Message: #77535
Buckshee » 18 Feb 2017, 02:55

Yogotherapy. Sri Swami Sivananda

не возлагая на мужей responsibility for their destroyed health, for their premature transformation into shabby ruins, for the fact that, through the efforts of their husbands, death is rapidly approaching them. Mindless male sexual rampage, no doubt, the essence of the crime - the slow murder of a loved one. And when a husband notices signs of aging on his wife's body and face, let him first of all think about his attitude towards her and his own behavior towards his closest person.
Сексуальная неудовлетворенность "проваливается" в подсознание, отражаясь в сознании неадекватными реакциями на совсем, казалось бы, ниhow не связанные с сексом стрессовые (и не очень стрессовые) ситуации.
It is in the power of a woman to think it over and find a way to teach a man to be a man, and not a narcissistic male, to help him restore sexual power if it is undermined, or redirect it if it is in excess. Ибо простое предъявление друг другу претензий и постоянная раздраженность ниhowого положительного результата дать не могут и ведут лишь к углублению пропасти между двумя когда-то любившими и в общем-то не безразличными друг другу людьми. This plays an important role in the catastrophic increase in the number of divorces. Mass divorces disfigure society, as the younger generation grows up not in the harmony of a healthy family, but in an ugly environment of incompleteness, eternal nervous dissatisfaction and a nightmare of permanent fatigue. Mass sexual ignorance is a historical distortion естественного секса и неразвитость секса культурного - и, how следствие, - массовое же отсутствие сексуальной гармонии относятся ко вполне основательным причинам вырождения нации, обусловленного разрушением ее психического и физического здоровья.
Many married women believe that frequent sexual intercourse with her husband is a sign of love and marital fidelity. If a муж по howим-то причинам проявляет некоторую сдержанность в сексуальной жизни, они начинают подозревать его в измене и делают все возможное, чтобы побудить к обильным половым сношениям. The reason for this most often is not sexual hunger at all, but economic helplessness and dependence on her husband. Такое поведение женщины разрушает how ее собственное физическое и психическое здоровье, так и здоровье ее мужа.
In the animal world, the instinct of pleasure is strictly limited by the laws of functioning of the sphere of the instinctive mind. Having a qualitatively different mind and the ability for conscious self-control of a human being, nature has provided much greater freedom. Так же, how и дикий зверь, человек может до самой своей естественной смерти обладать несокрушимым здоровьем и функциональной оптимальностью. The only condition is that it is reasonable to use practically unlimited freedom and not to abuse it. Man is a great experiment of Mother Nature, an attempt to give freedom to a child who has reached rationality.
Так же, how определенное количество пищи питает тело и поддерживает его в должном состоянии, дисциплинированная половая жизнь удовлетворяет и тонизирует разум и тело.
Notсбалансированная сексуальная страстность, склонность к сексуальной несдержанности и отсутствие способности к самоконтролю how у мужчин, так и у женщин обусловлены прежде всего недоразвитостью личного ума. Even people with a fairly mature mind often do not achieve an interest in joining the higher human culture due to the constant preoccupation of their mind with the problems of earning money, worldly affairs and other ordinary thoughts [The way out is in the form of action "from the opposite". Приобщение к высшей культуре дает прирост личной strength. An increase in personal power opens up access to the universal will. The ability to consciously use the universal will gives you the freedom to shape your life situation. The ability to consciously to form a life situation refers to that level of mastery of the "art of natural magic", at which a person is freed from the need to participate in the hourly struggle for daily bread. То, что необходимо ему и его семье, в идеально достаточном объеме приходит к нему how бы само собой, кажется лишь, что обстоятельства просто складываются неизменно самым удачным образом в его пользу.]. Volitional power and the higher power of thought cannot be active in such a mind, because the energy that feeds them slips into the lower psycho-energetic centers and from time to time manifests itself in uncontrolled outbursts of lust. If, due to circumstances, an individual fails to constantly give vent to the passion that gnaws at him, satisfying his sexual hunger, depression takes over his mind, physical ailments take over his body. If a person gives an uncontrolled outlet to his passions, destroying creative energy instead of using it wisely, he destroys his psyche even more, exhausts his mind and, among other things, exhausts his sexual partner. There can be no escape from the pangs of sexual arousal until the mind is freed from vanity.
Upon reaching a certain age, the body begins to produce an amount of semen - shukra - with some excess, specially intended for spending for the purpose of reproduction. The semen produced by a woman's body is renewed during menstruation. A man is predetermined by nature to spend an excess of his semen during sexual intercourse. Naturally, the normal frequency of sexual intercourse, in which excess male semen leaves the body, should approximately correspond to the normal frequency of menstruation in a woman. Such waste of sperm does not adversely affect the health of a man, but rather helps to keep the body and mind in a state of functional optimality. If, after sexual intercourse, a man feels vivacity and a pleasant feeling of a healthy body, it means that exactly the amount of sperm that was intended for this was used up. The stocks of semen - the life-giving extract of blood - intended to meet the energy and information needs of the organism itself, remained intact. Sex exhausts the body and deprives it of resistance only when this part of the sperm is wasted.
To all young men and it is useful for women to remember that they have a responsibility to their nation and humanity as a whole. Intemperance and lack of sexual discipline lead to the birth of emaciated and obviously doomed to many diseases of children. The total sickness of offspring is a disaster for the nation, not to mention the fact that every illness of a child is suffering for everyone who loves him.
Therefore, self-control in the sphere of sexual life serves not only the interests of one's own health, well-being and development of the personal strength of each individual, the achievement of happiness and family harmony, but also the interests of the nation and all of humanity as a whole. Toаждый ответственен за будущее всех [Toто знает, где и кем он будет в следующем воплощении?].
Of course, no one can unequivocally regulate the optimal frequency of sexual intercourse that does not harm the health of a particular person - this is a very individual thing. However, general principles can still be formulated.
В составленных мудрецами древних текстах сексологического содержания утверждается, что женщины в сексуальном отношении how правило более сдержаны, чем мужчины. In a normal female psyche, there is a natural limiter to sexual thirst. Too frequent or physiologically untimely sexual intercourse causes a feeling of disgust in a normal woman. That is why an overly voluptuous husband does not always find his wife's body ready for intercourse, he has to resort to lengthy preparation, causing desire in his wife. Such unpreparedness of a woman in modern Western sexology is denoted by the term "sluggishness".
The authors of modern sexological studies describe a variety of ways for a man to overcome women's "slowness". However, the sages of antiquity maintained that the so-called "slowness" is the essence of natural restraint. That is why the aspect of Brahmacharya - the art of controlling passion - is not considered in any of the treatises in relation to a woman. Brahmacharya is inherent in a healthy female nature.
For men, curbing lust often turns into a truly insurmountable barrier to spiritual, intellectual and physical development. Therefore, the principles of Brahmacharya and the methods of controlling sexual desires in married life were formulated for them. The observance of these principles develops an iron character and the ability to develop unbending intent - the first step towards true free will. At the same time, the family changes qualitatively, since the Divine aspects of human awareness are revealed in full force in the spouses: in the woman - the goddess Durga, and in the man - the god Shiva. Neither a woman nor a man can achieve the fullness of manifestation alone, since their Divine essence is able to reveal its integrity only in the harmonious unity of the two principles embodied in heterosexual beings. The union of Shiva and Durga is the family of the Gods, an absolutely harmonious unity of the spirit, will and mind of two free conscious beings. There is nothing in the world that would be beyond the power of such a family, and the children born in it are invariably marked with the seal of the Divine mind and knowledge. The more such families there are in the world, the sooner the human society will turn from the demonic into the Divine.
Ancient treatises recommend engaging in sexual intimacy only when there is a mutual desire for it, but in no case compulsively arousing a woman, and even more so, not acting against her will. This is the only way to ensure that the harmful effects of excessive sex on the health of the family are avoided. Forcing an unwilling wife to copulate is tantamount to violence and adultery. Ideally, copulation should take place no more than once a month. The husband who observes such restrictions in married life is


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