Message: #358330
Ольга Княгиня » 27 Jun 2018, 17:10

Micellar Water

Micellar water is a modern beauty product that can be found in the arsenal of any modern woman. This indispensable cosmetic product has a mild cleansing effect and at the same time provides the skin with delicate care. However, even using this popular tool, not everyone understands what it is, what it consists of and how it should be used. This product also raises other questions that readers are interested in, such as how this cleanser works and whether it should be washed off after removing makeup. You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

What is micellar water
This beauty product is designed to remove makeup and cleanse the skin. It well dissolves decorative cosmetics, dirt and dust, while maintaining the balance of the hydrolipidic shell. It also does not have a specific smell and color.
This cleanser is based on micelles. Advertisers position them as super magical ingredients that magically remove dirt and makeup. But everything is much easier.
“Mika” in Latin means grain or particle. Micelles are oil particles immersed in soft water. They have one remarkable quality – they attract dust, dirt and makeup residues like a magnet, so they cleanse the skin without damaging its lipid barrier. In a cleanser, they act as emulsifiers, dissolving even the most insoluble compounds (sebum, makeup, dirt, waxes) that cannot be removed with plain water and ordinary soap.
If you pay attention to the structure of the micelles (photo below), you can see that they resemble structures with two ends: one end has a hydrophilic property (loves water), and the other is hydrophobic (afraid of water). These structures float in an aqueous medium that resembles a blackberry-shaped sphere, with one end pointing inward at the hydrophobic end and the other pointing outward at the hydrophilic end. An active ingredient is enclosed inside the sphere, which, when it gets on the skin, first evaporates water, and then is absorbed into it.
Thus, micelles are particles of the famous surface-active substances (surfactants). Surfactants are chemicals that are part of any cleaning product (shampoo, gel, soap). These surfactants are composed of hydrophilic base, which tends to water, and hydrophobic, which tends to fats.

When such particles fall into the water, the hydrophobes begin to reach out to each other, trying to avoid water. Thus, particles of surface-active substances form spheres with a well-known structure. Therefore, surfactants dissolve lipids so effectively, because, hiding from water in the middle of the micelle, fat particles can be easily found and neutralized.

What is micellar water for?
Micellar liquid was originally used to treat dermatological ailments (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis). Micellar solutions were gradually improved and improved until a new cleanser was invented with innovative qualities. These solutions are good because they do not dry the skin and do not irritate the sebaceous glands, and also do not need to be washed off. These qualities make micellar water a versatile remedy that is suitable for all skin types, as well as for removing makeup from the eyes. After all, the eye area is the most delicate and vulnerable, in need of delicate care.
Micellar solutions do not contain soap, fragrance, parabens, alcohol, acids, dyes and silicones. Instead, they contain flower extracts, such as rose petal extract, which is rich in phytophenols, which eliminates redness and irritation of the epidermis, or minerals containing zinc, which reduce sebum secretion and soften the skin.

Why do cosmetologists recommend using micellar water as a cleanser? The fact is that micellar water for removing makeup acts like a magnet, attracting fat and dirt molecules, which are easily and simply removed from the surface of the face. In addition, after its use, the skin does not experience dryness, tightness and discomfort. This tool has a complex effect on the skin, solving several problems at the same time:
– high-quality and delicate cleansing of the face, including the skin around the eyes;
– removal of decorative cosmetics;
– providing skin toning.
However, it should be understood that the micellar solution is intended for everyday use, but for deep cleansing, for example, professional makeup and make-up, other specialized preparations are used.

Who can use micellar water
You should know that “micellar” does not always cope with complex makeup, which includes a foundation with a dense structure. Hydrophilic oil or ordinary sunflower oil, which every housewife has in the kitchen, will cope with such a make-up.
If you rub a small amount of micellar water between your fingers, you will notice that its texture is very different from water. It has a certain viscosity, but in general there is a similarity with water.
As a rule, cosmetologists recommend this product to women with sensitive, irritated and very dry skin. Therefore, micellar water for sensitive skin is very relevant, it provides it with a truly delicate care. After all, traditional makeup remover removes precious moisture from the surface of the skin, and overly active chemicals injure sensitive skin.

The active components of water – micelles have some unique properties:
– neutralize the effects of irritating ingredients that are part of it;
– deactivate hazardous chemicals;
– attracts and removes dirt, dust and make-up residues.

Composition of micellar water
Micellar Cleansing Solution contains:
– Distilled water. Very often such water is enriched with flower extracts. Thermal micellar water is also useful.
– Tenzins. These are active substances that prevent the fusion of oil molecules and make the liquid stable.
– Vegetable glycerin. An excellent moisturizer.
– Hydrolats. These are tinctures of herbs that heal damage to the epidermis.
– Aloe and other herbal extracts.
The composition of such micellar water should not include chemicals and aggressive substances that can damage the epidermis.
Micellar make-up remover contains more aggressive ingredients, because they need to cope with the heavy structure of decorative cosmetics and reliably eliminate its residues.

This water contains:
– Water base. Such water should not contain harmful impurities. It can be melted or distilled water.
– Cetrimonium bromide. It is a surface substance that emulsifies water and oil.
– Vegetable oils. The oil particles do all the dirty work. It is they who push the dirt out of the pores and break down waterproof decorative cosmetics.
– Panthenol and glycerin. These moisturizing ingredients saturate the skin with moisture and promote healing of the epidermis.
– propylene glycol. This substance is used to create transparency and colorlessness of the product.

How to apply on the skin
The skin is cleansed with a cotton pad, on which a certain amount of liquid is applied. It is not recommended to apply micellar water by hand. Firstly, it is inconvenient, and secondly, the binding properties of water are better manifested on a cotton pad. Owners of oily skin prone to acne should consult a cosmetologist, as micellar water may not have the desired effect. In this case, patients will recommend other alcohol-based cleansers containing stronger ingredients. You can also combine the classic remedy with alcohol and micellar liquid.

To flush or not to flush, that is the question
Micellar liquid has surpassed all other makeup removers and skin cleansers in popularity. Advertisers claim that this is a one-stop solution for all skin types that does not require rinsing. But is it really so? Let’s figure it out.
Above, we talked about the unique properties of this drug and found that it has practically no contraindications. However, in some cases, the method of application of the drug is a contraindication. What does it mean? The fact is that almost all the labels of this product contain the inscription “does not require rinsing.”

In addition, on some preparations there is an inscription “does not require subsequent toning.” These statements can be argued, and in order to understand this issue once and for all, it is worth clarifying the following.

Some micellar liquids contain silicone, which covers the face with a film and thereby prevents normal air exchange. This fact leads to the formation of comedones (black dots in the pores of the skin). It is also worth noting that for the sake of stability and durability of the drug (so that it does not lose its presentation), a large amount of surfactants (lower alcohols, butylene glycol, propylene glycol) are introduced into its composition. This leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the skin, it becomes irritated, reddened and dry. To prevent this from happening, the cleaning solution containing PEG (polyethylene glycol) and sorbates must be washed off.
However, there are micellar preparations that do not contain PEGs. For example, emulsifiers containing poloxamers: Poloxamer 188 and Poloxamer 407. They came to cosmetology from pharmaceuticals and were used as tablet fillers. Another group of emulsifiers, the so-called “green chemistry”, consists of sugars and vegetable fatty acids. All these products are absolutely safe, do not irritate the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes and do not require rinsing.

Thus, when choosing micellar water, you should look at the label and read it carefully. In the presence of PEGs in it, the product must be washed off. The presence of poloxamers makes it possible not to wash off the emulsifier. It should also be remembered that this product does not have an exfoliating effect, so the skin is deprived of elementary regeneration. For these purposes, it is worth at least occasionally using traditional means for cleansing: peels, scrubs, more active cleansing preparations and water.

Message: #2065880
Okki » 04 Jan 2022, 17:06

Reply To: Micellar Water

Сегодня мицеллярная вода — это суперпопулярный продукт, ее любят за универсальность и многофункциональность. Выручить с неудачной стрелкой в макияже, стать одним из этапов очищения кожи, помочь убрать пятно от тонального на любимой куртке (да-да, так тоже бывает) – на все это способна мицеллярная вода, бутылочка с которой есть в косметичке у каждой девушки. Ранее мы писали, в чем отличие мицеллярной воды от тоника для лица. Сегодня разбираемся в вопросе ее применения детально.

Что такое мицеллярная вода
Слово mica в переводе с латинского — «крупинка, крошка», уменьшительный вариант — micella. То есть, мицеллярной водой называют очищающее средство с микрочастицами (мицеллами), способными захватывать загрязнения и прятать их в своих молекулах. Кожный жир, декоративная косметика, пыль — умные микрочастицы притягивают их, как магнитом. Мицеллы входят не только в состав одноименной воды: из курса химии известно, что они содержатся в растворах ПАВ (поверхностно-активных веществ), то есть, во многих средствах для очищения кожи — пенках для умывания, гелях и шампунях.

Чем мицеллярная вода помогает коже
Вода с мицеллами очищает кожу на самом первом этапе, делая это мягко, без воздействия на глубокие слои кожи (кстати, изначально мицеллярную жидкость активно использовали в составе физраствора для лечения раздражений у малышей).

Бережно снять макияж и поверхностные загрязнения, увлажнить, подготовить кожу к следующему этапу очищения — вот основные задачи мицеллярной воды сегодня.

Инструкция по применению мицеллярной воды
Нанесите мицеллярную воду на ватный диск и осторожно протрите лицо по массажным линиям. Не растягивайте кожу и не надавливайте на нее с силой гладиатора.
Для снятия макияжа с глаз приложите диск, пропитанный мицеллярной водой, к ресницам на верхнем веке, подождите полминуты, сотрите остатки макияжа по направлению роста ресниц. То же самое повторите на нижнем веке.
Можно использовать мицеллярную воду ежедневно: утром и вечером. По необходимости проводите экспресс-очищение в течение дня.

Нужно ли смывать мицеллярную воду
Мицеллярную воду лучше смывать. Представьте себе: мицеллы (те самые микрочастицы) «притянули» к себе грязь и жир и никуда не исчезли с лица, продолжая свое очищающее действие. Один раз оставить их на поверхности кожи – не критично, но каждый день закрывать глаза на более глубокое очищение не стоит: есть риск заработать акне, покраснение или сухость кожи. ПАВы из мицеллярного раствора легко смываются обычной водой, но мы рекомендуем использовать после демакияжа средство для более глубокого очищения (пенку, гель, пенящийся крем, молочко) — то, чем вы привыкли пользоваться.

Кому подходит мицеллярная вода
Мицеллярные средства подходят для всех типов кожи
Если у вас сухая или чувствительная кожа, выбирайте средство с успокаивающими и восстанавливающими компонентами в составе. Обращайте внимание на пометку «гипоаллергенно».
Обладательницам жирной кожи лучше выбирать воду с себорегулирующими компонентами для уменьшения выработки кожного сала. В ней нет спирта или сушащих поверхность кожи веществ.
Для нормальной кожи подойдут любые универсальные мицеллярные растворы.

Какие достоинства у мицеллярной воды?
Максимально деликатное воздействие. Мицеллярная вода аккуратно убирает загрязнения, насыщает влагой, при этом не нарушая верхний, липидный слой эпидермиса.

Быстрое снятие макияжа. Несколько касаний смоченным ватным диском — и кожа получает бережное очищение. Ни жирной пленки, ни липкости. Только приятная прохлада и свежесть. Удобно пользоваться даже в походных условиях.

Подходит для демакияжа глаз. Мицеллярная вода не раздражает слизистую оболочку глаз и не вызывает покраснений. Если вы носите контактные линзы, вам тоже смело можно пользоваться «мицелляркой».

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