Message: #400995
Кристина Бергамотовна » 22 Oct 2018, 13:32

How are ear tunnels made?

Have you always wanted to be different? Are you burning with the desire to have your own unique and incomparable unique style? Are you more than loyal to piercing? In this case, you could not help but be interested in how tunnels are made in the ears. This article will consider in detail all the features of this piercing technology, as well as indicate the possible consequences and complications.

The tunnel in the ear is, in fact, the most ordinary hole. Its size can vary from one to five centimeters in diameter. However, the process of its formation causes the most horror in the eyes of an ignorant person. The hole is most often made by methodically stretching the earlobe. This process cannot be called painless. In the vast majority of cases, anesthesia is used. After, in fact, the formation of a hole, a metal tunnel is superimposed on it. Such a decoration looks very impressive and it will not be possible not to notice it.

This type of piercing is very popular among young people belonging to different subcultures. “Informals” are the main ones. Guided by the main principle of “separation from the crowd”, they are ready even for such radical actions.

The fashion to pierce not only one’s ears, but also the rest of the body came to us from Western musical subcultures. Back in the early 80s, this trend was clearly visible, especially among reggae style performers. In Russia, the fashion for piercing different parts of the body has taken root relatively recently.

In turn, the ancestors of the tradition of piercing different parts of the body were and remain the Kenyan and Indonesian tribes. In addition to decoration, the holes in the ears are of no small practical importance for them: it is convenient to carry various kinds of things in the holes. Thus, this type of piercing for backward peoples is a kind of pocket. Also of great importance for them is the magnitude of the prolongation of the lobe itself: the larger it is, the more beautiful the woman looks and the more militant the man.


First you need to clearly understand and answer the question for yourself: why am I doing this? If you intend to make a lasting impression on your friends and acquaintances (which you will certainly achieve), and after a few months to remove this jewelry, it will be much better if you refuse such an idea. Here you need a cold calculation. If you plan to do this for yourself and some of your personal beliefs, you can try. Otherwise, you will have to sew up the tunnels in your ears, especially if they are large. This almost always results in scars that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

The terribly fashionable hole in the ear can be very small and almost inconspicuous, or simply huge. The smallest dimensions of the tunnels start from a mark of a few millimeters and end with real holes up to 50 mm in diameter. Often, people who want to make such an ornament for themselves choose one of the standard sizes from 8 to 40 mm.

On the territory of our country, you can buy small tunnels up to 30 mm. If you want real trash, you need to order tunnels with a huge diameter only abroad.
Tunnels in the ears are overgrown depending on the hole made. To choose the most suitable option for yourself, you need to understand one important nuance – the smaller the hole in the ear you make, the sooner it will overgrow if you refuse this kind of piercing.

A small hole (up to 1 cm) can grow on its own quite quickly without leaving even a trace. Larger tunnels will also drag on, but they will leave behind a “pleasant” memory in the form of a scar. Large tunnels are another matter. They will not grow completely and will definitely leave a large scar after them.

Therefore, if you decide to make such an ornament, we recommend that you start first with the minimum size. To begin with, a tunnel should also be chosen in discreet colors. Even small black can be seen from afar.

Clarify to yourself an important truth: in no case is it recommended to make tunnels on your own! In this case, there is a high risk of infection, the consequences of which will certainly not please you. In the modern world, tunnels are not a problem for any piercing parlor. Turning to such an instance, you will be offered a large selection of this type of piercing for every taste and color. In general, the tunnel can be made in several ways, namely:

By expanding the puncture of the lobe;
Lobe cutting method;
Using a scalpel (this technology is also called punching);
How to stretch the tunnels in the ears you can read below. The main thing is not to rush and choose more suitable option for yourself, if possible the most sparing. The first technique may suit patient people. First, the earlobe is pierced, after which it is gradually and methodically stretched. A big plus of this method is that it is much easier for a person to determine the final size of the tunnel than with other methods.

After the master has pierced the lobe, he inserts an earring into it. Then, after the wound has healed, a special dilator is inserted. Its diameter does not exceed 2 mm. After a while there is another expander, already bigger. This process is followed until you get the tunnel diameter that you originally wanted. Of course, every stage of wearing a dilator involves keeping the ear clean and hygienic. With such a stretch, prepare for stable and regular aching pain. How else? Beauty requires sacrifice. However, after a couple of months, you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your enthusiasm.

How to make tunnels in the ears with a lobe incision? This technique is quite simple and fast, but it is extremely painful. It is suitable for those people who are sure of the size of the tunnel and want to get it in a matter of days. However, this method is rarely practiced.

The latter method is characterized by extreme danger and the risk of tearing the lobe. However, it is necessary if a person has expressed a desire to make a very large tunnel. The lobe is cut with a scalpel. This procedure is performed only with anesthesia and in special salons! Moreover, if you want to return your former whole earlobe, you will only have to sew it up. She will not be able to grow on her own.

And now, you have become a happy owner of such an original and extravagant jewelry! However, you also have a few additional security options. They should be remembered, they should be followed.

Every day, tunnels and ears should be washed not only with clean water, but also with an antiseptic until they are completely healed. Small tunnels heal over several weeks.
Quite a lot of people who made tunnels note that at the initial stage it is necessary to constantly wear a hat on your head. Otherwise, the ears get very cold even in relatively warm weather. This is already fraught with frequent colds.

The consequences of a tunnel in the ear can be the most unpredictable. The main danger is suppuration of the inner part of the lobe. It is simply impossible to do without the strongest antiseptics here.

Other side effects include unbearable itching, blistering, and in some cases sepsis. Of course, it all depends on each person and his body, but in any case, before making a tunnel, you should consult a doctor.

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