Message: #337314
Кристина Бергамотовна » 15 Apr 2018, 23:00

Cross-stitch – interesting needlework

Whom we would not ask about the types of needlework, certainly every second person would call cross-stitch. And this is quite fair popularity, because those masterpieces that needlewomen create deserve attention. For example, embroidered shirts or towels, tablecloths or napkins, pillows or tapestries and, of course, paintings surprise with their exceptional diversity and beauty. But cross-stitching did not immediately become popular.

From the history of cross stitch

Sewing has come into the world since primitive times, when people learned to hunt animals and they faced the question of sewing clothes from the skins and skins of their prey. Fish bones, wood needles, even bristles were used as a needle. The role of the threads was performed by veins, hemp fibers, and hair. With the development, the materials changed and, accordingly, sewing began to be used not only out of necessity, but also for the soul.

When embroidery appeared as needlework, it is not exactly established. The oldest found originals of embroideries are dated no earlier than the 12th century, although everything indicates that it appeared much earlier. Embroidery from different countries and regions is distinguished by its palette of colors and style, which introduces the peculiarity of the vision of those people, with their worldview and brings them closer to understanding the look at the beauty of the people of that time. Embroidery reached particular popularity in Western Europe by the middle of the 16th century. The main motives for embroidery were biblical stories and texts. But at the end of the 18th century, the stitch, which in our time is considered a classic cross, became the most used and the subject of embroidered works increased significantly. Clothes, shopping bags were decorated with embroidery, napkins and towels, which were used to decorate the interior, also began to be embroidered. In the East, embroidery was more popular, varied and distinguished by the complexity of the ornaments used. The Great Silk Road contributed to the development of this type of needlework. But in Russia, the basis of embroidery was pagan symbolism, which was born in ancient times. Embroidered finds in Rus’ date back to the 10th century, but at that time it was little developed. Since the 18th century, the entire population, regardless of the stratum, was familiar with this type of needlework and gradually developed in it. At that time, there was a division of embroidery into urban, which changes depending on fashion, and folk, which was based on rituals, beliefs and customs.

A few words about cross stitch

About fabric. Cross-stitching is carried out on a special fabric – canvas, which is considered the basis. This is a special fabric with markings – holes, so that in each resulting square, a cross will subsequently be embroidered with a thread. The main distinguishable canvas is its dimension, which is measured in the number of cells per inch (centimeter). The most popular are canvas sizes 14 and 18. To date, there are also canvases of various colors.

Stramin is another type of cross stitch fabric. It differs from the canvas in greater density and rigidity. There are large holes here, so for beginner embroiderers the most ideal option. Stramin is mainly used for embroidering carpets and tapestries. A popular fabric for cross-stitching is also linen or mixed, which, unlike canvas, does not have a clear marking, but has a uniform weave of threads, which also allows cross-stitching. Embroidery on such fabrics is more detailed, but more experienced embroiderers can work with it.

Another type of fabric used for cross stitching is canvas. It is used in the event that embroidery needs to be done on a fabric that does not have clear uniform weaves. After embroidering, I pull the patchwork canvas along the threads from the embroidered material. For the same purpose, a water-soluble canvas is also used, the essence of which is clear from its name.

About threads. Various threads can be used for cross stitching. They are natural, synthetic or mixed. In turn, natural ones can be linen, cotton or wool. Threads can also differ in structure, thickness and quality. Each of them is used in different types of embroidery. Some for tapestries, others for clothes, and others, for example, for paintings. Picture threads are most often floss made from cotton, wool, silk or viscose. These threads have rich colors and a wide range of shades. As a rule, the threads are connected into one skein of six thin ones, and for embroidery, two or three are usually pulled out. Not infrequently, Lurex threads have also been used lately, for the effect. For the same purpose, needlewomen also sew with threads glowing in the dark.

About technology. As for the cross stitch technique itself, there are several types of the cross itself, which differ by their appearance or the way they are implemented on the canvas. By the name of the crosses, it is quite clear how they differ from each other and how they look. For example, crosses have the following varieties: full cross, half cross, straight cross, elongated cross, Asterisk cross and others.

About materials and devices. In order to facilitate the process of embroidery and make it more convenient and efficient, many different devices have been invented. For example, in order to stretch the canvas, there are hoops, thanks to which each cross lies evenly and as a result looks good. The same function is performed by frames for embroidery, with the only difference being that after the painting is made, the hoop is already used as a decoration for the product. Tapestry frames are designed for large size embroidery, and clamps allow the embroiderer to free one hand. Armchair hoops play the same role, but allow you to combine business with pleasure – embroider in front of the TV or while listening to music in the chair.

I would like to note that cross-stitch in our time occupies a special niche in art and is developing very rapidly, so any needlewoman has the opportunity to create handmade masterpieces.

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