Message: #352368
Ольга Княгиня » 07 Jun 2018, 01:41

The dog is the protector of the home and family. Karin Freeman Dewet, George Dewet

feels confident again, then raised again. Also, the dog learns to bite on the inside of the arms, on the stomach, back, back of the legs, etc.

At this stage дрессировка становится ближе к реальной жизни. "Criminal" now starts screaming and squealing. On the other hand, the dog must learn that if it throws itself correctly at its enemy, it will knock him down. This is the best way to make her finally believe in her strength. It is important that the owner protect the helper's face when he falls. To do this, the owner must immediately stand between the dog and the head of the lying assistant and only then withdraw the dog. Under no circumstances should the dog be withdrawn from the assistant lying on the ground until the owner takes it under his full control.

Stage 2. Работа на длинном поводке

Before off-leash work:

How we have already said that it is when working on a long leash that the true abilities of the dog are revealed. A "hard" dog will have no problems at this stage initially. Dog более «мягкая» может начать колебаться: ей трудно решиться отойти от хозяина или ее пугает необходимость тащить за собой поводок. With such dogs, you can immediately start working on a light leash or no leash at all. There is nothing to worry about, because, in principle, such dogs are very obedient and quickly execute the command “Give!” However, they need a lot of preparatory work, and they need to constantly maintain self-confidence.

At this stage, the general difficulty is that the dog does not perceive the command “Give!” When the owner is not near him. In this case, there are three ways to set her on the right path:

- correction by the owner (with the help of a long leash);

– correction by the instructor (using a long leash);

- correction by an assistant playing the role of a "criminal" (with the help of a leash).

Step 3. Работа на легком поводке

Hits and distractions:

Dog уже выучила все основные команды, но легкий длинный поводок еще нужен для того, чтобы иногда прокорректировать ее действия.

The “criminal” puts the dog under more severe pressure - he beats it with a stick and kicks it. An experienced assistant knows how to do this so as not to cause her the slightest harm. The dog is never hit with a stick on the head, but only on the sides and powerful dorsal muscles. Since the stick is light - bamboo or reed, the dog cannot suffer from this. Kicks are delivered with minimal force and not with the toe, but with the sides of the foot. Our task is to show the dog that anything can happen in life, but in no case to suppress it and not deprive it of courage. If the pressure is too much, the dog will try to avoid contact - you will fail, not the dog.

This is where creativity is needed. The “criminal” can influence the dog in various ways: rattle empty cans, overturn chairs, throw pieces of paper at the dog, pour water on it, or pretend to be a matador and deftly dodge when the dog rushes at him. But do not get too carried away - all this is good in certain doses. Instructor или опытный помощник должен чувствовать, когда дело заходит too far and in time to stop the performance.

Step 4. Some situations when working without a leash

Now the dog is working with a short 25 cm leash so that he can still be controlled if necessary. If the dog до сих пор неохотно выполняет команду «Дай!», используйте дрессировочный ошейник-удавку, но закрепите его не на шее, а на теле перед задними конечностями. Sometimes move the collar forward a little (let it be not the back quarter, but the back third) so that the dog does not associate the corrective signal with some strictly defined part of his body.

Try to develop different training scenarios in such a way that you enjoy the training.

Here is an example situation.

Dog находится в положении "Lie". Meanwhile, you and the "criminal" meet in midfield and shake hands. If the dog сорвется с места, поправьте ее. Then the "criminal" goes on a walk, and you, unaware of his perfidy, calmly turn your back on him. How же вы доверчивы! The “criminal” sneaks up on you unnoticed and pounces from behind. But retribution is inevitable: the dog immediately comes to your aid. If she hesitates, tell her to do so.

Be careful not to get between the dog and the "criminal", otherwise you may get hit hard. The "criminal" should always be between you and the dog.

Attack from bushes or cover
You are walking the dog. The "criminal" hides in a predetermined place. When you approach, he jumps out of hiding and attacks you. Dog должна сделать все, чему ее учили: задержать и охранять. The "criminal" must try to escape several times.

Step 5. Recall (for "tough" dogs)

To recall the dog means to set it on fire and at the last moment before the attack, give it the command “Fu!”. Literally at the last second, she has to keep from biting. Many "tough" dogs need this exercise. It is best to do it on a long leash. Нужно дернуть поводок и одновременно отозвать собаку, чтобы она вернулась к вам и заняла положение по команде "Near".

If you are having difficulty getting the dog to bite the opponent with its full mouth, skip this exercise altogether. Otherwise next time such a dog may not comply with your command to arrest. In principle, it is easy to recall such dogs, and control is not a problem here.

Detention with barking without a leash
Stage 1

The "criminal" is in hiding.

Shelter is better, the more transportable it is, and it is easier to move it from place to place. Instead of a portable shelter, trees and shrubs can be used.

While in hiding, the "criminal" makes some sounds, and the dog is ordered to find him. The instructor can insure the owner, because if the dog finds the “criminal” and decides to attack him, the owner must correct the behavior with the help of a noose collar.

Stage 2

Now the "criminal" is hiding elsewhere. Having received the command, the dog rushes to where the assistant usually hid. If the dog покажется вам обескураженной, не найдя «преступника», повторите команду. At first, being in a new shelter, the assistant can make some sounds. All the basic techniques for detention and escort remain the same. Этот прием немного усложняется, чтобы добавить собаке уверенности в yourself.

Home security without a leash
Remember that your dog is a defensive weapon, not an attack weapon. You are not allowed to work without a leash in public places, such as K-9 police officers working in pursuit of a criminal. However, when it comes to your property - house, yard, car - the dog can work without a leash.

Level III home situations will be more stressful and more difficult for the dog. Now it's the assistant's turn to come up with them. The "criminal" can scream, fire the starting pistol, etc.

Think of a variety of home situations. For example, a dog may be on the second floor and not hear how the “criminal” entered the house. Or the "criminal" may break into the house screaming and threatening to kill. It is interesting in these cases to observe the reaction of the dog.

For example, you can let the dog search the house, and the assistant at this time - fly out of a secluded place where he was hiding, and start running through the backyard. During this period, we also prefer to change assistants, as this adds realism to situations.

Car security
Leave the dog in the car when it is parked outside. Let the “criminal” try to get into the car and take something from the seat. If not lazy, Here, too, you can come up with many different situations.

But remember: you must be careful with passers-by and be diplomatic with your neighbors. Don't procrastinate. They should last no more than a few minutes so that people can endure it calmly.

Warning. Dogs do not understand the meaning of what is happening and react to everything instinctively or in accordance with developed reflexes. Therefore, two dangers lie in wait for you on the street:

1. People dressed in tracksuits that resemble training protective clothing (generally not a big problem here, but you need to pay attention to this).

2. People with sticks, crutches, baseball bats and tennis rackets - any object that the dog may perceive as a threat to you or your family.

Chapter Sixteen
Special situations - for trained dogs
By this time, the dog has completed a course of security training, which lasted from six months to one year, and is at the age of one and a half to two years. Dog стала взрослой. She had done a lot of work with protective equipment, but now it was time to return to training without equipment. Dog вновь должна сосредоточиться не на ней, а на самом человеке, играющем свою прежнюю роль — роль возбудителя и агрессора.

Attack in the muzzle
Purpose: to teach the dog to attack not the equipment, but the person. Dog собственным телом должна сбить его с ног и свалить на землю.

To do this, you need a good braided (so-called "German") muzzle. Other types of muzzles should not be used for safety reasons. Assistant, исполняющий роль «преступника», должен быть одет в костюм из грубого плотного материала, который защищает все тело.Необходимость в таком костюме ясна: собака будет царапать упавшего человека, а это весьма болезненно.

The muzzle must be put on correctly. Before starting classes, you should make sure that in the heat of battle, he will not fly off.



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