Message: #248857
Ольга Княгиня » 05 Nov 2017, 20:46

A book about sex. Eva Adam

has sex with you knows how to appreciate it and pays you the same great tenderness and disposition. You are a master of seduction who intuitively does what your partner needs.

You value trust by focusing on a partner and proving your ingenuity. You also pay attention to taking into account your needs. This is a good tactic. You are not only the master of completing intimacy, but also a wonderful sexual partner.

Your количество очков между 74 и 100: После любовной игры и оргазма удивительно прекрасно уметь

express your true feelings. You can simply hug your partner, creating a sense of security and comfort, or you can stroke him surprisingly gently.

After sex you filled with such tenderness that the partner can afford to completely relax and enjoy your hugs. Class!

It is a real bliss to be with you after a generous and tiring sex, to feel the skin and warmth of your body, just to fall asleep together. In this respect, you are just behaving like a real gentleman or a real lady. Your final caresses are a wonderful result of your fantastic performance in bed. You are a wonderful lover/mistress.

Are you in good shape during sex?

63.5% of women and 58.6% of men find it important to be in good shape so that things go as well as possible in bed. Good sex involves some conditions for which we must keep fit in our free time. But it's worth it, isn't it? If you are good in bed, that is, not only full of fantasies, but also in good physical shape, then the likelihood that your partner will cheat on you is extremely small.

The best for sex are endurance sports (running, skating); in addition, a little strength in the hands will not hurt. So, from time to time you work out with dumbbells so that at the right time you can support your partner in certain positions.

Women also need to train the muscles of the vagina so that they can massage the penis of their beloved not only with their hands and lips, but also with the vagina.

And be honest: doesn't a trained body look more erotic and attractive than a sluggish and neglected one? At least for most of us it is.

So, for dumbbells. In addition, sports increase the blood supply to the brain, excite the imagination, increasing your chances of meeting someone who is very nice, attractive and sexy. Fitness pays off!

Test #10 Спорт

No, not at all, never - 1 point

Sometimes, medium - 3 points

Yes, very, always - 5 points

1. How often do you exercise per month?

- I don't work at all

- 1-3 times

- 4 times

- 5-8 times

- More than 8 times

2. Are you physically fit enough that you rarely lose strength during sex?

3. At вас Always хватает сил, чтобы наслаждаться определенными позициями; have sex for as long as you would like, etc. d.?

4. You never sweat too fast and hard during sex for it to be unpleasant for you or your partner?

5. Does your physical form allow you to have sex in almost any position without restricting your movements?


6. Are you satisfied with your weight, do you feel good?

7. How good is your BMI (Water-Dymas-Index - Body Mass Index)?

- Ideal BMI + / -2

- Ideal BMI + / -1

– Perfect BMI

Bodymass-Index indicates the recommended weight range. It correlates closely with body fat content and takes age into account. Calculate your BMI as follows.

Measure your height (in meters) and square the result. Divide your weight (in kilograms) by the resulting number.

The result is your Bodymass-Index.



8. Едите ли вы в течение дня преимущественно легкую пищу (меньше жирного, легкие салаты, йогурты и т. d.)?

9. If you are hungry before bed, do you only eat light meals?

10. Do you try not to eat a lot of sweets?

11. Do you try not to drink a lot of alcohol?

Calculate the number of your points and enter the result in the box at the bottom right. Now you can узнать, насколько вы физически подготовлены, насколько хороша ваша сексуальная фитнес-форма. Record your result in a table.

After passing all the tests and making the necessary calculations, you can find out your personal "coefficient of sexuality" and build your personal "contour of sex". As a result, you will get a visual representation of what your strengths are, and what you should improve on (if, of course, you want to).

Number of points: Секс-фитнес..........................Оценка =

Your количество очков между 11 и 25: Совет — больше фанатизма в фитнесе. In order to be more stamina and have enough strength for sex, you should do more sports and eat healthy food in your free time. This will not only be good for you (you can have more fun), but also for your partner, and as a result, it will improve your relationship (even if it's just a sexual relationship). In addition, there are many ways to enjoy sex during sex, including through exercise.

However, you can be considered a great lover / mistress, since compared to the physical form, intuition, fantasy, tenderness and openness. Fitness, however, gives sex a certain completeness, and besides, why can't your beautiful sex last for a long time - as long as possible?

Your количество очков между 26 и 40: You в хорошей форме и без усилий выдерживаете сексуальный марафон или долгую любовную ночь. You can fully enjoy and enjoy. From time to time, of course, you are out of shape, but you can compensate for this with tenderness, imagination and intuition. You are a great sexual partner with whom you can feel great. С вами Always предстоит замечательная ночь. Keep it up!

Your количество очков между 41 и 55: At вас идеально тренированное тело, есть тонус, замечательные атлетические данные, накачанные мышцы в нужных местах. You eat foods that are healthy. Поскольку вы находитесь в отличной форме, то во время секса получаете Very, очень много удовольствия. You are hardy and you can try a variety of positions that some people only dream of. You can spoil your partner for literally hours. Your excellent physical fitness, combined with fantasy and intuition, leads you and your partner to the pinnacle of bliss. Only someone who is in really good physical shape - and you are! — can have really amazing sex. You can safely express your sexual fantasies. It couldn't be better! My heartfelt congratulations, you are amazing and tireless!

Killers of desire and sex

You need to want to be with someone again and again, to be able to rejoice and grieve with him. But from time to time you need to take a break from each other. As a result, the relationship will only become closer ... And before you start sleeping together, all conflicts must be resolved.

Turning your back to each other during an argument means the beginning of the end of your relationship.

Mario Adorf, actor

Do you know why you are so good in bed? Do you know why your sexual partners feel good with you and you satisfy them perfectly? Are you aware of your God-given intuition, thanks to which you do everything on time and with the necessary intensity?

Or... Знаете ли вы, что вам мешает иметь действительно хороший секс? If not, do you want to find out and try to deal with the problems? Not turn a blind eye to problems - it is hardly worth hoping that everything will change for the better by itself.

Now you will find out why you are so good or what you lack to sexual perfection.

There are many little things that directly affect the completeness and harmony of love relationships.

At каждого человека свой собственный сексуальный стиль. Try to bring your style to perfection and master it masterfully. And then you will know why the pros (I mean men and women who shine in bed) are so popular. You too can become a professional by following your passion with devotion, sensuality and fantasy.

Test #11 Что мешает вашему сексу?

No, not at all, never - 1 point

Sometimes, medium - 3 points

Yes, very, always - 5 points

1. Do you sometimes feel pressured by your partner? (Например, необходимость заниматься сексом, когда вы этого не хотите, или в позе, которая не доставляет вам никакого удовольствия, и т. d.)

2. Do you often feel exhausted and squeezed like a lemon in the evening?

3. Do you often have to deal with stress?

4. Do you often argue with your partner?


6. Do you feel like your partner is limiting your sex life?

7. Do you usually get along with your partner?

- Almost not

- Badly

- This way, that way

- Fine

- Very good

7. Can you act out your fantasies with your partner?

8. If you experience sexual desire more often than your partner, what do you do about it?

I am disappointed and express my dissatisfaction

— I make a displeased face, but I don’t say anything.

— I do something else to distract myself.

- I satisfy myself / myself

- I'm being gentle with my partner

9. Can you talk openly about sex with friends or acquaintances?

10. Do you understand the methods of protection?

11. Do you always use a condom when you are sleeping with someone and you cannot be sure that the partner does not have AIDS?

12. Если вы занимаетесь сексом с презервативами, пользуетесь ли вы время от времени для разнообразия цветными презервативами, презервативами с пупырышками и т. d.?

13. How do you rate yourself in your sexual life? Please mark 5 qualities that are most characteristic of you. (You you can score a maximum of 25 points.)


14. While you are making love with your partner, do you only think about him (and not about the other man/woman)?

15. Do you give your partner erotic items?

16. Are you active in order to diversify your sex life?

17. Can you talk

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