Message: #87314
Ольга Княгиня » 11 Mar 2017, 11:00

Yoga and the secrets of longevity. Gita Sweeney

плечи и локти назад и поднимите голову, локти, плечи и прямые ноги вверх. Hold локти широко и давите головой на кисти до напряжения задней поверхности neck.
holding a pose
1. Breathe and hold the posture. On the каждый вдох фокусируйтесь на точках опоры.
2. Focus on the IMPORTANT ACTIONS with each exhalation. Hold голову и стопы на одной высоте. On the начальном этапе удерживайте позицию 20-30 seconds.
Important Actions
• Coccyx always moves down
• Popliteal areas are raised
• Shoulders are pulled back and down
• Chest open
Another way to practice this asana is to bend your knees and lift your hips, as in Locust III. Make sure your tailbone is always pressed down and your glute muscles stay tight as you bend your legs.
General Warnings
If you are experiencing back pain, consult your doctor or yoga instructor before doing this pose.


Full Cobra Pose
Starting position
1. Lie face down, legs together, the outer side of the feet is pressed to the floor. Forehead on the floor, palms under shoulder level, fingers pointing forward, elbows as close to the body as possible. While inhaling, tighten your buttocks and legs, press your tailbone down.
2. On the выдохе, отведите плечи назад и поднимите верхнюю часть туловища, как будто бы «встаете» на копчик. Hold ноги и ягодицы все время напряженными. Hands are located next to the body.
holding a pose
1. Breathe and hold the posture. With each breath, tighten your buttocks and legs.
2. Focus on the IMPORTANT ACTIONS with each exhalation. On the начальном этапе удерживайте асану 20-30 seconds.
Important Actions
• Legs tight, together and straight
• Coccyx pressed down
• Reach up to arch your thoracic spine
• Chest open
Completion of the pose
As you exhale, keep your buttocks tight and your lower back neutral, then return to the starting position, stretching your spine. Relax.
After mastering this asana with confidence, gradually move the hands back 2-15 cm towards the waist to complicate the task.
General Warnings
• If you are experiencing back pain, consult your doctor or yoga instructor.
• Before To practice this asana, master the three variations of the Cobra.
Note: There should be no pain in the lower back. If they are present, immediately stop the exercise and redouble your efforts to press the tailbone and tighten the buttocks.


Closed Angle Pose
Starting position
1. Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Pull both feet as far forward as possible and place your knees on the floor, spreading them outward in different directions. Hold голову, шею и спину вертикально, плечи – назад и вниз.
2. Hold your feet and ankles with your fingers interlocked. With each exhalation, press your knees into the floor.
holding a pose
1. When you inhale, take care that the life-giving breath enters the body. As you exhale, bend at the pelvis and pull forward with a straight spine, as shown in the figure.
2. Breathe in. Exhale and tilt the straight spine over the feet (move in the lower back). Удерживайте позу 30-60 seconds. Relax.
• Sit on the edge of 2-3 folded blankets to allow your spine to straighten.
• Sit with your back against a wall to spread your knees.
Important Actions
• Press your feet together
• Spine upright
• Knees forward along the floor
• Lower ribs retracted
• Shoulders pulled back and down
• Chest open
General Warnings
• Not suitable for those who have undergone hip replacement surgery.
• If you have a knee problem, ask your instructor or doctor for advice.


Basic Hero Pose
Starting position
Keeping your knees together on the floor, sit on your heels. The weight is evenly distributed on each foot. The shoulder joints are directly above the hip joints and drawn back and down from the ears. Raise your pelvic bones slightly, allowing your tailbone to drop.
holding a pose
1. Inhale as you lift your pelvis slightly. As you exhale, your tailbone drops as you lengthen your spine up.
2. Если эта позиция трудна для вас, удерживайте ее 20-30 seconds. If you feel comfortable, hold it for 2 to 5 minutes.
Completion of the pose
Straighten your legs and rest. Modifications
If you feel uncomfortable, place a pillow or folded blanket between your feet and buttocks.
General Warnings
Проконсультируйтесь с доктором, если у вас проблемы с коленями, или найдите опытного instructor.


Pose Героя
Starting position
From Basic Virasana, rise to your knees. Inhale as you spread your feet hip-width apart. Exhale and rotate your calf muscles outward as you sit between them on the floor. Hold стопы около таза. The shoulders are relaxed, lowered from the ears down. Hold плечи прямо над тазобедренными суставами.
holding a pose
Similar to Basic Virasana.
Similar to Basic Virasana.
• To relieve pressure in your knee: As you kneel, roll a small piece of cloth into a tight ball. Press it under your knee as you bend your leg to lower yourself down.
• If your ankles and fronts of your feet are tense, sit on 2-3 folded blankets with your toes hanging off the edge of the blankets.
Important Actions
• Coccyx descends
• Stretch the back of your neck
• Shoulders move back and down
• Lower ribs to hold retracted
• Knees tightly pressed together


Basic posture
Starting position
Sit with your legs stretched out in front of you. Press your heels to the floor as you pull the balls of your feet towards you (it is allowed to lift your heels off the floor). Hold туловище вертикально вытянутым и прямым.
holding a pose
1. Inhale, stretch your legs and press your knees to the floor. Check anchor points.
2. With each exhalation, hold your tailbone down as you stretch your spine up. Work on IMPORTANT ACTIONS. On the начальном этапе удерживайте позу 15-30 seconds.
• Sit with your back firmly against the wall, so you fix the position of the spine.
• Practice Wall Pushing to learn proper movement and technique. The movements of the legs and back are the same as in this pose.
• If you have a stooped back, sit on blankets or on a small pillow to straighten your spine.
Important Actions
• Sit directly on the pelvic bones
• Raise your spine (chest) up
• Stretch by stretching your legs and heels
• Stretch the back of your neck
• Shoulders pulled back and down
General Warnings
If your hamstrings are stiff, sit on a blanket to lift your buttocks and support your knees. In this case, do not press your knees to the floor.


On theклон вперед с разведенными ногами
Starting position
1. Exhale from Dandasana and spread your legs apart. Pull back the muscles of the buttocks. Stretch the back of your legs, stretching outward through your heels. Knees and toes pointing towards the ceiling - don't let your feet come in or out. Press your fingertips to the floor behind you, draw in your lower back and lift it up. Work с прямым позвоночником.
2. Inhale and tighten your legs, stretching through your heels. Exhale and stretch the torso forward, moving the lower back and abdomen towards the floor (between the legs). Repeat #2, working on keeping your spine straight as you stretch forward.
holding a pose
Stretch and tighten your legs with each breath. With each exhalation, stretch the spine up towards the head and forward. On the начальном этапе удерживайте эту асану 20-60 seconds.
Completion of the pose
Exhale. Rise up with a straight spine, turning from the hip joint. Take the Dandasana pose again and analyze your sensations.
General Warnings
Not suitable for those who have undergone hip surgery or suffer from sciatica.


On theклон вперед с вытянутой ногой Starting position
1. From Dandasana, inhale, stretch and tighten the right leg, press the knee to the floor and extend through the heel. Exhale, bend the left knee, moving the left foot back, on the side of the buttock, the inner edge of the calf touches the thigh. Stretch your toes straight back. Inhale, sit down, evenly distributing the weight on the ischial bones.
2. Exhale and straighten your spine up, pulling your stomach in. Don't slouch.
holding a pose
Hold правую стопу кистями, полотенцем или поясом. With each breath, check the main points (see figure). Do the IMPORTANT ACTIVITIES with each exhalation. Raise your spine by pulling it into your body and up as you move forward over your hip as you exhale. On the начальном этапе удерживайте асану 20-60 seconds.
Completion of the pose
Repeat on the other side. On the выдохе вернитесь в Дандасана и проанализируйте свое самочувствие.
• Use a belt or towel around your outstretched leg so your back can stay straight as you stretch your leg muscles.
• Sit with your left hip resting on a folded blanket to keep your pelvis aligned.
• If stretching is not enough for you, sit on a blanket that will lift your buttocks and support your straight knee.
• To reduce tension in the knee, put a tight ball of paper or cloth under it, bend and lower down.
Important Actions
• Push straight knee down
• Stretch across the leg and heel
• Pull the ball of your foot back
• Chin downу
• Chest open
• Straight spine "moves" inside the body
General Warnings
Not suitable for those with sciatica or problems with intervertebral discs.


Extended bend to the leg
Starting position
1. From Dandasana, pull the left foot towards the perineum. Rotate the pelvis to the left until the left hip joint is in line with the straight right leg. Press your right knee into the floor, extending through your heel.
2. Inhale, run your right hand along the inside of your right leg, reaching to the floor. Exhale as you stretch the right side of your torso down towards your right foot. Grasp the foot (toes on the sole, thumb on the top of the foot) with the right hand. Stretch your left arm above your head and clasp your right foot with your left hand (thumb on top, rest of the toes on the sole).
holding a pose
With each breath, extend the straight leg. With each exhalation, stretch the


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