй. Those who fall for the tricks will most often not be your buyers at all. Byэтому вы теряете не покупателей, а всего лишь образцы.

For some products, we have long offered free packages ranging from 10 cents to 50 cents. Then checks were made in several areas to identify those who took samples more than once. INыяснилось, что потери даже меньше, чем стоимость этих проверок.

IN некоторых случаях образцы бесполезно растрачиваются на детей, потому что дети особенно любят подарки. IN таком случае на купоне достаточно указать: «Только для взрослых». Children will stop bringing these coupons, and even more so - send them by mail.

But when you post a coupon for a free full-size package at any store, you should think about it. INедь некоторые покупатели и даже владельцы магазинов могут приобрести целый ворох газет. Byэтому мы не указываем, например, дату раздачи образцов. It is better to insert coupons in Sunday issues, they are bought less.

We не сторонники бессистемной раздачи образцов. Samples left at the door will most likely not pay off. Many will not even fall into the hands of the mistress or owner. If this still happens, then without any preliminary preparation. The product is valued in their eyes. He не был им должным образом представлен.

The same is true with store presentations. INсегда существует возможность достигнуть того же результата за меньшую цену.

Many advertisers and sellers do not understand this. They send thousands of samples to shops and ask them to distribute them as they see fit. If they bothered to trace and calculate the real return on this, the results would be theirs. shocked.

Samples should be given only to those who are interested in the product. And those who confirm their interest in some step or action. Distribute samples only to those who have received full information about the product. First of all, create an atmosphere of respect, search, expectations. When people are set up right, your sample will usually only confirm the qualities you describe.

Here again, the benefits of accurate cost per customer acquisition come into play. This единственный способ измерения действенности рекламы. It may seem that samples double the cost of advertising. Часто расходов на них больше, чем на саму advertising. But if used correctly, they will inevitably pave the cheapest way to the buyer's heart. And that's all the seller needs.

INозражения против раздачи образцов обычно пристрастны. Their высказывают рекламные агенты, которые хотят, чтобы все ваши деньги, выделенные на продвижение товара, стекались к ним и тратились на печатную advertising. The best answer would be a test in practice. Have a sample giveaway in one city and don't give it away in another. Where samples are given reasonable use, there is hardly a type of product for which they will not reduce the cost of attracting buyers.

Chapter 14 How to Attract Dealers

Most advertising entrepreneurs face a distribution problem. Масштабная торговля немыслима без this. The most daring idea will not bring you any profit if nine out of ten interested in your product can not find it on the shelves.

Byбудить оптовиков организовать снабжение, собирая для них статистику неудовлетворённого спроса, — затея чересчур дорогостоящая. Byкрыть всю страну собственной торговой сетью — практически нереально. It is not so easy to force regional wholesalers to buy a new unknown product by promising them advertising support. They видели на своём веку слишком много лопнувших проектов, слышали слишком много несбывшихся обещаний.

We не можем обсудить здесь все аспекты распространения. There are many different ways, for each type of business - its own. Some start with direct sales - mail-order warehouses - and continue this practice until demand increases enough for wholesalers to start buying the product.

Some businessmen offer wholesalers trial samples or something else and, having established a connection with a potential buyer, pass the collected data to dealers who agree to work with them.

Some new products of well-known brands are readily purchased by wholesalers in advance if the company guarantees that they will be sold. Some ship their goods to large warehouses so that wholesalers can easily order from there. Some list the dealers they have in their ads until everyone buys their merchandise.

Distribution problems are innumerable. There are many good solutions too. But most of these solutions work for certain small market sectors, so we will not discuss them here.

We рассмотрим только наиболее популярные виды товаров, спрос на которые не снижается со временем, например продукты питания или продукцию известных фирм.

We обычно начинаем с рекламы на местах, даже в тех случаях, когда известно, что для этого вида товара больше подошёл бы другой вид рекламы, например, журнальный. The network of distributors expands from city to city, and only then comes the time for nationwide advertising.

Byрой в рекламе мы специально перечисляем магазины, в которых можно найти наш товар. When new ones are added to them, we expand the list. When an advertising campaign is supposed to be in a certain region, and a list of stores is included in the text, everyone usually wants to get into this list. As a rule, any dealer can be attracted by inviting him to enter the name of his store in the very first advertisements.

No matter how many dealers - a few or a whole list - are listed in your advertisement, the rest will join them in a very short time if the advertising campaign is successful. Byсле этого товар можно направлять уже всем.

Pre-orders, collected by sending samples, which we described in the previous chapter, help to quickly distribute the goods. That alone pays for itself.

If the samples are distributed in a certain city, the store is directly indicated on the coupon. Those who are interested in samples and come to this address will know that the new product can be found in this store, even if it is not sold anywhere closer to home. This позволяет избежать потерь.

When sample orders are collected from the entrepreneur who gave the advertisement, for a start they are sent to one particular dealer. When there are enough such orders, other dealers also start buying.

Sometimes trial free samples can be sent to as many stores as needed, but only if the product itself is purchased. Let's say a store gets a free sample for every regular package they order. This хорошо способствует распространению товара по магазинам.


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