Message: #346128
Ольга Княгиня » 15 May 2018, 00:16

How to raise eyebrows

Eyebrows can make the face appear rounder and narrower. This is the part of the face that can make every girl much more attractive, and who among us does not want to look perfect. If you think you need to raise your eyebrows, then there are three ways to do it without resorting to Botox or surgery. Let’s consider each of them separately.

If it began to seem to you that you have very thick eyebrows that hang directly above your eyes, then it is best to pluck them. You need to pluck the hairs one at a time from below in order to visually raise the eyebrow and open the surface above the eyelid as much as possible. If you do not know which form to choose, then consult with a makeup artist or look through all the options on the Internet. If the plucking did not help and you were unable to raise your eyebrows, then you can completely pluck the eyebrow and tattoo the eyebrows. But it should be noted that tattooing does not always look aesthetically pleasing and natural, so you need to turn to other methods.

If you have a problem with the fact that the eyebrows practically lie on the eyelids, then this is also not a reason to agree to drastic measures. You need to try to perform a certain set of exercises that will help you raise your eyebrows. Grab the left eyebrow from above with the fingers of your right hand and slowly pull it up. You need to leave the eyebrow in this position for a few seconds. Then gradually raise your eyes up and try to look at the outer edge of your eyebrow, without changing position, count to ten. Holding your eyebrow, start blinking. Count to ten again and close your eyes. Thus, the entire load will fall on the upper eyelid. Then close your eyes tightly and count to ten again. Relax afterwards. Repeat all manipulations with the other eyebrow. Usually, after such a complex, the result will become noticeable immediately.

Of course, you can raise your eyebrows with the help of cosmetics. To do this, you just need to be able to do the right eye makeup. Under the arch of the eyebrow, you need to draw a line with a white pencil or shadows and shade it. And in the crease of the eyelid, apply darker shadows, so the eyebrows will rise, and the look will be deeper.

It can be concluded that both tweezing, exercise, and cosmetics can help you raise your eyebrows. Plucking and doing exercises, you will get the result immediately and for a long time, cosmetics give only a temporary effect. We hope one of these three ways will help you raise your eyebrows too.

Message: #2065919
Okki » 04 Jan 2022, 17:25

Reply To: How to raise eyebrows

Когда времени на макияж почти нет, но хочется выглядеть безупречно, помогут некоторые секреты визажистов. Сегодня мы расскажем, как визуально приподнять брови – это один из этапов макияжа, который стоит включить в ваш утренний распорядок. Используйте каждое утро этот простой прием нанесения макияжа для визуального изящного поднятия бровей.

Шаг 1. Используйте матовый карандаш нежно-розового оттенка. Проведите линию точно под бровью, от внутреннего уголка к внешнему.

Шаг 2. Слегка растушуйте линию, но не втирайте в кожу.

Проведите осветляющим корректором линию под всей бровью, после чего растушуйте линию кончиком пальца.

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