Message: #67366
Buckshee » 02 Feb 2017, 20:33

Fitness Against Spinal Disease. Lyakhova Kristina

sour cream - 50 ml; орехи грецкие – 4 PCS.; coffee with sugar - 200 ml.
2-й завтрак: яйцо всмятку – 1 PCS.; boiled asparagus - 100 g; bran bread - 1 slice; raisins - 30 g; coffee without sugar - 200 ml.
Lunch: soup из свинины с нутом – 250 мл; fish baked with vegetables - 150 g; orange - 1 pc.; bran bread - 2 slices; cookies with sesame - 30 g; tea without sugar - 200 ml.
Afternoon snack: bun with dried apricots - 150 g; apple - 1 pc.; tea without sugar - 200 ml.
Dinner: cabbage цветная – 100 г; cheese - 50 g; rye bread - 1 slice; курага, размоченная в воде – 7 PCS.; juice апельсиновый – 100 мл.

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