Message: #77531
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:52

The Seven Steps of Self-Realization Volume IV Step Seven. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

the feeling has the ability to judge the experiences of the senses. The body, which is in bondage, is able to enslave the whole powerful mind. If it would be possible to neutralize feelings, i.e. make them indifferent to momentary excitations, then all experiences would be only conscious. A strong mind can react to any unpleasant sensation in the body, but it can be indifferent to the resulting suffering.
Pain in a person primarily arises as a desire to warn oneself against the occurrence of an unpleasant sensation that would damage the interests of the body. Sensitivity arises and develops from wrong hereditary influences of the environment, imagination, from mental habits and feelings. ATпечатлительные чувства обычно дают быстрое суждение о пережитой природе соответствующего ощущения, так что могущественный ум поддается их влиянию. For this reason, people who have a preponderance of feelings suffer more from heat and cold than balanced people.
It is impossible to hastily begin any treatment that could be worse than the disease itself. A body that is subject to the senses and not inspired by the spirit must be guarded against extremes. ATсе неправильные идеи сперва нужно преодолевать умом, а потом телом. Consciousness cannot harm consciousness without consent. We must come to the conclusion that there is nothing else but life, and that pain comes from allowing one state of consciousness to affect another state of consciousness. Since pains arise from identification with the senses, this can be counteracted by recognizing the inner identity of the soul with the Spirit, because in the personality of a person there are hidden aspirations for a constant, balanced state of consciousness. AT то время, когда вы принимаете подходящие лекарства против негармоничных состояний тела, не поддавайтесь влиянию болевых ощущений и не давайте уму идентифицироваться с состоянием тела. The human body must be hardened against pain, it must be seen as the unchanging, stable properties of the Spirit, and not the corruption, changeable and mortal properties of matter.

one. God is the Breath of all creation

Some dream of You as a Spirit
Некоторые говорят о Тебе как о всегда сознательной ATездесущности,
Some say You are the Ocean of Essence
With creative waves that play over You.
Some refer to You as the Essence that is in all things.
However, when I see You in them with the eyes of the world,
I feel You as an all-pervading movement,
Как сознательную Космическую ATибрацию, как Дыхание всей твари.
I hear Your voice like a cosmic sound,
Which manifests through my body into the universe.
With eyes looking in all directions.
I see You as the Cosmic Light.
With peace in my heart, I foresee You as always a new bliss,
Which flows through the veins of my temporary body
И наполняет мое распространяющееся ego.
I'm walking past the flow of my love up
And I find its beginning in You as in Cosmic Love,
Love that unites two similar hearts.
With piety in my soul, I follow You to Your temple.
And I find You as Cosmic Piety,
Which binds You as a Father to all His children.
When I speak intimately to my mind,
I hear that You are the Cosmic Intelligence,
О, Космическая ATибрация, Космический Звук,
Cosmic Light, Cosmic ever-new Bliss,
Cosmic Love, Cosmic Piety,
Cosmic Wisdom - I find that You are all that Ecstasy in the temple.
2. Only God
Who is the one who knows all the secrets of the soul, who once lived, carried away by the world, and who is now gone? Only God.
Who lived in the loneliness of eternal space, before the atoms twinkled their shining eyes, danced all over creation? Only God.
We came from something we don't know. We know that we live, laugh and yearn, and most of us do not know what lurks in the great otherworldly wilderness when we fall asleep in the arms of peaceful death. However, who knows the mysterious life before and after existence - only God.
ATсе вещи являются живыми: все вещи танцуют в ритме вечной гармонии. No one knows about the great process of creation that takes place in the mysterious abode of the world. No one knows what part of the abode of this boundless space is occupied by objects and beings, which is separated by the mysterious wall of death, except for God.
Our dear ones love us and promise to love us forever, and yet they forget us when they fall into a great sleep. Their memory freezes. However, who loves us always without telling us about it, and who remembers us when everyone leaves us? Only God.
Life and death, stars and wind, love and hate, sorrows and joys, people and animals dance and sleep on the stage of life, hide behind the scenes when they die, and come out again to play on the stage of time in new bodily attire. No one remembers what he used to do or whether he would be brave in temporarily staying in this amazing caravan, except only for God.
Why does God play this game and why does He keep all the knowledge about these things to Himself, only sharing a little with us, His children, only God knows.
However, when you no longer wander around and come closer to the shores of eternity within yourself and give up the unwanted state of being a prodigal son and want to be a true heir of Heaven, then you can learn all the things you want from none other than God.
Since He knows everything, then also you will know everything only from God when you become a seeker of the Divine Son.
When all your friends leave you, who will stay with you? Only God.
Since not a single thing or anything belongs to you, learn to love only God.

3. Yet how wrong

Я смотрел на Тебя, AT то время как Ты вдохнул в мою Душу индивидуальность
And removed me from myself
For I am the wave that is washed ashore
And I always wanted to connect again
With the sea of ​​light of Your unchanging freedom.
Though bound and bathed in other waves and karma,
However, again and again the storm of my desires
Drives my sailboat alone across the cosmic ocean,
Facing brother waves
Worthy of regret, wandering without rest.
I am the wave-life floating in great restlessness in Your Cosmic Sea,
And how mysterious You are, so close and at the same time so far away.
My life was spent in loneliness and worries
Through the channels of centuries.
Under the countless rays of light from the Milky Way, the moon and the sun,
Under the darkness of unfulfilled desires.
AT тумане сложных инкарнаций, под облаками печальных иллюзий.
Now finally I have found:
You hide right behind my ignorance.
I myself deny you -
Not You, not You when You were so close.
My mind has gone so far.
ocean of life for all the time my wandering remains
ATсегда охраняющим, всегда внимательным,
To keep me safe from danger
And is right behind the wave of my life
Blessed by Your gratitude.
4. Smile today, forget about tomorrow
Smile today, forget about tomorrow.
Завтра могут сгуститься тучи и sadness.
Rejoice with the rose while it is fragrant and fresh.
Rejoice in the gentle melody
While she sings of silent love eternal today.
For yesterday is gone and tomorrow may linger
And never come.
Sounds, sounds today, yes your music sounds.
AT то время как пузырьки смеха у Твоих дверей
Drink from this source again and again,
For tomorrow this spring may dry up
And his soothing voice can be silenced.
Drink, drink the wine of laughter today
Burn, burn your fears of tomorrow and yesterday.
Life is a drop of dew resting on the petal of life.
She trembles and is afraid to fly away with the sun's rays
And end your journey.
Grab a drop of dew and fly on her wings.
На те берега, где поет Eternity.
ATчерашний и завтрашний день являются невидимыми полосами вдали.
Лети к Своему ATозлюбленному к арке солнечного настоящhis.

Meditate with closed eyes. Mentally say:
I can see my body in the dark.
ATзирайте на темное пространство, которое распространяется над и под вами, перед вами, за вами, внутри вас и вне вас - всюду. Then imagine an enclosed rainbow-colored ball of light enveloping your body. Запомните, что этот резиновый баллон никогда не может лопнуть, насколько бы сильно вы ни вдували ваше светлое дыхание в нhis. Youдохните дыхание очень медленно и вообразите, что этот световой баллон расширяется от вашего дыхания, пока он сделается настолько большим, что охватит звезды, вселенные и планеты и солнечные системы, в которые входит также и наша Земля и ваше тело и все.

Everyone has unlimited power, and this he needs to manifest everywhere. When you want to create something, don't keep yourself dependent on external sources. Go deep and look for the infinite source. ATсе деловые успехи, открытия, музыкальные вибрации и вдохновляющие мысли и писания предназначаются для служения Богу.
Research What You Need First: Ask God instruct you in right deeds by which you can fulfill your desires, then return to yourself. Act according to the inner guidance you have received, then you will find what you desire. When the mind is calm, how soon, how smoothly, how beautifully everything will be achieved! Successes in all matters will be manifested in a short time, for the cosmic force can join in with the correct application of the law.
Look for guidance within yourself. A scientist or a business person could achieve much more if they concentrated on increasing the perceptual abilities of their brain cells and would not be dependent only on books and high school work in order to progress. Some people argue that our brain cells are already filled with certain habits from birth, so they can no longer be transformed. This is wrong. Since God created us in His own image, we cannot have limitations if we only examine ourselves deeply enough. The sun shines equally on both diamond and coal, but only the coal itself is to blame for not reflecting


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