Message: #277911
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 18:42

Marry in 2 months! Or How to get married, and at the same time remain yourself! Julia Shchedrova

but laughter and disgust.
When building a relationship with a woman, the owner of Venus in Aries tends to act impudently, relying on his irresistibility and the acute sexual desire of his partners. Such men are more prone to violence than others.
How to attract him. Make an enticing sexual gesture - and he will understand everything. You can flaunt in front of him in a car - a strong woman will not leave him indifferent.
How to get him off. If его ухаживания вам покажутся неуместными, нужно в ответ на его действия проявить силу – дать пощечину или заехать по яйцам. Such a man does not understand any words.

Venus in Taurus

His characteristic. Such a person is not subject to material and love seductions. In relations with people, he is devoted, and his feelings are stable. He will be interested in a woman of rather strict views, calm, hardworking, somewhat cold in communication and unemotional. He does not show much activity, but he tries to impress with his appearance and, above all, with his solidity. In methods of winning a partner, he is very conservative, prefers material incentives - he makes gifts, invites him to restaurants, tries to interest him in his home. The owner of Venus in Taurus is very jealous, he becomes furious at the slightest reason for jealousy.
How to attract him. Calmness, a modest smile, admiration for his clothes and accessories, light flattery associated with material factors.
How to get him off. Раскованным поведением и агрессивной сексапильностью – «Taurus» ее не выносит.

Venus in Gemini.

His characteristic. Such a person is characterized, first of all, by a tendency to novelty in feelings. This is a real nihilist in a relationship who does not get hung up on anyone, even if he marries. An intellectually developed woman, active in communication, with a rich imagination and free morals, can seriously attract his attention. It is hardly possible to expect constancy from him.
How to attract him. With a sharp tongue, smart conversations, as well as compliments to his erudition and erudition.
How to get him off. Moody, aggressiveness and jealousy.

Венера в Cancerе.

His characteristic. This is a very secretive, mysterious, shy, and at the same time surprisingly persistent man - if he has chosen a “victim” for himself, he will not back down. He will look closely at a woman for a long time, and even if she really liked him, he will not immediately give a look. His ideal is a classic housewife with romantic views who will watch TV series, cook dinners and meet her husband in an apron. He уверен, что своей верностью и преданностью сможет завоевать сердце понравившейся дамы.
How to please him. Demonstrate gentleness, courtesy, love for children and pets. И еще, готовить разные вкусности, потому что путь к сердцу «Cancerа» лежит через его желудок.
How to get rid of it. Demonstrate bad habits, slovenliness, swagger, dislike for children and disrespect for elders.

Venus in Leo.

His characteristic. This person is extremely emotional, his feelings are sincere, and sexual demands are great. He любит себя и жаждет, чтобы другие любили и почитали его. Such a man will be attracted by a passionate and, at the same time, a romantic woman for whom love is the most important thing in life. Also, external manifestations of sexuality are important for him - beauty and a good figure. «a lion» будет с удовольствием демонстрировать свои чувства (но гораздо более сдержанно, чем обладатель Венеры в Овне), а также дарить подарки и устраивать для дамы своего сердца всевозможные культурные мероприятия.
How to attract him. Words that he is the one and only, and that for the sake of true love you can decide on a lot. True, after such words it is desirable to behave accordingly. You must make it clear to your chosen one that you will give yourself not to any man, but only to the one who deserves you in every sense.
How to get him off. Sloppiness in clothes, lack of sexuality, abstruse conversations and flirting with anyone.

Venus in Virgo.

His characteristic. Such a person is characterized by excessive rationalization of relationships. He не способен осознавать и воспринимать чувственное начало в людях. He will be attracted by a female robot who will serve him and fulfill all his desires. For Virgo, the numerical parameters of the figure are very important. He обязательно спросит у женщины, какие у нее объемы. And if they do not even coincide by a centimeter with his ideas about the ideal, he will not continue his relationship with her. If же все в порядке, то он, скорее всего, предложит ей какую-либо сделку, например, стать его содержанкой или любовницей.
How to attract him. Talking about money, everyday problems and sex with all the physiological details. Never talk about love!
How to get him off. Vague promises and such behavior when a man cannot understand whether you like him or not. In addition, it can be easily discouraged by excess weight, bad breath and bad habits.
Venus in Libra.

His characteristic. A person with this position of Venus subordinates all his feelings and inclinations to social success. He хорошо владеет искусством дипломатии, умеет себя держать, по манерам напоминает английского джентльмена. His main advantage is gallantry and the ability to "speak" the lady. He will be interested in a highly cultured, educated girl, preferably with a humanitarian bias. Politeness, tact, culture of speech, good manners and refined spirits are also important for him.
How to captivate him. Luxurious toilets, expensive spirits, love of art, some indulgence and coldness.
How to get him off. Obscenity, rude hints "below the belt", undercuts and provocative clothes.

Венера в scorpio.

His characteristic. Обладатель Венеры в scorpio – любитель кризисов и катастроф. In non-standard conditions, such a person even shows his social activity better than in a calm environment. He will be attracted to a vamp woman, mystical, unpredictable, sometimes far from the standards of beauty, perhaps not at all beautiful, but with a twist. Мужчина с Венерой в scorpio будет вести себя крайне экстравагантно, «от противного» – чем больше женщина нравится, тем больше будет отдаляться. He does not know how to take care of. He can kidnap a woman or, conversely, save her by rigging an accident. In every possible way he shows that he is not an ideal man, but a vile and nasty type. Often warns of his shortcomings - imaginary or real.
How to attract him. Viciousness, external non-standard, peculiar predilections in music and other forms of art, expressed sexuality, including, possibly, unconventional. Ladies' clothes should also be non-standard. He may like both a homeless woman and a stylish lady in a luxury car.
How to get him off. The image of a housewife, primitiveness, stupid talk and importunity.

Venus in Sagittarius.

His characteristic. Such a man likes to splurge, to give the impression of "cool." At the same time, he is able to experience elevated feelings. He will be interested in an educated woman (the more education she has, the better), with a high intellectual level, erudition and the ability to keep up a conversation on any topic. In addition, it must be honest, direct and sincere. «Sagittarius» будет ухаживать за ней экспансивно, напористо, открAriesно, хоть и менее страстно, чем «a lion». Just offer a hand and a heart.
How to attract him. Similar socio-political views, conscientiousness and simplicity of behavior (physical for Sagittarius in the background compared to moral).
How to get him off. Commercialism, stupidity, narrow-mindedness, inattention to his opinions, judgments and petty lies. There must be crystal honesty in the little things.

Венера в Capricornе.

His characteristic. Such a person he is very strict with himself, in relations with others he behaves responsibly and modestly, but with dignity. He will be attracted by a strict, restrained lady, with great conceit and ambition, maybe even a “cool”, so-called lady boss. In general, one that he could admire. He will behave with her very well-mannered, demonstrating his high moral qualities and an equally high social position. It will be beautiful to look after and give expensive gifts. She prefers not to talk about love, passion and sex.
How to lure him. To begin with, complete inattention to him, but with a hint of the possibility of rapprochement in the distant future. You should have expensive and stylish jewelry, as well as clothes from famous fashion designers - this is very important for him.
How to get him off. Easy accessibility, childish behavior, low financial and career requirements, as well as clothes from the market. The housewife will not interest him.

Venus in Aquarius.

His characteristic. Such a person ощущает себя свободным от традиционных общественных штампов в контактах с людьми и эстетике. His judgments on many issues can be very original and unbiased. He может знакомиться оригинальными способами, его влекут нестандартные люди. Most likely, he will be interested in a highly intelligent woman with non-standard views on life, free from traditional social dogmas, friendly, but somewhat cold. In relations with her, he will alternate between close and distant psychological distance. Usually he conquers a lady with his intellect, great knowledge and non-standard thinking. He does not emphasize his appearance, but often overestimates his intellectual qualities.
How to attract him. Abstruse conversations, including that there are no real men, good relationships, and that harmony is impossible in real life. In addition, he will be attracted by the refinement of mind and manners.
How to get him off. Mundane material interests, dogmatism, ostentatious passion and desire for the physical to the detriment of the spiritual.

Venus in Pisces.

His characteristic. Such a person has an excellent aesthetic taste and a good instinct for the need for contact with people. He способен испытывать


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