Message: #77509
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:47

The Seven Stages of Self-Realization Volume II Stage Five. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

(Genesis 1.6)
"The firmament" means space, because behind it all the subtle forces are hidden. Space is a limited vibration. It separates the astral world from the physical world. For example, millions of angels can fly above us, but we do not see them with our ordinary eyes, because space hides them from us. All sounds flow in space, but we do not hear all sounds. However, if you have a radio, you can hear songs and voices that are moving around. throughout the space.
The boundary line between heaven and earth is called space. First of all there was space and all the subtle forces and then the waters and the gross universe, which are all nothing but different degrees of vibration. Space is the celestial boundary line. God is not at any point in space, but He is omnipresent. All these subtle forces are light, and all that is astral is hidden behind space. If you move the vibration of this space, you will see everything in it. Our eyes, ears, smell and taste are limited by this temporary world. If 20 years ago your eyes were opened and you could see again, you would see everything as flat. It's been verified. The space is an alley of heavenly pearls. Spiritual глаз, которым вы видите, является жемчужным путем. Your wisdom must pass through this star to the spiritual eye to see another world - the astral world.
God spoke or vibrated more powerfully with His omnipotent will and created an opaque shaft of space or firmament in the middle of the elements. This firmament was like a thin shaft separating internal subtle forces from external, gross, material substances. God called the vault "sky", because within its boundaries there are electronic, electric rays, states of various consciousnesses, angels, radio waves, etc., and here, between the shafts of this space, there are planets, stars visible to our eyes. Truly, this space is perceived by our limited senses, for this reason we cannot see the finer vibrations of the elements of subtle matter. The cosmic light was divided into finer and coarser elements thanks to space.
"Water" means that the astral elements were separated from the gross elements under space. The firmament (space) was a means for separating "waters from waters" (astral elements from gross elements). Thus, we are actually under space, and above space is God's kingdom.
If our ears were properly tuned, then we would hear the movement of the Earth, like the movement of a zeppelin throughout the sky. All creation produces music of every kind. The sounds of the astral world do not reach us, and the sounds of our world do not reach the astral world. Only through meditation when our consciousness expands, we can hear astral sounds. If we could only think of God, then in Him we would find what we were looking for. He takes things from us, not to upset us, but to remind us of what we have lost. That is why we lose so much value. This reveals the HE that we seek in all things.
Part IV
Interpretation of the first book of Moses

And God called the firmament sky. And there was evening and there was morning: the second day.
(Genesis 1, 8)
God called the space (firmament) the sky, because behind the space is the abode of all subtle forces. Beyond space is the sky. This space is the hall of Heaven. It is available everywhere. And matter is the outer surface of this Heavenly wall. Therefore Jesus said:
Hear with your ears, and you will not understand; and with your eyes you will look, and you will not see.
(Matthew 13:14)
The superconscious mind can enter through the spiritual eye, where you can see everything without limit. Whatever you desire, you will find directly there. These things that you will see are astral copies, only in a gross form. Astral flowers and the astral realm are much more beautiful than you could ever imagine.
Here "evening" signifies the time of astral expression, and "day" the time of gross expression. "Day two" signifies the second cycle of time, which was necessary for the creation of the astral and gross manifestation.
And God said, Let the waters that are under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear. And it became so.
(Genesis 1, 9)
God commands his powers (fire, water, earth, and air elements) to unite in solid earth. God foresaw that the dry land would be favorable for the life of living creatures in the future drama of life.
From a scientific point of view, we need to remember that the "day" or cycle of many years was taken from the Light to become a subtle element, to turn into a condensed mist the gases, which finally condensed into water and solid dry earth.
And God called the dry land earth, and the gathering of waters he called the seas. (Genesis 1, 10)
And God saw that it was good.
(Genesis 1, 10)
And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, grass yielding seed, fruitful tree yielding fruit after its kind, in which is its seed, on the earth. And it became so.
(Genesis 1.11)

This confirms the theory of evolution, doesn't it? First of all, vegetation arose, then animal life arose from the vegetable. There is no difference between organic and inorganic matter. A piece of tin feels joy and pain and can also be poisoned and killed. The proof can be given by processing. This proves that there is no difference. Everything is a manifestation of consciousness. This is the only interpretation.
Grass appeared after the dry earth. After the grass, another vegetation arose. Here God began the creation of sex, for plants have sex.
And there was evening and there was morning: the third day.
(Genesis 1, 19)
Millions of years passed until the earth cooled and grass appeared. It was at the end of the third day. "Day" means millions of years - the time it took for His Creation to be expressed.
Do you understand? Here water means the elements. Then the day began, dry land appeared. The earth is kept in orbit around the sun by means of light communication. The earth is held together by solar magnetism. First of all the water came together (the astral elements), then the dry earth appeared. Millions of years later, water appeared. Science says that first came the electrons, the nebulae, the ocean, and then the dry land, the vegetable kingdom, animals, and then man. However, the Bible states that first of all came into being:
1. Mental creation.
2. Astral creation.
3. Physical creation.
And there was evening and there was morning: the third day.
This "evening" is counted from the time when God began to create the world, until the morning, when He finished creating the entire plant kingdom of the universe.
And God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven, to separate the day from the night, and for signs, and times, and days, and years.
(Genesis 1, 14)
The planets do not mean anything other than the environment, and if you yourself allow this environment to guide you, then you are under the dominion of this planet. All things in the universe attract one another, and as such all planets are nothing more than an environment dependent on your own karma, but you yourself are the one who allows them to control you. They have no brain or consciousness. You yourself, through certain actions, let them influence you.
Thus God gave heavenly signs and the mutual relationship of each thing in the whole. Divine harmony is everywhere. The whole universe is related.
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven, to separate the day from night.
(Genesis 1, 14)
They are called sunlight, starlight, moonlight, and so on. The Sun and Moon are positive and negative, and the Moon is also an aspect of the Mother of God, and the Sun is an aspect of God the Father. When He started Creation, He had already created the sun, moon and stars, because the grass could not grow without sunlight.
And God created two great luminaries: the greater luminary to rule the day, and the lesser luminary to rule the night.
(Genesis 1, 16)
This was the creation of the sun and moon - the sun to rule the day and the moon to rule the night.
В первой главе книги Моисея в 18-м стихе мы находим разделение дня от night.
And God saw that the day would be used for work, and the night more for rest in the Spirit.
And all this God witnessed through his manifested and unmanifested state, which consisted of another, fourth day, or cycle of years.
And there was evening and there was morning: the fourth day.
Thus passed another cycle of time. It took a million years to create sunlight and so on.
And God said (vibrating): let living creatures be created in the water, and birds flying above the earth, under the firmament of heaven.
This is how the first animals and jellyfish, the first moving creatures, originated from the water. Then, when they started chasing others, they began to develop fins, and as the water began to dry up, others began to develop lungs. In Queensland, in the British colony in the northeast of Australia, there is a fish called "fish with lungs". When water dries up, it develops lungs. As the fins began to dry up, the creatures began to develop wings. When they had a need for a certain part of the body, it developed. Each inspiration in the cell creates that part that was necessary for existence. Chasing each other, the creatures in the water developed fins, and from the fins they developed wings to run

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