Message: #277856
Ольга Княгиня » 12 Dec 2017, 17:56

100 sexual partners: pleasant and safe. Svetlana Kolosova

will be able to correctly understand the situation and assess her strength. And just when she gets a taste of it and forgets the original purpose of this masquerade, quality will cease to play any role for her and the choice of partners will be carried out purely automatically. The habit of changing partners like gloves will lead her sooner or later to a rather sad ending - she will be left alone with a baggage of problems and sores.

If you consider such a principle of searching for your other half possible for yourself, do not forget that initially a woman is called into this world to give life to a new person, to be a mother, a keeper of the hearth, to be an ornament at home and a beloved woman of her man. And in order for you to be able to bring all this to life, you must, first of all, think about the consequences of a disorderly relationship. Always remember about your health and the health of your unborn child, because only you are responsible for his fate.

Chapter II. Contraception
It would not be superfluous, since we are not talking about relationships with permanent partners, to say a few words about contraception. In our time, when it is so easy to make a mistake, there can be no question of intimate relationships without providing yourself and your partner with elementary security.

Modern medicine today has reached a level of development that allows a woman not to wonder how and how to prevent certain consequences, because you just need to consult with your gynecologist - and he will select individual contraceptives.

But it often happens that in the turmoil of everyday life, a modern woman forgets to take care of her health. And hence the constant fear of an unplanned pregnancy. And this is not the only thing that overshadows the existence of a modern woman. She is captured by a whirlwind of worries: she is a business woman, and a mother of a family, and a wonderful housewife, when will she, poor thing, remember herself? Naturally, being in such a frantic rhythm, she is unable to experience anything positive in bed. At the moment of intimacy with a man, she thinks more about how she would not forget to come to work on time, have time to do so-and-so, to ask something, and at the same time not to miss the moment of the climax of the next manifestation of passion in order to prevent the inevitable. If suddenly she misses such a crucial moment, all that remains is to hope for the well-known Russian maybe, which sometimes rolls.

Dear ladies, you just need to pause for a while. A woman should think first of all about herself and her health and not forget about it for a single second, wherever she is. It is enough to accustom yourself to use contraceptives - and many problems will not exist. After all, due to ill-conceived actions, many women decide on such a complex and dangerous (primarily with their consequences) operation as an abortion. It is possible that at first glance it seems very simple and only beneficial, as it helps to avoid problems, but in fact, once you have an abortion, you expose yourself and your body to severe stress. It may happen that a woman, having decided to have a child who will be desired and on time, finds that she is no longer able to become a mother, because an operation she performed some time ago (perhaps more than once) led to the fact that she developed an inflammatory process or the uterus was injured so much that it led to infertility.

To avoid all sorts of unpleasant surprises, you definitely need to know what contraceptive methods exist in the world, and in the future, consult your doctor about this.

There are several principles for preventing unwanted pregnancy: chemical, which in turn is divided into hormonal and mechanical, there is also a method of biological contraception (calendar), surgical.

As you can see, there are enough methods of contraception so that you can choose the one that suits you best. But only a doctor can understand this, since it is he who will take into account the structural features of your body and your state of health, as well as the tolerance or intolerance of certain drugs.

In order for you to have a complete picture of the subject of our conversation, we will talk about each principle of contraception separately.

chemical principle

The principle of action of hormonal drugs is that they act similarly to hormones that are produced in the ovaries and nothing do not differ from natural.

When taking hormonal contraceptives, the work of the ovaries is inhibited and the maturation of the egg does not occur, which prevents the fertilization process. Some types of pills reduce the susceptibility of the mucous membrane of the walls of the uterus to the fetal egg, so it will not be able to gain a foothold and, accordingly, even with a fertilized egg, the pregnancy will not be able to develop further.

It should not be thought that hormonal contraceptives are available exclusively in the form of tablets; there are also longer-acting products, such as injections and capsules.

And now let's talk more about hormonal drugs.

The first and most common type is tablets. They have gained wide popularity primarily due to the fact that they are the most convenient and safe means to use.

If you choose pills, it is recommended to pay attention to the annotational explanations for the use of this drug, which will definitely indicate at what time and in what sequence the remedy should be taken.

Everyone is interested in what is in the tablets themselves, which allows you not to think about problems. The chemical composition of each type of drug is such that it contains a synthetic replacement of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone, one of which helps to prevent a woman from ovulating, and the second helps to produce mucus that prevents penetration into the uterus, and at the same time kills sperm.

Currently, there are several types of oral agents: monophasic, biphasic and triphasic. Representatives of the first type contain the same amount of hormones and have a single effect, that is, they either inhibit ovulation or prevent the penetration of spermatozoa inside. Biphasic contraceptives contain both hormones in the same pill - and they have a double effect. And, finally, three-phase preparations contain both hormones and, as it were, repeat the work of natural hormones produced by the female body during the menstrual cycle.

It should be said that monophasic drugs are safer in terms of side effects on the body, but this also affects their effectiveness. What is a side effect? For example, one drug may cause metabolic disorders in the body and lead either to obesity or to a backlash, give a complication to the cardiovascular system, etc. Therefore, all doctors strongly recommend that you consult a gynecologist before choosing contraceptives.

We will give you several names of hormonal drugs widely represented on the domestic market. Bisecurin, rigevidon are recommended for women with a balanced content of the hormone estrogen. Ovidon and Continuin are recommended for those who have a pronounced estrogen predominance. Women who have casual sex or live an irregular sexual life are advised to take postinor. Anteovin should be taken by women with gestagenic and androgenic predominance; if you are counting on the duration of the effect, you need to take Dorixas.

The use of pills is the best option for women who prefer spontaneous sex or who want to change sexual partners, because they do not have to think about future plans in advance and completely surrender to pleasure. Some hormonal contraceptives not only prevent pregnancy, but also reduce the risk of infectious diseases, which in itself is important if a woman has multiple relationships.

For those who are just about to start using hormonal contraceptives, it should be emphasized that, like any other drug, pills begin their action after some time. If we talk about oral preparations, we mean a period of two or more weeks. The method of using the tablets is very simple. You should take one package of the drug for 3 weeks (depending on what your menstrual cycle is), starting from the 5th day of the beginning of the cycle, at the same time.

If we talk about side effects, it should be noted that new contraceptives of the latest generation have now been developed, the content of hormones in which is minimal, which has a positive effect on the body. Surely you have noticed tablets of this type in pharmacy kiosks more than once: marvelon, regulonnovit, femoden and others.

There are several more types of hormonal drugs that are aimed at a one-time action, that is, they are used independently before or after sexual intercourse. enjoy such means should not be very often, because they are very strong - and when taken regularly, they have a harmful effect on the body.

Along with the well-known pills, there are also longer-acting drugs. In this case, we are talking about injections: DMPA (Depo-Provera injections) - injected intramuscularly once every three months and NET-OEN - intramuscularly once every 2 months. Injections are used only as directed by a doctor. They are not recommended for women with irregular cycles and those who live a constant sexual life.

Side effects: poor spotting, dizziness, irritability, headache, nausea.

Mechanical principle

Mechanical principle контрацепции является к наиболее популярным. Along with the condom, rubber caps, diaphragms, and more are also used. Their advantage is obvious, because thanks to mechanical contraception, not only unwanted pregnancy can be avoided, but also

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