Message: #247591
Аннета Эссекс » 02 Nov 2017, 21:58


Despite a fairly wide range of problems associated with overpopulation, imperfect infrastructure, poverty and corruption, the number of labor migrants to India is constantly growing. Since the early 90s of the last century, local authorities have carried out a number of reforms that have attracted a large amount of investment, increased trade and put the economy on a market footing. Today, India is considered one of the most dynamically developing countries with huge potential.

Work in India for Russians and Ukrainians in 2017 may not bring such a level of income as in developed European countries, but, on the other hand, it will allow you to enjoy the ancient culture and traditions of this amazing state. About half of the Indian labor force is employed in agriculture, up to 30% is in the service sector, and only a fifth is in industry. Unemployment in India in 2017 is around 6.3%. In terms of the working population, which is about 500 million people, India is second only to China.

The competition in the local labor market is quite significant, so it is very difficult for foreigners to apply for a vacancy. Nevertheless, qualified specialists with a good knowledge of English may well find work in India. Particular attention should be paid to the information technology sector, tourism, finance, pharmaceutical production, and construction.

Employment in India for foreigners. Peculiarities.

Local companies are interested in providing jobs primarily to Indian citizens. On the other hand, the growth of the economy and the opening of many large companies contribute to the creation of additional vacancies that cannot be filled only by the local labor force. For official employment in India, you need to find an employer in advance, sign a contract and apply for a work visa, usually a type E visa is opened.

The process of obtaining a work visa to India can take a long time, so it is very important to interact as much as possible with the staff of the Indian Consulate in your country and the employer. Typically, a document is issued for a period of 6 months to one year, with the right to extend up to 5 years. If you plan to stay in India for more than 180 days within two weeks from the date of entry into the country is required register and obtain a residence permit.

How to find a job in India. Job search.

To successfully search for a job in India, it is important for citizens of the post-Soviet space, including Russians and Ukrainians, to have a good education, a diploma from one of the European universities, for example, British ones, will be a priority. There is more than enough cheap labor in the country, so the level of qualification, experience and skills of a foreigner are prerequisites for employment. English is widely spoken in business, however, the basics of India’s main language, Hindi, or other official languages, depending on the region, may be needed.

Pay special attention to writing a competent resume and cover letter, taking into account Indian characteristics. Information should be concise and concise. Experience in such developed Western countries as the USA or Canada is a big plus. Pay attention to major cities such as Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata. Most of the transnational corporations are concentrated there, which you can contact with a job offer directly. Here are a few big companies in India – Cadila Healthcare, Tata Motors and AIA Engineering.

If possible, visit India as a tourist. Thus, you can combine business with pleasure, that is, allocate some time for establishing personal contacts. Most of the jobs in the Indian labor market are filled through business connections and acquaintances. Visit thematic forums and communicate with migrant workers on social networks.

Jobs and salary in India in 2017

Jobs and available vacancies in India for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other citizens of the CIS countries in 2017 are presented in many sectors of the economy. First of all, we are talking about qualified specialists. The priority areas are as follows – the field of information technology and software development, healthcare and pharmaceutical production, tourism, construction, biotechnology, the automotive industry, financial and banking sectors.

The average wage in India in 2017 is around $4 per day. Of course, a foreigner should not be guided by this indicator, since a lot depends on the region and field of activity.

Unfortunately, a huge number of local population lives below the poverty line. For most workers, $100-120 per month is considered high. It is better for foreign specialists to aim for vacancies in India in representative offices of foreign companies and large corporations, here you can earn from 2 thousand dollars and more.

Some citizens of the post-Soviet space find work in India in the field of tourism and services, for example, as guides, translators, photographers, cooks, masseurs, animators, dancers. The Indian resort state of Goa is considered a particularly popular destination. For girls with an attractive appearance, there are vacancies in the modeling business. There is also a certain demand for social workers. Salaries can be completely different, on average from $ 300 per month.

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