Message: #396264
Ольга Княгиня » 10 Oct 2018, 15:53

An easy encyclopedia for future fathers. Lionel Pies, Benoît Le Goedec

condom to reduce the chance of an unfavorable course. Why? Semen contains prostaglandins, which are not able to induce labor on their own (which is why in most cases you continue to have sex without using a condom), but can provoke them. Take it as some a game, in memory of the first steps in your sexual life, when this item was a common thing for you.

“We were expecting a girl, and we will have a boy. Do I have the right to feel disappointed?"
I assure you, there is nothing abnormal in such a situation. You were preparing for the appearance of a girl, for you it was obvious, even more so, a reality. The disappointment you feel is perfectly normal, but you have time to realize that you are the father of a son. The moment you pick up your son, I bet you won't have the slightest bit of regret, not even a hint of disappointment.

Did you know?..
During pregnancy, which is proceeding normally, it is necessary to undergo three ultrasound examinations (ultrasound). But what happens on the screen?


When? For a period of 12 weeks from the date of the last menstruation.

What is it for? To measure the total length of the embryo from the top of the head to the tip of the body. This позволяет определить начало беременности на 3–4 дня точнее; to check the viability of the embryo, measure the thickness of the occiput to identify a possible chromosomal abnormality.

What is visible? The head, profile, limbs, abdomen and various organs of the embryo (the doctor will explain to you, but we can hardly distinguish where the handle is, where the leg is). In some cases, the doctor can even determine the gender. But maybe you'd rather wait for the surprise...


When? Between the 20th and 22nd weeks.

What is it for? For detailed control of organs, limbs, head. The development of the fetus is determined using various measurements (diameter of the head and abdomen, hip size). A possible developmental delay can also be identified and taken under control. Thanks to the Doppler study, it is determined whether the blood exchange between the mother and the fetus is good, because the placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic fluid supply the fetus with oxygen and nutrients.

What is visible? Movements of the baby (he brings his hand to his mouth, moves his legs). We can already clearly distinguish its gender. But the whole child cannot be seen, it is too big.


When? Between 31st and 33rd weeks.

What is it for? Monitor the development of the baby, its organs, measure blood circulation in the umbilical cord and brain. The doctor must make sure that the child swallows well (and therefore, well breathes). The position of the placenta and the presentation of the child are controlled (in principle, the baby should already be head down).

What is visible? Last virtual date with your little one. The amount of amniotic fluid at this stage of pregnancy is much less, the silhouette of the baby is more difficult to see because the baby's arms are folded and the legs are bent.

“How does an ultrasound really work?”
Seeing your baby during pregnancy, even on a computer screen, literally a couple of meters away from you, is a magical moment!

An ultrasound is not a picture of your unborn baby, but looking at his tiny toes, watching him suck his thumb is unforgettable! A gel is applied to the mother's abdomen to increase the penetration of the ultrasound emitted from the probe, which looks like a fountain pen. The probe moves across the abdomen and emits ultrasonic waves that bounce off the body of the fetus like an echo. Thisт сигнал преобразуется в изображение. During the session, the doctor may ask your wife to change position in order to see the fetus from different angles. Do not take to heart the lack of warmth from the medical staff during this session. What is a magical opportunity for you to see your baby is a serious and responsible job for a doctor. For him, ultrasound is a study of the condition of the fetus, its viability and development, and this is done in order to properly monitor the course of pregnancy. He calculates, identifies, measures each organ to establish developmental abnormalities or defects (for example, he can determine the presence of trisomy on the 21st pair of chromosomes). Therefore, do not rush to draw conclusions from his furrowed eyebrows or pursed lips! He's in his element, let him do his job.

"What is amniocentesis?"
Amniocentesis is a test that 5-10% of pregnant women undergo, but is feared by everyone else. It consists of taking a sterile sample of amniotic fluid from a pregnant woman in order to compile a karyotype (genetic map). That is, the chromosomes of the embryo are counted and analyzed, which makes it possible to identify trisomy for the 21st pair of chromosomes. It is also possible to identify other karyotype disorders, but without establishing the final prognosis of the health of the unborn child. Finally, other genetic diseases can be identified, in particularly metabolic disorders.

When is amniocentesis indicated?
Before recommending an amniocentesis, the risks of having an abnormal baby are calculated. Three elements are needed to establish the degree of risk:

1. - the age of your wife (the older the expectant mother, the greater the risk of a child with trisomy);

2. - Ultrasound during the first three months, allowing, in particular, to measure the occiput of the fetus. The thicker it is, the more the risk of trisomy increases;

3. - the result of a blood test that determines the risk threshold for a child with trisomy. Depending on this threshold value, an amniocentesis procedure is prescribed. This исследование также показано, если беременная женщина страдает, к примеру, токсоплазмозом, который может заразить амниотическую жидкость и спровоцировать уродства у плода.

“How exactly does an amniocentesis procedure work?”
Usually this study takes place in a sterile room of the hospital, less often in the office. An obstetrician-gynecologist uses a long and thin needle, which pierces the abdomen to the amniotic fluid. Then he takes a certain amount of it: the pain is the same as with a regular injection, and anesthesia is not applied. The doctor must be very careful not to touch the embryo, the umbilical cord, and not to pierce the placenta. That is why it is necessary to wait until the embryo and placenta are already in place. Otherwise, the study may be postponed to a later date. Taking a sample takes a few minutes. After that, the expectant mother can return home - she is advised to rest on this day, but not to lie too much.

The next operation is to separate the embryonic cells from the amniotic fluid. Then they are placed in a nutrient medium, the cells multiply, and it becomes possible to examine them. Geneticists determine the karyotype, that is, the totality of the chromosomes of the fetus. Normally, the karyotype is represented by 23 pairs of chromosomes.

“Is it true that the dad-to-be sometimes experiences the same symptoms as his wife during pregnancy?”
The “sympathetic pregnancy” of the father is a rare, but occurring phenomenon. Not knowing about him, some men experience a state of frustration, mixed with envy, because they themselves cannot bear a child. They get better at the same time that their wives round up. Some constantly hit, get dislocations and bruises, experience abdominal pain, renal colic.

“Is it preferable to know the sex of the child in advance in order to better prepare for his birth?”
Even if the vast majority of parents (70%) want to know the gender of their unborn child before birth, this is not mandatory, this is a purely personal matter for everyone. If for some men knowing the sex of the child helps to better prepare for its appearance, then for others it brings unnecessary worries. Indeed, it limits the imagination. The images that parents built based on their own experience turn out to be depleted. Knowing the sex of the unborn child changes the relationship in a couple. Before the time they become tripartite. The child is given a name in advance, and his personality is fully identified. There is a risk of disappointment when, for example, you want a girl, but at the same time you know for sure that it will be a boy. True, most mothers get rid of disappointment completely, even if they have a child of the wrong sex. Therefore, it is so important to analyze your motivation, your fears and superstitions. Some couples are happy that they know: they will have a boy or a girl. Others categorically refuse to find out the sex of the child, respecting their future baby, without making a difference between the sexes. Sometimes one parent wants to know and the other doesn't. Under these conditions, the parent who is eager to find out the sex of the baby should simply discreetly ask the doctor who performed the ultrasound about this and keep this secret until the very birth.

Did you know?..
43% of fathers say that they felt like fathers at the very moment of the birth of their child; 25% - when their wives announced their pregnancy to them; 17% - when they were present at the first ultrasound.

“How much can my wife gain during pregnancy?”
In a normal course, a woman gains from 9 to 13 kg. But it all depends, of course, on the physique of the expectant mother and her initial weight. It is important to eat well, which is necessary for the normal development of the fetus. But at the

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