Message: #277911
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 18:42

Marry in 2 months! Or How to get married, and at the same time remain yourself! Julia Shchedrova

a chance to boast properly. His projections seem convincing, as he really could do everything he talks about if it really needed to. The only thing is that he does not always know what he wants and why he needs it. The problem is also that he can be "carried" if he gains too much momentum, and sometimes you have to force him back from heaven to sinful earth. Cucumber hardly manages to create comfortable conditions, surround himself with pleasant people and create coziness. Even trying to be "on top", Cucumber can sometimes walk disheveled. If он небрежен во внешнем виде, то это как бы отважный вызов всем. It is difficult for him to correctly assess people's attitudes towards himself: he is not very versed in other people's feelings and inclinations.

Ego massage: Admire his optimism, sense of humor and recklessness in critical situations. You can casually mention his remarkable health, athletic figure and royal appearance. He will like it.


Its slices: Garlic is an eternal debtor. It may develop excessive demands on others, suspiciousness in relation to their health. Perhaps he will begin to look for (and, imagine, find!) Non-existent diseases. It is possible that he will develop irritability. Garlic is a little slow-witted, therefore it is best to explain something abstract to him concretely, with the help of unambiguous figurative examples. And do not try to criticize his logical abilities! Garlic's stubbornness is already proverbial. If он упрется во что-то, его потом и танком не сдвинешь. Garlic is a big pessimist, almost from scratch he can start to panic. He cannot cope with all the problems alone.

Ego-massage: Admire its awareness, thoroughness, logic and prudence. He doesn't need more.


His shell: Nutlet perceives life through the prism of facts that become known to him. He does not know how to round off, generalize, abstract from the insignificant, confidently considering ALL facts to be essential. Innovation, entrepreneurship, risk are not his style. Nut is a conservative by nature. The stain on his clothes causes him physical discomfort. But the emotional component of life is inaccessible to him. No less scientifically, he approaches the questions of humor. Time is the eternal problem and misfortune of Nut. So much work and so little time! It is not very easy for him to relax, constant internal tension sometimes exhausts Nut and leads to poor health. Tactlessness and stupidity in other people Nut perceives almost equally hostile. Can blurt out an offensive remark or a compliment in such a way that it turns into a wild faux pas. All this comes from an elementary misunderstanding of the ethical side of life.

Ego Massage: Praise his emotionality and amazing acting skills. Say that he feels the time, manages to solve a lot of business issues in a short time and is never late for a date. Focus on the timeliness of his actions and the ability to predict the possible development of any situation.


His Bones: Apple finds it difficult to put things in order in his things and in the room, but he is very diligent in maintaining the order established by other people. It is also very difficult for him to take care of himself and therefore risks gradually becoming gray and nondescript in appearance. He may not see the troubles facing him at full height point-blank.

Ego Massage: Praise his strength, will, stamina, knowledge, judgment, and ability to take care of himself and those around him. Admire his peacefulness, "non-resistance to evil by violence" and good business qualities.


His pulp: Cannot do one thing for a long time. If сразу что-то не получается, может это легко бросить. Not very reliable in his promises. It is easy to agree with him, but it is difficult to implement the plan. He всегда старается создавать о себе впечатление, как о целеустремленном, настойчивом человеке. But in fact, sometimes even on the eve of a fight, he behaves according to the proverb: “Hold me, otherwise I’ll smash everything here!”; and if it is not avoided, then in all his actions there will be more dust than real action. He мало чувствителен к каким-либо физическим неудобствам и к боли. Blueberry is very difficult to dress for the weather. In matters of nutrition, treatment, disease prevention, we inspire and easily believe everything that strangers tell him about this. It all depends on his mood.

Ego massage: Admire his physical strength and endurance. You can say a few words about his athletic physique and ask how he manages to keep himself in such good shape. Do not forget to praise his strong-willed qualities and determination, as well as the logic of his actions. Well, if you hint at his discipline and ability to adhere to previously made decisions, he will be very grateful to you and will not leave you without attention.


His hat: Mushroom - famous lazy. He will never fuss and overstrain because of something that does not (in his opinion!) Benefit. Any fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey spoils all his pleasure. Even a crowded street, a crowd in the school corridor becomes a source of discomfort for him. If собеседник начнет повышать на него голос, может уйти, хлопнув дверью. In communication, he experiences some difficulties. For example, it is difficult for him to see the real feelings towards himself from those around him. He изначально недоверчив, скрытен и не верит словам. He reacts extremely painfully to any criticism addressed to him. In himself, he tries to develop foresight, the ability to notice possible dangers in his path, but, despite all his efforts, the success of the Fungus in this field is usually not very impressive.

Ego-massage: Praise his foresight and caution, good time orientation, ability to predict events and anticipate dangers. You can admire his excellent memory, calmness, equanimity and indifference to any ideology.


As you know, the planet Venus in the male horoscope denotes the image of his “ideal” lover and the style of relationships that a man unconsciously chooses when contacting a woman. With the help of our table by the date of birth of any man (day, month and year), you can find out in which sign of the Zodiac his Venus is and, accordingly, get information about which woman will interest him.

The table shows the dates of the transition of Venus from one zodiac sign to another. Let's say it says "December 10, 1960 - Aquarius" and then "January 5, 1961 - Pisces." This means that people born from December 10, 1960 inclusive to January 4, 1961 have Venus in Aquarius, and those born from January 5 through the next Zodiac sign change have Venus in Pisces, and so on:

03. 01. Sagittarius
27. 01. Capricorn
21.02 Aquarius
16.03 Pisces
10.04 Aries
04.05 Taurus
29.05 Gemini
22.06 Cancer
16.07 Leo
10.08 Virgo
03.09 Libra
27.09 Scorpio
22.10 Sagittarius
15.11 Capricorn
10.12 Aquarius 1975

07.01. Aquarius
31.01. Fish
24.02. Aries
20.03. Taurus
14.04. Twins
10.05. Cancer
07.06. a lion
10.07. Virgo
03.09. a lion
05.10. Virgo
10.11. Scales
07.12. Scorpion

05.01. Fish
02.02. Aries
06.06 Taurus
07.07. Twins
04.08. Cancer
29.08. a lion
24.09. Virgo
18.10. Scales
12.11 Scorpion
05.12. Sagittarius
29.12. Capricorn 1976

02.01. Sagittarius
27.01. Capricorn
20.02. Aquarius
15.03. Fish
09.04. Aries
03.05. Taurus
27.05. Twins
21.06. Cancer
14.07. a lion
09.08. Virgo
02.09. Scales
21.10. Sagittarius
15.11. Capricorn
10.12. Aquarius

22.01 Aquarius
15.02 Fish
11.03 Aries
04.04 Taurus
29.04. Twins
23.05 Cancer
18.06 a lion
13.07 Virgo
09.08. Scales
06.09 Scorpion 1977

05.01. Fish
03.02. Aries
07.06. Taurus
07.07. Twins
03.08. Cancer
29.08. a lion
23.09. Virgo
17.10 Scales
10.11. Scorpion
04.12. Sagittarius
28.12. Capricorn

07.01. Sagittarius
06.02 Capricorn
05.03 Aquarius
30.03. Fish
24.04 Aries
19.05 Taurus
13.06. Twins
08.07 Cancer
01.08 a lion
26.08 Virgo
19.09 Scales
13.10 Scorpion
06.11 Sagittarius
30.11 Capricorn
24.12 Aquarius 1978

21.01 Aquarius
14.02 Fish
10.03 Aries
03.04. Taurus
28.04. Twins
22.05 Cancer
17.06 a lion
12.07 Virgo
08.08. Scales
08.09. Scorpion

17.01. Fish
11.02 Aries
08.03. Taurus
04.04 Twins
09.05 Cancer
18.06 Twins
06.08 Cancer
08.09 a lion
06.10 Virgo
01.11 Scales
25.11 Scorpion
20.12 Sagittarius 1979

08.01. Sagittarius
06.02. Capricorn
04.03 Aquarius
29.03. Fish
23.04. Aries
18.05. Taurus
12.06. Twins
07.07 Cancer
31.07. a lion
24.08 Virgo
18.09. Scales
12.10. Scorpion
05.11. Sagittarius
29.11. Capricorn
23.12. Aquarius

13.01. Capricorn
06.02. Aquarius
02.03. Fish
26.03. Aries
19.04 Taurus
13.05. twins
07.06 Cancer
01.07 a lion
26.07 Virgo
20.08 Scales
14.09 Scorpion
10.10 Sagittarius
06.11. Capricorn
07.12 Aquarius 1980

16.01. Fish
10.02. Aries
07.03. Taurus
04.04 Twins
13.05 Cancer
06.06. Twins
07.08. Cancer
08.09. a lion
05.10 Virgo
31.10. Scales
24.11. Scorpion
19.12. Sagittarius

15.01. Capricorn
26.02. Aquarius
07.04 Fish
05.05 Aries
01.06. Taurus
27.06. Twins
22.07. Cancer
16.08. a lion
09.09. Virgo
03.10. Scales
27.10 Scorpion
20.11. Sagittarius
14.12. Capricorn 1981

11.01. Capricorn
05.02. Aquarius
01.03. Fish
03.25. Aries
18.04. Taurus
12.05. Twins
06.06. Cancer
30.06. a lion
25.07. Virgo
19.08. Scales
13.09. Scorpion
09.10. Sagittarius
06.11. Capricorn
09.12. Aquarius

07.01. Aquarius
31.01 Fish
24.02. Aries
21.03 Taurus
15.04 Twins
11.05 Cancer
07.06 a lion
09.07. Virgo
09.09 a lion
02.10 Virgo
10.11. Scales
08.12. Scorpion 1982

24.01. Capricorn
03.03. Aquarius
07.04. Fish
05.05. Aries
31.05. Taurus
26.06. Twins
21.07. Cancer
15.08. a lion
08.09. Virgo
02.10. Scales
19.11. Sagittarius
13.12. Capricorn

02.01. Sagittarius
27.01 Capricorn
20.02. Aquarius
16.03. Fish
09.04. Aries
04.05. Taurus
28.05. Twins
21.06. Cancer
16.07 Leo
09.08. Virgo
03.09. Scales
27.09. Scorpion
22.10. Sagittarius
15.11 Capricorn
10.12 Aquarius 1983

06.01. Aquarius
30.01. Fish
23.02. Aries
20.03. Taurus
14.04. Twins
10.05. Cancer
07.06. a lion
11.07. Virgo
27.08. a lion
06.10. Virgo
10.11. Scales
07.12. Scorpion

05.01. Fish
02.02. Aries
06.06. Taurus
07.07. Twins
04.08. Cancer
29.08. a lion
23.09. Virgo
18.10. Scales
11.11. Scorpion
05.12. Sagittarius
29.12. Capricorn 1984

01.01. Sagittarius
26.01. Capricorn
19.02. Aquarius
15.03. Fish
08.04. Aries
02.05. Taurus
27.05. Twins
20.06. Cancer
15.07. a lion
08.08. Virgo
01.09. Scales
26.09. Scorpion
21.10. Sagittarius
14.11. Capricorn
09.12. Aquarius

22.01. Aquarius.
14.02. Fish
11.03. Aries
04.04. Taurus
28.04. Twins
23.05. Cancer
17.06. a lion
13.07 Virgo
09.08 Scales
07.09 Scorpion 1985

05.01. Fish
03.02. Aries
07.06. Taurus
07.07. Twins
03.08. Cancer
28.08. a lion
22.09. Virgo
17.10. Scales
10.11. Scorpion
04.12. Sagittarius
28.12. Capricorn

07.01. Sagittarius
06.02. Capricorn
04.03. Aquarius
30.03. Fish
24.04. Aries
19.05 Taurus
13.06. Twins
07.07. Cancer
01.08. a lion
25.08 Virgo
18.09. Scales
12.10 Scorpion
05.11. Sagittarius
29.11. Capricorn
24.12. Aquarius 1986

21.01. Aquarius
13.02. Fish
09.03. Aries
03.04. Taurus
27.04. Twins
21.05. Cancer
16.06. a lion
12.07. Virgo
08.08. Scales
08.09. Scorpion

17.01. Fish
11.02. Aries
07.03. Taurus
04.04. Twins
10.05. Cancer
12.06. Twins
06.08. Cancer
08.09. a lion
06.10 Virgo
31.10. Scales
25.11. Scorpion
19.12. Sagittarius 1987

08.01. Sagittarius
05.02. Capricorn
04.03. Aquarius
29.03. Fish
23.04. Aries
18.05. Taurus
12.06. Twins
06.07. Cancer
31.07. a lion
24.08. Virgo
17.09. Scales
11.10. Scorpion
04.11. Sagittarius
28.11. Capricorn
23.12. Aquarius

12.01. Capricorn
05.02. Aquarius
01.03. Fish
03.25. Aries
18.04. Taurus
13.05. twins
06.06. Cancer
01.07 a lion
25.07 Virgo
19.08. Scales
14.09. Scorpion
10.10. Sagittarius
06.11. Capricorn
07.12. Aquarius 1988

16.01. Fish
10.02. Aries
07.03. Taurus
04.04. Twins
18.05. Cancer
28.05. Twins
07.08. Cancer
08.09. a lion
05.10. Virgo
30.10 scales
24.11. Scorpion
18.12. Sagittarius

13.01. Capricorn
01.03. Aquarius
07.04. Fish
05.05. Aries
01.06. Taurus
26.06. Twins
21.07. Cancer
15.08. a lion
09.09. Virgo
03.10. Scales
27.10 Scorpion
20.11. Sagittarius
14.12. Capricorn 1989

11.01. Capricorn
04.02. Aquarius
28.02. Fish
03.24. Aries
17.04. Taurus
10.05. Twins
05.06. Cancer
30.06. a lion
24.07. Virgo
18.08. Scales
13.09. Scorpion
09.10. Sagittarius
06.11. Capricorn
10.12. Aquarius

Consider the characteristics of men who have Venus in various signs of the Zodiac.

Venus in Aries.

His characteristic. Such a man is extremely straightforward in the manifestation of his feelings. He может быть (сам того не желая) резким, грубым и догматичным. This is a very passionate and assertive man who only recognizes the physical, sexual aspects of love. He likes Amazon women, strong in spirit and body. European standards of femininity cause him nothing


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