Message: #77516
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:47

The Seven Stages of Self-Realization Volume II Stage Four. Sri Paramahamsa Yogananda

faculties of sensation - leave only one thing in your perception - the space we feel within ourselves. There is only one:
I am infinity, I am infinity, I am infinity.
Affirm this mentally until you feel that you are above everything.
I exist outside of time, I exist outside of space, I am outside of body, mind, thoughts, speech and expression, above all matter and all mind. I exist beyond space, I am limitless, I am in boundless bliss.
Meditate on it.
Concentrate on the point between the eyebrows (the bridge of the nose). Exhale, inhale slowly through your nose, hold your breath, counting from 1 to 20, and feel that all the energy is concentrated on the point between the eyebrows (on the bridge of the nose). Exhale slowly and then inhale slowly through your nose, hold your breath counting from 1 to 40, feeling all the energy between your eyebrows. Exhale slowly. Now release the breath and forget about it, concentrate on the point between the eyebrows. Feel the light light and that the light is expanding. He возрастает, поглощает ваше тело и все пространство. The space is burning like a fireball. You are in it. This fiery ball is very joyful. You are that joyful flame, the flame of happiness that melts everything in you. Meditate on it.

These lectures teach you not to be cynics, to make it your duty to know something better than temptations. You need to stay in the fortress of the mind. We живем в новой эпохе. The scale of life is changing. At this time, you must remember that the scientific way of life is to go inward and ask yourself if you are doing everything right or wrong, and be completely honest with yourself. When you are honest with yourself, you will never make a mistake, but if this happens, you will soon be able to correct yourself.
Be the master of yourself. When you are familiar with all the mental ways to destroy illusions, then you will not be a slave to illusions. Above all, be honest with yourself. You see, the old orthodox way is to deny temptation. When temptations surround you, this does not mean that you are bad, but you must control these temptations. When you succumb to temptations, they have caught you, but it is not yet a sin to be tempted. You must defend yourself with the shield of wisdom. There is no power greater than wisdom. Perfect understanding will take you to the point where nothing can hurt you anymore.
Activity law
All human actions are based on the law of cause and effect. There is no "fate". The consequences of all actions can be traced. In this life you are the architect of your own destiny, and however unforgiving your life may be, it is never too late to make amends, for you are your own savior.
You say that you are free, but you are not free until you have freed yourself from the influence of past and present actions. If you are guided by instinct, then you are not free. When you understand the law of karma, then all unexpected events will become clear and obvious.
Past deeds are not just the ones you did a few minutes ago. Heи могут быть и из ваших прошлых жизней. We являемся результатом наших прошлых дел, a также и наших настоящих дел. We бессмертны, however, they are imperfect, and we cannot return to God until we overcome our imperfection.
Past deeds have left seeds in your mind. If you apply the fire of wisdom to these seeds, they will burn and you will be a free individual. You cannot be free until you have burned the seeds of this activity with the fire of wisdom and meditation. In order that your deeds not be influenced by habits or environment, you need to refrain from evil, for it is harmful. You must use your wisdom and intelligence.
beware of evil
Do not rely on the power of evil. You will avoid this if you don't have bad habits. If you acquire bad habits, then you will feel very bad, because then you will not know when you will wake up from them. Satan does his work through all sorts of illnesses, mental sorrows and boredom, so that a void forms in your mind and you are not able to see happiness. The best way to avoid all this is to convince yourself that you are not a sinner, but a child of God, that you were a slave of Satan and now you need to try to improve.
Dispel all darkness with light, bad thoughts with good thoughts, temptations with meditation. Every minute, when you feel that something wants to overpower you, meditate. This is the best medicine. If you are always friendly, the darkness will dissipate. If you decide to be good, then you are no longer a sinner. You just acquired the sin of ignorance and imagined that you were suffering from poverty, disease, and so on.
You must always remember that you are tempting yourself. The mind will always tell you when you do a bad deed: when your mind and will are active, then you are strong. So that your willpower never weakens, do not let anyone control you. You must be able to defend yourself. But on the other hand, you must never be stubborn if you want to be reasonable.

Acquisition of contact with the Divine Spirit
First of all get in touch with the Divine Spirit. Satan's method in temptation is to create a small illusion of joy in material things and to exclude the feeling of the supreme joy of the Spirit. Бог - наивысшее сокровище, какое только можно приобрести, ибо He является вечным счастьем. Нам нужно стремиться к Богу, потому что He - разрешение всех наших страданий. He - ответ на все наши вопросы, как и на все наши нужды. All the things that ours asks for heart - love, glory, wisdom - all this we find to contact with this One Perfection. After all, if you are the most famous husband, however, death is the end of everything on Earth, and you will never again know that people revered you. Однако Христос знал, что He является вездесущим и сознательным. So why should you try to acquire anything at all that you will need to leave behind when you cross the threshold of the grave.
Increase good influence through contact with God. There is nothing that you have not inherited. Remember that God does not create your destiny. You are the smith of your destiny. You can change your destiny through contact with God. You are your savior and judge. You can free yourself if you choose. Бог не может вас заставить, ибо He дал вам свободу выбора, однако He вам может помочь, если вы согласовались с ним. Если вы держитесь против Бога, то He не может вам помочь. God helps those who help themselves and those who ask for His help. Remember this - Divine power will help you. Be fearless and feel that you are a child of God and that God does not favor anyone.
Why don't we want to be tempted? Because temptations bring suffering. The best way to overcome temptation is by comparison. Meditate more and you will see if meditation gives you more happiness. When great Divine joy comes, you will see that what you have is more than temptations. Remember that while you feel that you need temptations, you are still in the kingdom of Satan, for the evil one still seizes you at some time. As soon as you become angry or envious, then you are already in the power of Satan.
Once you forgive, you are already with God. Read the prayer daily:
Father, do not lead me into the trap of temptation, but if it is Your will to test me, then make Yourself more attractive than temptations.
general review
You are the creator of your own destiny, your own savior, your own judge. You can be free from suffering. Бог является эссенцией любви и He не посылает страданий своим возлюбленным детям. Однако He дал свободную волю и выбор и посредством этого, посредством ваших собственных прошлых действий или в этой жизни, или в предыдущих жизнях, вы сами создаете себе suffering.
Be completely free, don't let anyone dominate you, don't let your habits and environment influence you. If you are subject to anger or jealousy, then you are not free. You must be the teacher of your feelings and actions. You are not free until you are free from the actions of the past and the present, free even from the instincts. Be completely honest with yourself at all times. Wisdom, intelligence and understanding will set you free. Ignorance and the consequences of past actions are to be burned in the fire of meditation and wisdom. This is the only way to repel Satan's cunning attacks.
Satan deceives you with material pleasures. He оказывает на вас влияние, обещая временное счастье и пытается таким образом удержать вас от истинных высших наслаждений в Духе. The best way to overcome temptations is by comparison, through meditation you become acquainted with Divine joy. Meditate more often and more deeply, then you will be free to choose, for you will have understanding. Finding your Father more attractive than temptations, you will turn your choice voluntarily and naturally on the path to Eternal Bliss.
Never criticize or judge others. If you follow the path of wisdom, you will sympathize with everyone and never get angry. Through Christ Consciousness, you will experience your oneness with all created things. Then you will sacrifice your life to


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