Message: #367083
Кристина Бергамотовна » 24 Jul 2018, 09:06

Salt foot baths

What is table salt useful for, and can it be called useful at all? Indeed, in the middle of the 20th century, when the results of many dietary experiments became known, salt began to be called “white death” – today this expression is familiar to everyone.

Salt is different
The opponents of salt explain this attitude by the fact that our ancestors, the people of the Stone Age, ate unsalted food and felt great. However, we cannot know how they really felt, and life expectancy was different then; nevertheless, primitive people still found natural sources of salt, and this helped them to survive – after all, in fact, salt is useful if used for good.

Salt subjected to active chemical processing in the industrial production process can be considered harmful and dangerous: this salt is fine, like a powder, and snow-white – there is practically no benefit in it, but it can cause considerable harm to health.

It is better to buy salt of a slightly grayish color, with medium-sized crystals: it is not subjected to such processing by “chemistry”, and in addition to sodium chloride, it contains a small amount of other useful minerals – calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, cobalt, manganese, copper, molybdenum, zinc, etc.

Salt “in the service” of man
Salt on our planet is used in various fields, and tens of thousands of recipes for its use can be found: it is used not only in cooking, but also in industry, medicine, cosmetology, etc. A person needs salt in order to maintain health and beauty, and in these areas it is used in various ways: just think of salt baths, scrubs, masks, deodorants, salt toothpaste, rinses and solutions for the treatment of diseases. Today, few people remember that in the old days, salt was considered an excellent means of treating wounds – it was thanks to its antimicrobial properties that many wounded were saved. Salt burns unbearably if it gets into a bleeding wound – even a small one, however, as soon as the blood can be stopped, the wound can be sprinkled with salt – it destroys pathogenic microbes and has a regenerating effect.

Of course, sea salt is the most useful, and now you can buy it in any supermarket – in culinary recipes, it is increasingly replacing ordinary table salt. In the cosmetic industry, sea salt is used very widely, and household conditions with its help, you can also take care of yourself – it’s easy and simple, and it takes a little time. After all, there is nothing complicated in the preparation of saline solutions and other home remedies, and sea salt can be completely replaced with ordinary table salt. For home procedures, it is better to take – as already noted – not snow-white fine-crystalline salt of the highest grade, but stone, medium or coarse grinding, or even fodder prepared for animals – it is certainly more useful than Extras.

At home, you can do various procedures with salt, but here we will say a little about salt baths for feet, hands and nails.

Salt foot baths

Foot baths are useful both in winter and in summer. In winter, they allow the feet to rest and “get enough” of minerals, and in summer, when we wear sandals, they soften the skin and protect it from drying out.

A salt bath for cleansing the feet is simple and effective: it not only cleanses them of stubborn dirt and dust, but also reduces sweating, destroys pathogenic microbes, including fungal pathogens. Feet should be washed as usual, and immersed in a small but deep enough basin – ankle-deep warm water. For a bath of sea salt – 3 dessert spoons, or 3-4 tbsp. ordinary salt; take 15 minutes. This solution cleanses the pores and nourishes the skin with minerals.

A bath with salt and lime blossom strengthens the blood vessels in the legs: warm lime infusion is used instead of ordinary water.

In these cases, as well as to improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue, take a bath with lemon juice. Before dipping your feet in a warm saline solution, they are rubbed with fresh juice squeezed from 2 lemons and kept until the water has cooled. It is also useful for varicose veins, but the water should not be too hot.

By adding various essential oils to the bath – eucalyptus, pine, mint, etc. – you can get a tonic solution. With a cold, if there is no fever, a foot bath with salt and coniferous infusion helps: the infusion should be very warm, and put 3-4 tablespoons of salt.

Hot salt baths, if they are not contraindicated, help to quickly get rid of chronic warts, corns and corns. For example, if a nasty wart “settled” on the sole, the foot is steamed, blotted with a towel and the wart is cauterized with iodine for several minutes in a row – it should become almost black. For 7 days, if you repeat the procedure every evening, the wart can be completely “lime”.

The minerals contained in salt affect not only the skin and nails, but also the joints and muscle tissue. Of course, again, it’s better to take sea salt, but gray rock is also perfect: there are a lot of minerals in it – silicon, iron, bromine, etc. – baths with it will relieve heaviness in the legs and return mobility to the joints. Iodized salt, if used for foot baths, helps to heal cracked heels faster and provides prevention of fungal diseases of the foot.

Cool foot baths with salt (not higher than 25°C) are used if you need to quickly remove fatigue from your legs and restore their tone, while warm (38-39°C) soothe them – it is better to take them before bedtime.

Salt baths for hands and nails
Hands and nails also need constant care, and salt baths will help a lot here. We use washing powders and other household chemicals every day: the skin of the hands dries, becomes rough and flaky, and the nails lose their color, break, exfoliate and crumble.

You can restore health to your hands and nails if you do salt baths for 10 days. You can buy a special container at a cosmetic store, or use a regular deep bowl. Hands are dipped in a saline solution (1 tablespoon per bath) for 15-20 minutes, then they are wiped with a soft cloth, a greasy hand and nail cream is applied (olive oil can be used), and a light massage is done. A month later, the course is repeated. In parallel with such baths, it is good to make masks for nails with red pepper.

Nails will get more benefit if you add lemon or orange essential oil to the solution, 2-3 drops each – it is first dripped onto the salt, and then the salt is dissolved in water. They also add iodine to strengthen the nails – 5-7 drops per bath, and pharmacy vitamins A and E. And lemon juice will help to quickly lighten the nails – you need to rub them with a piece of fresh lemon after the bath.

In pharmacies and cosmetic stores, you can now buy salt complexes with the addition of herbal extracts – this will cost more than ordinary table salt, but the effect of such baths will be more effective.

Salt baths for legs, hands and nails should not be done with unhealed burns, skin inflammations and wounds.

Message: #2085459
Anna Babykina » 16 Jan 2022, 19:10

Reply To: Salt foot baths

Не так-то просто представить, как тяжело порой приходится женским ногам. Ежедневно большинство девушек и женщин подвергают их не самым легким испытаниям. Как результат – огромная нагрузка на весь организм в целом, а особенно на ноги. Именно ноги переносят все испытания за долгий день, а от того, в каком они находятся состоянии, зависит и общее самочувствие женщины, и ее настроение, и ее активность. Именно поэтому необходимо дать своему телу возможность полноценного отдыха. Начинать лучше с ног, используя солевые ванночки для них.

Польза солевых ванночек для ног очень велика и заключается в своем успокаивающем и расслабляющем эффекте. К тому же, солевая ванна способна снять различные отеки, от которых страдает так много работающих людей. Такие целебные ванночки просто необходимы при повышенной потливости ног. Особенную актуальность и распространенность эта проблема приобретает в летний период. А несколько процедур солевых ванночек могут даже избавить от натоптышей и мозолей. Более того, польза солевых ванночек ощутима и в эстетическом плане: кожа на ногах значительно улучшается, становится более шелковистой, гладкой и бархатистой.

Чаще всего солевые ванночки для ног делают по самому простому рецепту: только вода и соль. Подготавливают около двухсот грамм морской соли на небольшую ванночку с горячей водой. Ноги в этот целебные раствор опускают на десять-пятнадцать минут. После этого досуха хорошенько вытирают. Такая процедура предполагает последующий небольшой отдых в лежачем положении.

Однако, это не единственный рецепт ванночек. Нет ничего удивительного в том, что со временем в эти рецепты добавилось множество других разнообразных компонентов. Зависит это и от того, с какой целью применяют процедуру, и от личных предпочтений, например, к определенным ароматам. Так в состав можно включить отвар ромашки, помимо самой морской соли, или настойку коры дуба, которая очень эффективна при борьбе с повышенной потливостью, или. Аптечную крапиву, которая снимает всю усталость и напряжение. Для укрепления кровеносных сосудов рекомендуют морскую соль смешивать в кипятке с цветами липы. Не помешают, а лишь помогут и несколько капель ароматического масла, например, лаванды или розмарина. Чтобы очистить поры ног, необходимо пропарить ноги в солевых ванночках при достаточно высокой температуре воды. Добавлять туда необходимо пищевую соду. После процедуры не забывайте воспользоваться увлажняющим или лучше питательным кремом.

После каждого применения процедуры ноги мыть не нужно, дабы не понижать эффективность и пользу солевых ванночек для ног. Очень важно после применения ванночки ноги не напрягать, а наоборот – дать им расслабиться, не ходить, а прилечь и дать крему впитаться.

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