Message: #76196
Аннета Эссекс » 15 Feb 2017, 11:15

Arm Workout

number of mitochondria. Accordingly, one athlete may have more slow muscle fibers, another more fast ones, so pumping is more suitable for one, and more power types of load for the second. Conclusion: it is necessary to individually select the main training methodology for yourself in order to determine what works best. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a training diary, looking into which you can track your progress. Is there some more an option to cut off a piece of muscle and hand it over for laboratory analysis, no, you don’t like it, well, then only with the help of a diary.

The third factor is a whole complex of various errors that are not related to genetics or any individual characteristics of the athlete. Such errors include an incorrectly built training split and the training itself. Arm workout должна быть адекватной, корректной, подходить атлету. Such training should stimulate protein synthesis and allow progression. If an athlete overloads a muscle, then, of course, it does not grow; if he does not train it, then, naturally, it does not grow. Conclusion: it is necessary to observe the fundamental principles of bodybuilding, which we wrote about above. Biceps and triceps need to be adequately loaded and given enough resources to recover, after which, in the supercompensation phase, they can be trained again.

Arm workout со специализацией

First of all, you should abandon the idea of ​​"I want everything at once", because in order to specialize in the hands, you will have to sacrifice the intensity of training other muscle groups. Why? Because resources are limited! We do not recommend completely stopping the training of other muscle groups, but they should be trained optionally and with emphasis on the hands. At the same time, you will train your hands as much as twice a week, but observing the principle of periodization. One arm workout will be pumping, and the other more strength. In other words, in one workout you will train fast muscle fibers, and during the other slow ones. At the same time, the program itself must be constant so that you can progress. Today you did curls with 40kg, a week later with 42kg, etc.

Biceps and triceps workout

It is most effective to allocate a separate day for training these muscle groups, as well as their training can be combined with the training of the shoulder girdle. That is exactly what you will do! In one workout, you will work out the arms separately, and in the next, combine them with shoulder training. During the second workout, you will train your arms first, as the target muscle group should always be trained first. The same rule applies to what you will pump first - biceps or triceps. If you want to progress more in the biceps, then train follows him first. On the other hand, sometimes the muscles should be swapped, as this will serve as an additional and, most importantly, unusual stress, under which the body will have to adapt.

There are three ways to train your arms: supersets, alternating exercises, and alternating muscle groups. Supersets are the most effective way to do 1 set of biceps, no rest set of triceps, and then rest for a minute. Pros: muscles recover better, are better washed with blood, and during the training of both muscle groups, the athlete has the same strength. The second method assumes that you perform the exercise on one muscle group, and then perform on the other. The advantage is that in this case, the athlete can perform dropsets and complex sets. A drop set is a long approach with a gradual decrease in weight on the bar, and a complex set is two exercises for one muscle group in a row. The alternation of muscle groups is such a training organization when the athlete first performs all the exercises for one muscle group, and then proceeds to training the second. The advantage is that you can devote more time to the target muscle, since the athlete has more strength at the beginning of the workout than at the end.

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